=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= another day ----------- i'm sitting at work. it's boring as shit today, and i can't wait to leave. i'll go out dancing, or maybe go race my car and get some more tickets. 7 hours to go. i haven't eaten in a week. every time i try to eat i feel like i'm going to get sick. i've been living off of caffeine and nicotine for a week and it's really starting to get to me. yesterday was a beautiful sunny day, the first one in almost a month, so i figured today would be a great day to go out, but that is never the case here. it is the first day of the rose festival here in Portland, and all i can hope is that the weather will clear up by the end of the night. now don't get me wrong, i love the rain, but one day of sun in three and a half weeks of rain is just getting old. i'm sitting in my cubicle listening to a KNRK, a local radio station in Portland. i don't have a radio so i'm forced to listen via real audio, and it's actually not too bad over a t-1. i work tech support for a local ISP. i have a great view of absolutely nothing from my window. my computer here is running windows nt - i hate it! my start menu is on the left hand side of my screen. i have three ssh windows open, three browsers (netscape for your information), and real player. a stupid song just came on so i changed it to KGON, another local radio station that audionet hosts. now i'm sitting here wondering why the hell i'm writing this in the first place. my birthday was two days ago.. yippie. i usually go to hamburger mary's on Wednesdays to watch south park, because my cable provider doesn't carry it, but i forgot this week. i'm drinking a jolt and dr. pepper right now. i think that i am smarter then everyone around me. even if they know something that i don't, i can learn it in half of the time that they did. lunch time is about 40 minutes away now. i think i'm going to try and eat a bag of popcorn. i'm back from lunch and the popcorn was great, i felt no ill effects from eating it. i'm now drinking some coffee and also have a can of dr. pepper. it amazes me how stupid some people are. i have actually had people call me who could not figure out how to turn off their computer. why do these people need a fucking computer so bad? if you want to talk to you daughter in college, pick up the fucking phone. don't waste your money and my patience by buying a computer! 3 hours and 15 minutes to go. my favorite magazine _boot_ is changing their name to _maximum pc_. how fucking lame can you get, _boot_ was a perfect name. like i said, i do tech support and we cover all different platforms. now it occurs to me that apple and all of those proclaimed "mac addicts" claim that the Mac OS is superior over windows because of how easy it is to use. now if it's so fucking easy, then why are half of my tech calls mac calls when they make up less then 10% of my customers? all of the fucking mac users i get are the most rude, arrogant, clueless mother fuckers you could imagine. i hate macintosh! 2 and a half hours to go. god this day has gone by so slow, i think i'll go and take my last break. yes, a cigarette sounds just dandy right now. there much better. 2 hours and 20 minutes to go. i'm on the phone with a customer right now. god i hate stupid people, there is just no excuse for being so damn stupid. i swear people call up because they are getting an error, and once i think i have fixed the problem, and i tell them to try and connect they say shit like "how do i do that?" i then say something like "well how do you usually connect?" and of course get the response "i don't know." i just don't understand how people can be so fucking dumb. another one i get quite often is when people call up and tell me that they can't connect, and they have no idea what the error was and they didn't think that they would need to write it down. but they are not the worst. the worst customer you can possibly get are the people who think that they are computer experts, they try and go ahead of you, ask you "why" on every thing you tell them to do. if these people are so fucking smart then why the hell are they calling me. jesus! okay, sorry about that little rant. 2 hours to go. i can't believe how long this day has been, i can now see the lights of the ferris wheel out of my window. the wind is blowing so hard outside only two people are on the ferris wheel. it looks like it's going to be a real shitty night unless something changes real quick. 45 minutes to go. the clock is ticking away slower and slower. right now i work until 9:30 pm, and it's getting real old real quick. okay this is it 5 minutes to go. i only have to make it through 5 more minutes and it's the weekend. i'm listening to a band called episode that has some real audio hosted off of webtrips home page. not too bad. 3 minutes. i really don't hate my job, it's actually pretty cool, i guess i just don't feel like being here today. 2 minutes. all i can do is hope that i don't get any more calls. 1 minute. fuck it, i'm out of here. darknyss =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions = = Mail: jericho@dimensional.com (Mail is welcomed) = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = To receive new issues through mail, mail jericho@dimensional.com with = = "subscribe fuck". 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