=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A Lesson in Trailer Park Utopia ------------------------------- I got this email forwarded to me the other day about a group of neo-morons and their new foray into the sometimes sorted world of newsgroups. The plea follows: "A group of NEO-NAZIS are trying to form a newsgroup on Usenet called "rec.music.white-power", so that they can get their message of hate out to young people using the Internet. Newsgroups are public discussions on the Internet and their formation requires enough support from the Internet community. EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US HAS ONE VOTE when it comes to creating a new Usenet group. I hope you will vote NO and thereby tell these NAZIS we don't want their stuff on the net." As you might suspect, this set me musing. The whole thing took me by surprise to some extent. I guess, in the interest of punctuating any points, knowing what newsgroups are will be vital. While I'm sure most of you have NO interest in learning any of the Intergeek things that make up my livelihood, please bear with me for just a moment for the sake of giving the point continuity. Newsgroups are like electronic bulletin boards, spanning more than 20,000 separate topics. If you have an interest, it is there. When you decide on looking at one, you get to read questions/subjects/statements that other people have posted. To do this they just write their opinion to the group, and it is posted online for all to read. Point being, it's like an interactive newsletter for every little subject in the world. Now, the newsgroups are NO stranger to the strange. Perversion, hate, obsession, depravity, and paranoia has its place here as it does on the city streets. From 'alt.blow.a.giraffe', to 'alt.korean.elvis.impersonators.will.die', there is that and a plethora more. Now, at long last, I get back to my surprise and musing (to the relief of many, I'm sure). This would not be the first nazi, or hate group, to have their own newsgroup. Not only are there plenty, but they post to other groups indiscriminately. You could be in an napkin-folding newsgroup and find "White Power!" messages at random. Yes, it sickens as much as it enrages to see this. Still, there is no way to stop it. If it can be kept off, great. Where these monolithic #%$@!%s got the thumb to logon is beyond me (guess they learned it from the pediaphiles and stalkers), but like the rest of us, they are here. Still, I would never want to see such groups banned. One of the things I do agree with the ACLU about (man, disagree with them most of the time, but you have GOT to admire their spunk...) is that free speech must be preserved. Still, I think the greatest enigma here is just hate itself. I was just having a conversation about these hate-groups yesterday (score again for synchronicity...). It amazes almost me as much as it disgusts. 'I'm poor white trash with no skills or education, so it must be the jews fault because THEY'VE got all my money.' It always boils down to this. They (insert gender/faith/orientation/race here), whoever, has worked hard, managed to produce success in some way, and the mini-minds hate them out of insecurity or inferiority. I'm financially oppressed by the jew, sexually inferior to the black, intellectually inferior to the Japanese, et #$%@! al. Get rid of them, and I'd get all of what's coming to me... You have got to tremble at this thought. Let's say it worked. Let's say we got rid of any group that threatened their little worlds, and now it was just one big white nation. I can only imagine that they think they would somehow be able to walk into UCLA, become presidents of banks, and date models. Yeah, 'Gee thanks guys! I guess it's just us good 'ol white folks here now! Here, call off your marriage to cousin Eithie and marry my 18 year-old virgin daughter Courtney instead! They have to believe this, or else the reality would be too much to handle. If it were all to happen, they would still be ignorant, ugly people. So what then? Next it would be anyone making over $60K a year, and then the attractive people who turn them down for dates, or anyone so uppity to have anything more than a GED. They wouldn't stop till this country was trailer park coast-to-coast. In the end, they'd be at each others throats over septic-tank superiority. *sigh* Capone capone@dimensional.com =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, etc etc... = = Internet : jericho@dimensional.com (Mail is welcomed) = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = gote land +27.31.441115 = = Arrested Development +31.77.3547477 = = Global Chaos +61.2.681.2837 = = Chemical Persuasion 203.324.0894 Undrgrnd Indust/Inc. 207.490.2158 = = Damnation 212.861.0580 Damnation -Toll Free 888.803.8490 = = Hacker's Haven 303.516.9969 Unholiness Rising 303.980.2404 = = E.L.F. (NUP) 314.272.3426 Misery 318.625.4532 = = Dungeon Sys. 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All files copyright by the original author = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (12/6/96) .