=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= the fates --------- henry jones was a lucky man. great job, three smart kids, adoring wife. he had his life all planned. college for the children, then a long, healthy retirement in boulder, colorado. it was perfect. he knew it would be. but things began to go wrong. his sweet little janey got caught smoking pot at school. tim, his youngest, was diagnosed with attention deificit disorder and a learning disability. and chris, a senior in high school, shot himself in the head on christmas eve. his wife started to drink heavily, and the bedroom shades stayed closed until noon every day. the bed - well, the bed was just closed. he was laid off in august, on a particularly steamy day. he only had 2 weeks severance pay and his retirement savings to keep his family going. worse, he had to admit his wife into rehab at the tune of 18oo bucks a day, which meant that he had to hire a babysitter every day while he was job hunting. money was running out fast, and boulder was rapidly becoming a long-lost dream. early one afternoon, after an interview, he sat at his kitchen table, mutely glaring at the cat, who had developed cancer and was wheezing unhappily on the floor. the phone rang. "what?" "henry.." "yes, dad, what can i do for you? i am kinda busy right now, and.." "henry, your mother was killed in a car accident today. i need your help making funeral arrangements." henry swallowed. "sure, dad. i will be over early tomorrow." henry quietly hung up the phone and looked at the cat again. unfortunately, during his brief conversation, the cat had finally died. he sighed and gently took the limp body to the backyard to bury it. what had gone wrong? where had all of this bad luck come from? what had he done to deserve this? he didn't know, but he wished his luck would change. a few days after his mother's funeral, henry's house was broken into. every piece of electronics he owned was gone. it turned out that his daughter's friends were the the perps, and she was implicated. this meant court, which meant lawyers he could not afford. sadly, he told his daughter she would have to use a public defender, and he quietly shut himself in his bedroom. a few weeks later, the phone rang again. this time, it was one of his employment prospects telling him he had a job. he was thrilled. finally, something had gone right. he got in his car. it was winter now, and the roads were icy. henry lost control of his car and smashed into a tractor trailer. he was killed instantly. *** three women sat around an ancient marble table. they passed around a single eye, each one of them examining a golden scale that sat in the center of the table. one of them placed a weight onto the scale and passed the eye to the woman next to her, who looked into a small crystal encrusted in the scale. she watched henry smash into a tractor trailer and giggled. "oops". demonika demonika@demonic.com http://www.demonic.com =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions = = Mail: jericho@dimensional.com (Mail is welcomed) = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = To receive new issues through mail, mail jericho@dimensional.com with = = "subscribe fuck". If you do not have FTP access and would like back = = issues, send a list of any missing issues and they will be mailed. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = AnonFTP FTP.DIMENSIONAL.COM/users/jericho/FUCK = = FTP.SEKURITY.ORG/pub/zines/fucked.up.college.kids = = FTP.GIGA.OR.AT/pub/hackers/zines/FUCK = = FTP.ETEXT.ORG/pub/Zines/FUCK = = WWW http://www.dimensional.com/~jericho = = http://www.reps.net/~krypt/fuck.html = = http://www.simunye.com/fuck = = http://www.dis.org/se7en/fuck = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = (c) Copyright. All files copyright by the original author. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .