=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= anger ----- one the son was walking out of the store with the father, just after buying a few groceries. suddenly the father stepped on the man's left shoe who was walking rather slowly in front of the father. the man turned his black face around and said "why don't you slow down a little there, huh?" as jericurl dripped onto the man's shoulder. the man gave the father a look of annoyance and turned around slowly and began walking away. suddenly a bomb went off in the sons head. the son walked over to the man who was now just minding his own business. "hey!" shouted the son. the man turned around as the father approached the son. "what are you doing?" said the father. "no one gets away with that, the father, no one." the son marched over to the man now standing with a puzzled look upon his face. "why did you look at the father like that? why you piece of shit? no one gave the man permission to look at the father like that, and you need the son's permission before you can. i didn't hear the man ask me permission, so you are going to apologize to the father right the fuck now!" the son pounded his words into the man's ears. "man, fuck you and the father!" replied the man as he slowly turned away, as if the conversation was over. at that moment nothing existed but revenge, and hatred. the son grabbed the back of the man's head, gripping onto his wet hair. the son swung the man around and threw his head against a wall. after breaking the man's nose against the hard concrete he feel to the ground in pain. the father looked on with disbelief. then the son put his hands against the wall and used all the force in his body to continually kick the man in the stomach and ribs. by the time the father was able to pull the son off the man who was unconscious and bleeding to death. getting a better look at the man the father saw blood coming from his mouth and noticed his pulse was almost non-existent. just as the father turned to ask the son what he had done the son was gone, he was nowhere to be found. the father stayed around to talk to the police, and make sure the man was going to live. the father gave the police all the information they needed. a warrant was put out for the arrest of the son. the man did not live to see the next day. two the son was walking down a beat up old alley when he found the dealer. the son looked at the dealer, and he could see the son's red eyes. "the son, i don't know what you have had but it looks like some good shit." said the dealer, trying to get a new customer. the look of hatred did not leave the sons face as the next words came from his mouth. "you sell these drugs to the people? you sell these drugs?" the dealer was becoming confused. "not so loud the son! look, if you want something we can do business, but don't --" "-- fuck with me!" yelled the son as he hit the dealer on the back of his head. the son saw a gun sticking out of the dealer's pants. the son grabbed it and put it to the dealer's head. "so you like to string up little kids? you like to do this thing you do, the dealer? does it make you happy to destroy and murder the people?" the son had the gun cocked and ready to fire, pressed hard against the dealer's ear. "i don't know what you're talking about the son, don't kill me, don't do it the son. i'm just trying to survive." the dealer was crying, with his face towards the ground, cowering in fear. "survive this!" the gun exploded in shards of relief as the bullet struck into the dealer's head. the son heard one of the people scream in the distance so he began to walk away. three walking away with his new gun the son kept his melancholy face a view. as the son began to walk out of the alley the police pulled up behind him. "stop!" the police yelled as their doors swung open and their bullets became chambered. the son turned around and slowly stepped towards the alley, trying to decide if he could make a run for it. the police slowly began walking towards the son. "ok, just put your hands on your head and lay down on the ground." the police instructed. the son had no choice at this point but to comply. the son put his hands behind his head and slowly moved to the ground. the police began walking over very cautiously. "we understand that there is something wrong with you. the father explained to us that he believes you to be severely ill. there are the people who can help the son. just remain calm and we will take you with us." the police said as they tried to convince the son of their good intentions, which numbered zero. "we can do this the easy way or the hard way, it is up to you." it was amazing how quickly the police died. no one was expecting it, especially the son who laid on the ground with his gun gripped in his right hand. "i'll take the easy way." said the son as he got up off the ground and brushed himself off. four "the father?" the son thought as he began walking home. "why would the father talk to the police about me?" it was a long walk. the son had to walk half way across town in order to get home. it was dark when the son arrived. the son unlocked and opened the door to the father's house. the son walked in and looked around. the father sat on the couch staring into a candle's flame which was the only source of light in the entire house. "my the god, where have you been, the son?" the father asked as he rose up from the couch. "why did you tell the police what i did, the father?" the son returned the question as he looked upon the father with astonishment. "what did you want me to do, the son? you killed the man who did not deserve to die for what he did." the father answered as though this reasoning should be obvious to the son. "the man deserved to die. the son protects the people he loves. the son protects them from hurt." the son replied in a psychotic tone. "i love the son above all others now, and the father hurt the son by telling the police. just as the man hurt the father." the son looked at the father as though this reasoning should be obvious to him. "hold on a second, now just calm down, everything is going to be ok." the father begin talking quickly. then the father fell to the ground, as his blood coated the wall behind him. "yes, everything is going to be ok, the son will see to that." the son grinned as he looked over the father's dead body. five the son swung open the door to the father's house and began running. the son ran about two blocks down to another house. a house the son had been to over a hundred times. the son hopped the fence and made his way to an unlocked window in the back of the house. the son had been through it over a hundred times. the son climbed through and made his way to a bedroom. a bedroom the son had been to over a hundred times. the son opened the door, walked through the dark room and sat on the bed. suddenly the form under the covers awoke and saw the son sitting above her. "oh, it's you. you scared the hell out of me, what are you doing here this late?" the love threw one of her pillows at the son as she smiled. "i have come to see the love. the son needs to talk." the son said now taking on a serious tone. "not again." the love mumbled under her breath. "no, the love, not again." the son replied. "then what is it, the son? why have you come here in the middle of the night?" the love asked with a confused look on her face. "i have finally figured out a way to work things out. i have finally found a way to make everything ok." the son said, reassuring the love of his intentions. "you see, the love hurt the son. the love hurt the son deeply." "the love never meant to hurt the son. the love never felt that way towards the son. the son hurt the son by falling for the love." the love replied, as though trying to make the son understand something he already did. "i know, the son knows all to well. however now the son will fix everything. the love hurt the son, therefore the love must die." and blood painted the window. "the son hurt the son, therefore the son must die." and more blood painted the window. rage-303 .. this is the end, my only friend the end. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions = = Mail: jericho@dimensional.com (Mail is welcomed) = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = To receive new issues through mail, mail jericho@dimensional.com with = = "subscribe fuck". 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