=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Lovely Hate ----------- I'm sitting here on a bus to chicago, I can feel my stomach emptying more the closer we arrive to the next stop. Surrounding me are sounds, many sounds. Most of them are coming from behind me as I am sitting a bit towards the front of the bus. It is the sounds that bother me, not the hunger in my stomach or the screaming of the children when they dont get what they want, but these sounds of ignorance. I have heard the saying "Ignorance breeds hate." I am now a firm believer in that theory. I can overhear a conversation by what sounds like a small white man and a large black man. Not a conversation of hate for each other but a slightly different hate under the pretence of not having hate at all. Instead of being bitter twoards one another these two ignorant souls found a mutual hatred, one that they could enjoy together. Just this far into the trip they have complained about latinos and how they "come to our country and take our jobs" with such comments as "they are worthless if they cant speak the language" and with such compassion as "instead of coming here we should go set up shops down there so they can work" obviously neither one of them have ever been to mexico and expierenced the way of life there, the low priced corruption of the government, the degradation of working on the streets for the big american dollar. With his nasal whine of a voice the smaller sounding white guy is insistant on the bus driver stopping this very second so he can have a cigarette, I myself am a smoker so I can understand the desire for nicotiene but even after being informed that the next stop is less than an hour away he makes such commentary as "I should throw the driver out the door and drive this damn thing myself" he is quite persistent even though some of the other passengers have asked him to settle down and be patient. The larger sounding black man speaks of such "high paying" jobs as the last one he had at McDonalds, apparently content with his lack of income. Both of them speak broken "white trash" and "nigger" english yet they seem to be communicating with little to no problem. Both of them are quite loud and obnoxious. while discussing the worthlessness of latino people in general (the whole time assuming none of them were born here and all were "imported") they made a special effort to be heard by the several latinos sitting directly behind me. They have now moved onto the topic of people of asian descent and how they are meant for nothing more than being servants when americans visit their asianatic countries, and as with the latino conversation they are being sure to be heard by the asian gentleman sitting to my immediate right, someone of whom I had just finished quite a stimulating conversation with a few minutes before I started this article. As I'm sitting here the stench of diapers has made its way to me and of course this brings much comment from the two ignorant fools sitting in the back, such colorful statements as "holy shit what died in here", "mmmm smells good, just like a burrito", (with emphasis on the word burrito as to offend the latino passengers) well, its time for a stop, I think I'll go have something to eat and mabye a cigarette. After a very filling meal and a smoke I'm back. During our little stop I got a good look at the two ignorants, just as I had envisioned them, the white guy, a small framed man with facial hair as you would have expected to see in the late seventies, the black man still stuck in the "eazy-e" style of the 80's. They spent most of their time during the breal talking to one another as I dont think anyone else on the bus would talk to them if they begged. They seem to have quieted down after being fed. the natives are restless no more. Why hide hate behind a facade of tolerance for one another? Why bother continuing to voice your outdated and ignorant opinions when its quite apparent that the only people listening is yourselves? Even if one is intent on expressing these thoughts why not do some research into the subject matter and form valid arguments for you feelings? Judging by the lack of coherent full sentences and the excuses for their feelings I doubt either of these men will make a contribution to the world. I also found it amusing that no matter what their self worth is (at this point in time I'm thinking its about that of a head of cabbage) they always found an excuse to belittle other individuals, even entire races and ethnicities. Well, it was only a matter of time. The two who were so in agreement are now at each others throats and the large black guy is threatening to throw the smaller white guy off the bus. I could only hope that they both fall off and the rest of the ride can be enjoyed. It's time for another stop, I'll be back. This short stop proved to be quite interesting. The ignorant white guy was thrown off the bus and arrested for being intoxicated as he had apparently been drinking heavily for most of the trip. The black guy has settled down and remained quiet, so now if I could only get the screaming kids to shut up I might get some sleep. I can try at least. -zens =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions = = Mail: jericho@dimensional.com (Mail is welcomed) = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = To receive new issues through mail, mail jericho@dimensional.com with = = "subscribe fuck". 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