=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Jimmy's ------- Yet another day in little Jimmy's life, another day he had to deal with school and all the shit that comes with it. It wasn't like he was a bad student, it was the complete opposite, he was a good student, always getting good grades and doing all his homework. But there was a problem with this picture, nobody liked him. He couldn't quite figure why everyone seemed to pick on him, and why is it that whenever anybody felt like kicking some ass, it had to be his. This he didn't know, and because of that he was what you'd call a loner; he didn't have friends at all, nor male, nor female. You know girls, they never want to be friends with the dork, and the boys.. well, he was the school's punching bag. Jimmy was just your average kid, not good-looking, but not an ugly bastard, either. He had had some eating disorder during the last year, that explained his tubby look, as he was struggling to lose some excess 30 pounds. He used to wear glasses until last summer, when he got some contacts; 'maybe they wont pick on me that much after i get the contacts', he thought then, but again, he was wrong. Ah well, at least they wont be breaking his glasses every two weeks now. Heck, he thought he might get a friend by getting rid of those ugly glasses. He lived with his mom in some middle-class home in the city. It was just him and mom, it had been this way for the last 6 years, as dad thought it would be better to run away with that hooker when he was just eight. He used not to think about it that much, since he always thought it was because of him dad left mom. Of course, he didn't have valid arguments to support this, he just thought it was. It didn't matter that mom had told him time and again that it wasn't his fault, that dad was an alcoholic and it was better that way; he used to say 'I know' whenever mom said so, but in the back of his mind there was always this thought that it happened because of him. At least they weren't on the 'poor' side, he thought. Good thing mom gets well paid and sends little Jim to a good private school, where she was sure it was much better than those public schools, at least that's what she thought. And since Jimmy never said a thing to her, she figured everything was fine. Too bad some private schools are as bad if not worse than public schools. Back to school. Our Jimmy was enjoying his meal when he noticed some kid coming up to him, maybe he just wanted to take his lunch, and not force him to do some pig sounds and then proceed to slam his head against his meal like they've been doing for the last couple weeks or so. Jimmy started to get all tense as the other kid approached, he didn't raise his head, and kept staring at his meal as the other hid stood next to him. "Hey there, is this seat taken?" Huh? Could it be possible? somebody was actually talking to him during lunch time?, it surprised the hell outta him as he had seen him before, he used to hang with some guys that had picked on him a couple times, even though he never had done so. Maybe today he would start. "Um, no, have a seat" He could barely utter those words since he was all tense, waiting for some blow to the head to come, or the threat he was sure the other kid was about to tell him. "I'm Mike, you might know me. I hang out with Alex and the other guys" Well, so far so good. At least he now knew the name of the guy that was going to kick the living crap out of him, he thought for himself. As for Alex and 'the other guys' he sure knew them. They were some sort of group that always hang together, sometimes picking up fights, and others just picking on the other kids that passed by, you can say they were the 'bad' kids at school, no one messed with them, and they messed with everyone. Cool stuff, according to Jimmy. He was lucky that they hadn't make an habit of picking on him, they picked on him, but not often, besides that, why would they do that on a regular basis if the whole school was taking care of that, he reasoned. Turns out Mike wanted him to help him with a couple things from school. He had heard that he was kind of a 'nerd' (in Mike's own words) and wanted Jimmy to teach him some chem stuff for some test he was going to have. He told Jimmy he needed to pass, or he was gonna flunk the course, and if that happened, it would get ugly for Jimmy. But if he passed he promised Jimmy he was going to tell Alex not to pick on him anymore. Jim got the idea immediately and agreed to help Mike. After all, he didn't have anything to lose and a lot to gain, and he had lots of free time after school since he had no friends. The day they were going to give out the grades for the exam Jimmy was as nervous as he could get, he knew that his future at school depended on it, literally speaking. He had made a good job teaching Mike, but still, he was too insecure and so he was nervous. Finally, after