=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= More Stupidity -------------- Stupidity lies at the root of all human frustration. Without it the world would be a much better place, in theory. Let's take stupidity in parents for example. I'm 17, and in order to go anywhere I have to beg my parents and give them arguments as to why I should be able to leave the house for three- four hours. The simple idea that I should have to argue is frustrating. Their "protection" does nothing more than drive me from them, and they refuse to acknowledge that. Stupidity on the roads is another example. Ever find yourself behind someone who doesn't seem to have a place to go? Or do you ever find people braking for no reason, then suddenly signaling, as if it makes any difference now that you're a couple inches from rear-ending them? How about sitting at a green light, waiting for some dipshit to realize that he has now been given the right to proceed? The problem with traffic stupidity is this: You might not mind wasting your time, but when it comes to wasting others' time, don't. People hate having their time wasted. This is at the heart of the Satanic/Hedonistic/whatever morality: Do as you please until it fucks with someone else's life. This stupidity is not the most refined and harshest of the myriad of stupidities we find in life. Another form of stupidity is the one of chosen ignorance. That's when someone is ignorant, yet they refuse to know anything about a subject. A stronger form is when someone thinks they aren't ignorant, when in fact they are. This leads to the strongest: someone who thinks they're knowledgeable in a field(while ignorant) who preaches their ignorance as fact to others. This includes various religionists and right-wing fuck-ups. Our government is run by the most stupid group of fucked-up, biased old-farts who think what's right for them is right for the nation. I have one thing to say to these morons: Fuck you, and we're on our way. This needn't apply only to the right-wing. The left-wing is just as guilty. In today's politics, there is no "good guy," there's just a "less fucking stupid" guy. That's the trend in America lately it seems, an unfortunate one to say the least. There are those who want to sue tobacco companies because of tobacco-related illnesses. People are even beginning to consider(if they haven't done it already) suing gun manufacturers for gun-related injuries. This is where frustration comes in, and this is where my morality says "Excuse me, and fuck you." When it comes to directly hurting someone, the victim is a victim of THE PERSON WHO INJURED THEM. Someone who kills themself with tobacco has no one to blame but themself. Someone who shoots someone else has no one to blame but himself. It's been summed up by the famous statement "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." If you go down to the elements of a problem, to its components, you might as well go all the way. Why not blame steel manufacturers for car-accidents, or blame mother-nature for giving us oil that burns into pure shit for our precious atmosphere? Let's just blame everyone, after all, it alleviates the pressure on ourselves! Stupidity will always be the most destructive problem in our nation and in the world. The solution? I don't know, personally I'd start out with a reform of our government so that instead of trying its hardest to barely pass constitutional requirements, it respects the constitution in its entirety. America was not founded on the concept of "Christian Family Values" bullshit. America was founded on the Satanic morality--do whatever the fuck you want unless it fucks someone else's shit up. [Pardon my language, but I think it flows beautifully with the intent of this article.] In other words, "the right to pursue happiness." The government should serve NOT to restrict the people and protect them from themselves; the government should protect the people from the assholes of our country, including the ones in our government. The government should protect us from being strangled by business, and from being ripped off and killed by society's worthless garbage. This is what America needs to "return to"[as if it were ever there]. Instead of dodging the constitution whenever possible on technicalities, keep your Slave-Master Christian Morality out of our businesses, schools, and homes. "Christian Family Values" is nothing more than a nice way of saying "thought control through blackmail." Returning to my solution...Once America has been suitably reformed, let's conquer the world and put a dictator in power. Let's have three houses of government; the executive(world dictator, IQ of 150+ required with degrees in BUSINESS, ETC), the selection committee(a group with various tests to prove/disprove the stupidity of potential dictators), and the executive assassination committee(the elite board of assassins that will immediately kill any idiot that somehow slips through the selection committee). I'll be the first dictator. Heh. Lord Humongous =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions = = Mail: jericho@dimensional.com (Mail is welcomed) = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = To receive new issues through mail, mail jericho@dimensional.com with = = "subscribe fuck". 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