=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hell's Wrath ------------ It started fomenting last week, peaked last night, and the flood gates opened up this morning. I will spare you the lead up, but for a good idea, read http://www.dimensional.com/~jericho/www/fuck0054.htm. The cool people discussed there are the crux of this story. Not just niggers, but any idiot in general. Except in an unusual twist for a non-racist person such as myself, this is gonna be about niggers. Yes. Big, black, ugly, smelly, ass-scratching in public, hand in the waistband, big-lipped, dumb ass, no education, can't speak English, whiny, oppressed by the man, Nike wearing, basketball/football watching, better-than-thou-because-I-am-an-idiot fucking spear chucking niggers. Damn. I feel better already. Now, when one is pissed, one needs to carefully select the music that expresses his rage before he takes it out on his target of the minute. In this case, I recommend the album "The Great Southern Trendkill" by Pantera. I am listening to this CD now as I write this. It rox my fro. So you can see I am pissed. I recently sat next to a few of these morons on the subway. Two fifteen year old kids, with their pants around their knees because they don't know how to read a size label. Sitting with their "cool slouch." They were talking about the latest sports stars, the latest colors of Nike shoes, the latest sports fashions. They wanted mommy to buy what they needed to be cool because they are too stupid for anyone to hire so they can buy this shit themselves. I was fortunate to listen to this insane babble for over an hour. On another subway train ride with half of the DoC, another nigger comes on with his boom-box blasting his rap fuck music. Pete asks him to turn it down. He gets bent, and the whore next to him (not with him) says "I can't believe you just said that to him. I can't believe you went there." The argument ensues under a sign saying "No Radios" for thirty minutes as police are called and nigger boy talks about how he's going home to get his "nine." He's all of eighteen years old. I walk by two of these "cool" chicks on my way to the store. They are talking loud like niggers always do, arguing that the other is crazy, and this or that is "fucked up and unfair." I've heard them coming for two blocks. I pass them with a look of horror on my face. They look at me with the "fuck you white boy" look on their faces. Yeah, I'm the crazy one. Taco Bell comes out with a new chicken menu, and who do they get to promote these items? Black people. And I'm the racist? Now a white man in Taco Bell is as rare as the dodo bird. Ever see a dumb nigger shove a bean burrito into their mouth with lips as fucking big as theirs? Not a pretty sight. I no longer go to Taco Bell. But they are everywhere. Kentucky Fried Chicken, Nation's Burgers, "Mickey D's." Yes, that's what they call them. I heard it last week on the way home from the airport. Three niggers arguing for an hour on how it sucked that there were no fast food restaurants where they lived. They had to come down to my city to eat at "Mickey D's." Geez, ever wonder why corporate America doesn't do business in your city? Because your all a bunch of poor fucking misfits who destroy your own backyards. No? What about the Rodney King riots? We laughed our fucking asses off because you thought you were sending a message to the man. All you did was burn your own fucking neighborhoods. I sat in my nice, white, suburban home and laughed my ass off watching it on television. And you complain that the five year anniversary just passed and none of the businesses have returned to give you jobs and prosperity? You fucking monkeys. You were their customers, and you torched them out of business. Now they are making a killing in my nice, white, suburban neighborhood. They care fuck all about you. You assholes litter your smelling, homeless asses all over MY streets. Yes, MY streets. See, unlike you, I pay taxes. And because I don't blame my problems on the man, and was smart enough to learn, read and write, I make a lot of money. And I pay more taxes because of it. Excuse me if I can't give you any spare change because all I have are hundred dollar bills in my pocket. And why is it when I wear my Walkman, which I never leave home without anymore so I don't have to listen to these niggers, I see them from behind my sunglasses asking me for change? Aren't these niggers at least smart enough to realize that if you can hear my Pantera CD from a hundred feet away I may not be able to hear you? They ask anyway. Ha! I walked by two homeless niggers two days ago. They were quiet until someone walked by with a San Francisco 49'ers t-shirt on. Then the arms started flailing around and the loud nigger talk started about how this sports nigger or that sports nigger was fucked, and this or that team was better. What the fuck was this all about? See, niggers know sports. Niggers don't know anything else. Well, that's not true. They know Nike's also. Uh, Ebonics. Yeah. Right. A stupid attempt by the Oakland School District to get some federal funding in a tight budget time. "Let's get some money and let these niggers talk as dumb as they really are." You know, you reading this have heard of Ebonics by now. You are probably so stunned by the stupidity of it that you still think there is a punchline in there somewhere. Well, living in the land where it was founded, let me tell you. They are serious. And they do talk like this out here. No punchline. It is that sad here. I read a rant by Dennis Miller last week in a book. "I don't understand racism. Why judge someone by the color of their skin when if you took the time to know them as a human being, you can find so many other reasons to hate them?" What you've read here is not racism. It was getting to know these assholes as human beings. And I hate them. It just seems the assholes I hate are all black. I will no longer take your shit you fucking losers. I am colorblind now. I refuse to see you or ever acknowledge your existence ever again. se7en 5/17/96 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions = = Mail: jericho@dimensional.com (Mail is welcomed) = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = To receive new issues through mail, mail jericho@dimensional.com with = = "subscribe fuck". 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