=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= mercurial temperament --------------------- "Stars look nice tonight, don't they?" Laura looked at her boyfriend, Paul, and mentally groaned. "Yeah, they look great. Can you hand me that lighter?" Paul tossed his lighter at Laura and it caught her squarely in between her eyes. She swore and glared at him. "You have about as much grace as an elephant on crack, Paul." "Jesus, Laura, what it with you tonight? I can't seem to say or do anything right today." Laura zipped up her coat and pulled on the door handle of Paul's ancient Chevy. Nothing happened. "Dammit, Paul. I thought you got this door fixed." "It *was* fixed. I think you just trashed it again. Here, let me get out and open the door for you. I think we need to take a walk." Laura rolled her eyes and watched Paul as he got out of the car and walked around the front. He was a good-looking guy. Longish blond hair, intense blue eyes, nice physique. "Come on. Let's take a walk." Laura stepped out of the car and lit a Kamel, the red brand they brought back because "it tastes good". Paul reached for her hand but she put it in her coat pocket. For a moment she watched her breath cloud the crisp air. "Laura, please, tell me what is going on." Laura sighed deeply. "I think we should break up." "Why? I love you. What have I done to make you so angry?" "Nothing, not really. I just don't think that you and I are right for each other, that's all." "Oh, and who *is* right for you, Laura? Michael?" Laura's blue eyes blazed and she turned to face Paul. "As a matter of fact, he is perfect for me! He is not clumsy or stupid, he actually has a mind and he can use it, too. It's not something I would expect you to understand." "I see. And he is so perfect that he ignored you for 3 years while you were going through hell with that eating disorder and taking all sorts of anti-depressants. That doesn't make any sense, Laura." "He had his own issues to work out." Laura tossed her Kamel in the snow and lit another. "Excuses, always making excuses. So I'm clumsy. So I don't write beautiful words designed to make you lust after me. So what, Laura? I stuck by you, loved you, dealt with all of your bullshit. Why did I do that Laura?" "I dunno. Because you wanted to get laid?" "Fuck you. You know it was more than that. It is because I love you and want to see you be happy. Just because I am not Michael does not mean that I am not worthy of you." "That's your opinion. I love Michael, and I want to go back to him. No, quit crying. You were a convenience, nothing more. He is ready for me, and I am going to go him, and no amount of tears can convince me that you are the right one for me. Your soul isn't beautiful enough. You are too plain." "Fine, if that's the way you want it, then be that way. I don't want to hear from you when he abandons you again." "Whatever, Paul. Just take me home." They went home in silence. [ two years later ] "Happy anniversary, Laura." Michael dropped a rose into Laura's lap. "I wrote a poem for you, today, darling. Would you like me to get you some champagne? I can read it to you, if you want." Laura frowned. "Sure, that's fine, Michael." Michael returned with the champagne and poured a small amount into her glass. She watched the bubbles race happily to the surface. "What's wrong, my darling? Did you have a bad day?" "Michael, we need to talk." "Certainly. What is it?" "Things aren't working out between us. I think we need to break things off." "But why? Everything has been wonderful between us for the last two years. What changed your mind?" "Well, I ran into Paul at the cafe the other day, and I realized that this romantic stuff just isn't me.. I prefer someone like Paul, honest and sensible. You always have your head in the clouds." T H E E N D demonika demonika@demonic.com http://www.demonic.com =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions = = Mail: jericho@dimensional.com (Mail is welcomed) = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = To receive new issues through mail, mail jericho@dimensional.com with = = "subscribe fuck". 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