=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goth, Hat, and Tie ------------------ It occurred to me today, and yesterday, and the day before.. that a lot of little things go on in our lives and we have no fucking clue why. Is there any logic to the moments of madness in our lives? Or maybe I should qualify that. In particular I am talking about little things like clothing, custom, etiquette, or 'society norms'. I know I have touched on a few of these in the past, but I think that put together, you may question a lot about your daily activities. Especially if you work, and even better, if you work 'normal' hours. When I go to work I have to do a few things that seem absurd. Not only because I personally don't like to do them, but because I can't figure out the true logic behind them. Sure, my boss says 'our customers do it or expect it'. Gee fucking wiz, they are living the same demented lives without logic or reason, just like us. Two stupids don't make a right. First off, I shave. It has been custom for how many years that people in a so called professional environment should be either clean shaven or have a full beard (or mustache). Think about it, the two extremes of facial hair are 'good', while having a light beard is 'bad'. It used to be that long unruly beards were the norm, but now short well kept beards are. What's the difference? As long as it is well kept (not going down and meeting with the chest hair), and at any length (not to exceed 'unruly'), what does it matter? Next thing I do is put on work clothes. Sure, I will go ahead and agree that nice pressed pants and nice pressed shirt are aesthetically pleasing, especially when the entire office dresses that way, but I do draw the line at the tie. The tie is the most ridiculous piece of clothing a person can put on. Aside from hanging a noose around your neck, do you know why a tie is part of tradition? I found out and laughed. The tie is worn to cover the buttons on your shirt. The buttons on your standard white dress shirt are near invisible as is. Aside from that, follow this login: a dress shirt has buttons which aren't pleasing to the eye (*cough*), so we put a tie around your neck to hide them. Yet if we wear a nice white tee-shirt, that isn't dressed up. Of course all this is more absurd since I don't deal with customers on the average day. So now our office is dressing up, even when not needed, despite not seeing a customer, all on the whim of one conservative director. Oh yeah. So I am driving home and notice another annoying trend. Cowboy hats. It's dark out, sun has been down for a while, and this schmuck is driving down the road in his pickup truck wearing a big black cowboy hat. Why? Because it is now a fashion statement, nothing else. And a ridiculous one at that. This big unwieldy piece of something is stuck on your head and blocking half your peripheral view. Most of the 'cowboy' fashion is just past trends with lost reasons. The big belt buckle yet another one. Half these wannabe hicks run around wearing the stuff and have no clue why. I am kicking back at a club nights afterwards, laughing half the night. The club is called "The Dungeon", which halfway implies a more industrial, gothic, or bondage club. Low and behold, you have a wannabe rave on one dance floor, and ambient on the other. I dig ambient, but not to dance to at a club. So I am in the other room watching these people. Most are rave kiddies bouncing around doing their style dancing. The other is a mix of club rejects (or something) that seem out of place. You have one or two goth types that stick out in new ways. One dances like a rave kiddie all night, not a graceful bone in his body. The next tries to 'vogue' like Madonna... to all the rave type songs. No originality in dancing, no style, no grace. Yet they dress that way because it is popular. How do I know that is the reason? Because it is in their actions, who they talk to, how they dance, what songs they know, how self-conscience they appear, and more. I don't know. Just seems a lot of things we do are pointless and not worth doing. Yet we plod along as if they are requirements to life or something. I don't think I need to go into what you can do to change this problem, it is only a matter of action. All I know is that doing what I want to do, when I want to, and not worrying about how others view me physically makes me feel comfortable. Why would anyone want any different? - d1s =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions = = Mail: jericho@dimensional.com (Mail is welcomed) = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = To receive new issues through mail, mail jericho@dimensional.com with = = "subscribe fuck". 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