=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Being Heard Hurts ----------------- Expressing oneself is a dying art. No longer is it encouraged by the powers that be. No longer it is sought-after by the educational process. No longer is it the predominate goal of all of our country. Why has this goal been dismissed from our thoughts? Simple, no one wants to think for themselves because they are all too lazy and dedicated to the one minded logic of the masses. What is this new goal that is clouding our social, political, and economical future? The new goal to be achieved by one and all is very dangerous to free thought, the goal I am talking about is Conformity. How can you hope to escape from the barriers? Read on. Nonconformity is looked down upon for the most part. Many think of nonconformists as hairy eyed anarchists who have plans to slaughter millions and massacre the government. It is just another piece of the systems bullshit. There are legendary nonconformists in a place that you wouldn't even expect to see them, in the history of the United States of America. Where can I find this information you ask? Look no further than the War that revolutionized the entire world. The War for Independence. I will relate this tale to you, though I am sure you've heard it countless times. But I ask you to listen with an open mind, and to sink in the feeling that the nonconformist viewpoint on certain subjects can make the world a better place for all of us. Many early Americans were by definition nonconformists. They would not allow their minds to be oppressed by following the tyrannical rule of Great Britain. For these actions, they were punished. But did they simple give up their hopes, dreams, and goals? No! They fought back, kicking and screaming, and they were liberated. After the war, these Americans put their will power to the test. They grappled the task of controlling a nation, and they succeeded. Today that nation has risen to become one of the worlds superpowers. How does this effect the discussion at hand? Think of it this way. If a group of rebels can change the world, why can you not change your surroundings? Surely, by thinking for yourself, expressing your views, and having a clear goal in mind, you will be able to. No one will be able to hold back the real you. They will not be able to judge you, you will be the ultimate wielder of power in your life. But DropComm, you say, isn't the system going to slam me into the ground for this? Most likely. Then, why do you advise me to do this? For your own good. How can this be for my own good if it's just going to get me into trouble, you ponder. I reply indignantly, feeble minded human, this process is not meant to land you in unnecessary anguish, it is meant to make you learn about yourself, and the options that are available that you were to blinded to see before. You will become the all-powerful person in your existence. You will not rely on others views to contort your ideas. You, perhaps for the first time in your life, will be free. If you are having trouble launching your plan to be free from an intellectual jail, then I have some suggestions for you. Write down some promises to yourself and come through with them. In time, you will feel a tinge of responsibility, and it will grow. You will know the truth, that if you put your mind and will power towards a goal, that you will achieve it. I believe that you will feel quite gratified by this should you carry through with it. Once you are free from lies and false realities, nothing can touch you. You will control everything that happens to you. You will no longer need to rely on others to do everything for you, you will be renovating yourself. You will know that nothing can stop you from achieving anything that your heart desires. This journey will not be easy. It will not take a short period of time to complete. There are many things that you will learn on your adventure. Perhaps one of the most important is that there is no progress without struggle. But the one I believe to be most important is, that all of this will pay off. And one final thing to remember, in the immortalized words of Bob Marley, everything is going to be alright. -DropComm =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions = = Mail: jericho@dimensional.com (Mail is welcomed) = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = To receive new issues through mail, mail jericho@dimensional.com with = = "subscribe fuck". 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