=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ever Have One Of Those Mornings? -------------------------------- 11-SEP-97 Ever have one of those mornings? Yesterday, I was able to make my 50 mile commute to work in just over an hour. I normally have to leave around 7:00 AM so that I can beat the worst of the rush hour traffic. Today I leave at 7:30, I figure it won't make that much of a difference. Boy was I wrong. I usually listen to a scanner when I drive so that I get the best and most up to date traffic reports. Very handy, and better than any broadcast radio station for timeliness. Not really related to the story, but it is interesting to know. This took place in 303, so I may as well tell you the best frequency to listen to. The Denver branch of Metro Traffic uses the frequency 450.6875 with a standard offset, and a pl of 100.0. I'm driving in and I hear that traffic is really fucked, from 120th all the way to the tech center. Great! I think to myself. I try to take an alternate route, which would normally work ok. I get about half way to work on the alternate route when I hear over the scanner "7 car pile up at I-225 and I-70." This kind of accident will pretty much shut the freeway down. And it happened right where I need to go. Fuck. That is what I meant by "Did you ever have one of those mornings?" Anyway, now that the mood for what I really wanted to write about is set, off we go. People in Denver just do not know how to fucking drive, and are some of the rudest drivers I have ever encountered. Never mind that there was a gang fight, and car-jacking on the highway at 6th and Sheridan. Just plain everyday ordinary people, whom, if you were to meet them outside of a car, you would probably like. Let me give you some examples of the things that happen everyday on the streets that really make me want to kill. I am just driving around town, not on the freeways, on a street that the speed limit is 35 MPH. A not unreasonable speed limit, considering that it is a residential area, and there is a chance that some rug-rats might be dashing into the street in front of cars. Then this asshole, who is driving a nice car, wearing a suit. Normally someone who you would consider to be fairly respectable, comes tearing up the street going between 40 and 50 MPH. A hazard to say the least. What is really irritating about this shit head, is he is so arrogant to assume that his time is *SO FUCKING IMPORTANT* that he has the right to drive at whatever speed he wants, without concern for the safety of others on the street around him. It also tends to show that he has lost all control of his environment. A person who is in control of their environment can take the time for the luxury of driving the speed limit, or even slower than that. Now, there is one thing that frequently happens in traffic that I can kind of understand. Slowing down to look at a traffic accident. This kind of voyeurism is easily understandable. Anyone who has scanned cell phones or cord-less phones understands this impulse. It still gets on my nerves. You can gawk just as easily at 55, as at 15 or 20. Look, but don't slow down for it. How hard can it be to accelerate to close to the speed limit when you are trying to get on freeway? And how hard is it to leave a little space between you and the car in front of you, so that someone who does know how to merge, can actually merge. I personally think that this one of those times at which the person blocking the merge views rudeness as a sign of personal power. He or she thinks to themselves "HA! I was able to prevent that person from merging, that makes me more powerful." No, it doesn't, it is just plain rude, and at times a very good case for justifiable homicide. The same thing happens when a good driver tries to change lanes properly. The good driver signals and waits for an opening. Most people will see the signal and try to block the lane change. The few people who will notice the turn signal and try to allow space for the car to change lanes are rarely thanked. All it takes is a little wave, and you have practicly made someones day. Most people see the willingness to allow the lane change, which is just basic politeness as a a sign of weakness. Well, enough of this rant for now. Keep in mind, I am not normally a big law and order type. Do what though wilt shall be the whole of the law. I am big on politeness for the most part. It is a pretty easy way to make the world a better place. tc@dim.com K-Rad gr33tz and such. Major for being such an rf god. Dis for nagging, zak for telling dis so he could nag. #tacd and other trashers. Apok for just being apok, the pinnicle of rudeness with a laugh. And the rest of #303. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions = = Mail: jericho@dimensional.com (Mail is welcomed) = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = To receive new issues through mail, mail jericho@dimensional.com with = = "subscribe fuck". 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