=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Do We Condemn Ourselves? ------------------------ (Hypothetically Speaking) An Answer to that Age-Old Cop-Out First off, know I am an atheist[and a Satanist, I will not bother explaining to those who don't understand in this article]--I don't believe in God. The purpose of this essay is to show the nature of the Christian God concept, how flawed it is, how it cannot make sense. Know from here on when I speak of "God" I am speaking in a hypothetical, "let's say he exists" sense. The first thought that made me question the Christian God concept--"A loving god is not capable of condemning someone forever" is often responded with something to the nature of "We condemn ourselves. God isn't responsible." This is about the only defense towards God's vengeful nature. That and, of course, "God's reasons are beyond human understanding." Here's an analogy--is an abortion doctor responsible for the "crime of abortion", or does it all fall on the woman? Personally, I'm impartial regarding abortion and its "moral questions", but it seems most Christians are against abortion. Most would say the doctor is "very" responsible--but the doctor doesn't make the choice. The woman makes the decision "I will have an abortion", she is not forced. [Once again, I am not condemning a woman who chooses abortion.] Why should the doctor be held responsible? The human makes the choice to "defy" god--to stop believing in him, or not to accept him. The human indirectly might "condemn himself", but who actually sends the soul to hell? God does the final act, I assume, for what sane being would say "I was a bad boy, therefore I will go to hell now." People might attack this analogy by extending it--"But abortion doctors are evil!"--The question is indirect or direct responsibility, not good and evil--"God is all loving"--The point is not good or evil, remember--"God surpasses logic and analogy"--Assuming we believe in your God, and what kind of cop-out is that? Your god must exist for me to be condemned. He is responsible, it seems. [Someone might say I'm twisting scripture, some might even say the vengeful nature of God is not to be taken literally. Most of the error in the Bible is blamed on human error when Christians defend it, or on mistranslation. But do you think a truly all- powerful God would "inspire" a book destined to be deceptive from the start? And why would his divine word need to be twisted and corrected to make sense? If all errors in the Bible are because of human limitation, then human twisting and contorting of scripture is just as prone to "error". When the literal meaning falls out to science or common logic, hidden "occulted" meanings are searched for. Give up already! Genesis is a MYTHICAL STORY. You don't see modern Greeks looking for hidden meanings in the old Zeus creation story! Obsolescence is obsolescence!] AND WHY MUST CONDEMNATION EXIST? Because God says so. An omnipotent being doesn't *HAVE* to do anything! And an omnibenevolent being could respond to any spite, smite, or defiance with calm and kind understanding. Condemnation only exists because your God decided to make it so. Humans don't hold power against your God, do they? So it's not OUR FAULT, is it? We didn't say "Now you must condemn us if we're bad." Adam and Eve[this is all assuming these things existed/happened] did not know that defying god was wrong, did they? They HAD NO KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL! It seems man was damned from the start, under your creation myth-- God makes man, God allows temptation of man, God punishes man who doesn't even know what evil is until he commits in. Let's put it this way: Be Good. What is good? And why must I be good? You do not know. Be good because I am good, and I said so. Why do you say so? Because I will condemn you otherwise. Why must you condemn me? Because I have to. Why? Because I made it so, and because I said so. God puts forth the final act of soul-destruction. God sends the soul to hell. Condemnation is only necessary because God says so. Why must it exist? Because he says so. Can you not see how INCREDIBLY INSANE THIS IS? The conclusion: Your god cannot exist. I know if I ever confronted him, I would not humble myself to him--I would kick his ass in a religious debate. Stop searching for hidden meanings. The Bible is obsolete. Update: Many times things such as "evil" and "bad things in general" are blamed on the devil. Psycho Freak Jack Van Impe lately has been putting the blame on ALIENS, which are of course..LUCIFER'S ANGELS. But go beyond that. Who created this "Lucifer"? God, being omniscient, knew his "angel of light" would fall. Under an omniscient, omnipotent God responsible for all that exists[knowing the outcome of his creation] wouldn't he deserve the original blame for everything that could go wrong? Question the concept of this "God", and think for yourself. "Who knows God's reasons?" is nothing more than a cop-out that allows one to let someone else do their thinking. by Lord_H =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions = = Mail: jericho@dimensional.com (Mail is welcomed) = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = To receive new issues through mail, mail jericho@dimensional.com with = = "subscribe fuck". 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