waiting what it seemed like an hour, Mike came out of his classroom and gave handed his exam to Jimmy. It read B+. Jim felt the weight of the world getting off his shoulders now. Mike thanked him and told him he would honor his word. After that, school seemed like a whole different place for him, he got picked on less and less, and Mike even introduced him to the guys. He was getting respect. The respect he thought he deserved. And hey, Alex and the other guys were not that bad, anyway. He began helping them all with their homeworks (or shall we say, doing their respective homework) and in turn he got more respect. Even though he didn't like the stuff the other guys were doing that much, he started to hang with them more and more, and people began to notice him. He liked that. It didn't wasn't long before they got in trouble. It seemed they had gone into a convenience store after the arcades, and some other guy from the group, Will, shoplifted some beers. The only thing Jim recalls is the shouting from the clerk and then running like hell. At least they didn't get caught. And he liked that, he liked the adrenaline rush. It was the most fun he had in his whole life, and now he had what he called 'friends' which, quite frankly, were more like partners in crime. When he first met the guys he didn't know they did this sort of thing, since they just picked on people and that sort of thing at school, but again, it didn't matter to Jim, 'cause he liked it. Time passed and things began to get more hectic, fights here and there. Jim had his first smoke, and after a couple more months he had his first joint. He felt weird the first time, but everybody told him that it was ok. That they all had felt that way when they started to do it. They were right, Jim thought. Now he always had a joint before going out with the guys 'cuz he knew they were going to steal something sooner or later, and that helped to relax him. Ah.. the life, Jim thought. He had really gotten used to it, and he sure was enjoying it. Then, one day, it happened. One afternoon at 6.20 or so Mike came looking for Jim. He was all excited and incoherent, white as a dead, and Jim couldn't understand a word of what he was saying at first. He told Mike to calm down. And then he began to understand. Alex. Something happened to Alex. A stab. Alex had been stabbed in the back by some other guy, Mike explained. It seemed that more than a year ago, before Jim hang out with them, they had gotten into a fight with another group, kicking the shit out of that group's leader. And now they had paid them back by stabbing Alex. Jim knew what he had to do even before Mike mentioned it, he knew he had to do the same to the other group's leader. That way, he would prove himself worthy of hanging with them, and he would get respect from everyone, the respect he craved for, the respect he deserved. Mike handed Jim a knife he had with him. It was a double-edged knife, with a 5inch. blade. A good knife. It would do the job quickly and easy. Also, Mike said, he was the only one that could do the job, since no one from the other group knew him, that way he would have no problem getting close to the guy and finishing him. Jim was aware of this, he knew he was the only one that could do the job. And he was mad, they had stabbed his friend, Alex. The one he considered his mentor, even more than Mike. Rage was flowing thru his veins, he wanted to take the other guy down. All the hate that he had accumulated thru the years of being beaten up, all the people that had looked down on him. He thought of his dad, maybe by doing this he would remember he had a child and come back to see him. He was decided to do it. Jim nodded, and Alex left after that knowing that his friend was going to do it. That other guy never knew what hit him. The only thing he felt was a sharp pain coming from his left side, then he fell on his knees just to feel another stab on the back of his head, which was the last thing he felt. The thrill of killing and the sensation of power were a natural high for Jimmy, who afterwards felt it was payback time. Time to pay the world for everything. His classmates. Mom for putting him in that school. That poor bastard waiting for his girlfriend. Everyone. =-= "Think he fell for it?" asked Alex. "Yea, he did. Told you he was going to be useful someday" replied Mike. "Heh.. yea, who woulda know.." They kept on talking about how they had gotten rid of Jim and the other guy. Making jokes and having a good time, afterall, the cops had just received a call about kid stabbing another on the street.. -shyguy 2/7/98 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions = = Mail: jericho@dimensional.com (Mail is welcomed) = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = To receive new issues through mail, mail jericho@dimensional.com with = = "subscribe fuck". 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