=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Evolution in Two Parts ---------------------- PART I - PHYSICAL Late 1995 there was an interesting story in the news about a child with a rare disorder. This child, a female, was born without the ability to smile. The news flashed a picture of the girl on the screen making it obvious she had a problem. She had the type of mouth you'd see on an inflatable sex doll--always open and circular. Her parents were preparing her for an operation to correct the defect (initially on only one side of her face). Everyone was excited about the operation. Soon she would be able to smile like all the other children. I have to admit this is quite an interesting disorder. Based on my observations I would classify this "disorder" more as an evolutionary process. Look around if you don't believe me. Do you see people smiling all the time? I don't. In fact, it seems to be the more we progress the less people seem to smile. Think about this for a moment. Look at what we have created. I tend to believe our societies happiness factor is going down proportional to the quality of lifestyle being created. These days we are working more for less. We've got a very high standard of living but less time to enjoy it. Our time is taken up by work, commuting, sleeping, and maintaining ourselves--eating, cleaning, exercising, repairing, etc. We have done so much so quickly that we have not had the time to enjoy very much of what we have accomplished. Our happiness is fading along with our smiles. That smileless girl is a tribute to the new generation of workers who are doing more and enjoying less. It is evolution in my book but is it something we should accept? PART II - PSYCHOLOGICAL In this techno-punk kick ass society you will find yourself adapting to someone else's rules, problems, or situations. Assholes are everywhere nowadays. They are the inconsiderate people around you. The ones who are apathetic and only thinking of themselves--I'm sure you know the type of people I'm talking about. These type of people are "forcing" people like myself to take a "do onto others as they do onto you" attitude. There are too many people in our world so these type of people are inevitable and worse yet they are here to stay. They spit in your face and tell you to "Fuck off," but not literally. They do it by causing you discomfort. It becomes hard to ignore the situation unless you are totally oblivious to your surroundings or one of these "assholes." So, in our ever-growing world we are pushed closer together. Together with the assholes of society. You can move, face the problem, or simply try to ignore the problem. Moving is futile because assholes are everywhere. Always thinking of themselves and not caring one iota about you or others. Facing these people makes them realize they are getting to you. Of course assholes will be assholes, as the expression goes, so this is equally futile. Ignoring the problem can cause a massive build up of anger making you extremely volatile during the times the asshole is annoying. Escapism is probably the best solution--get away from the danger zone or do something to block it out completely. Our dollar a day society will continue to collapse within due to its own construction until we break these walls binding us. A communication breakdown is already noticeable. Class difference is becoming a wider gap. Caring and emotion is disappearing all together. We have raised a generation greedy for one's own sake. The looking out for number one farce helped cause this communication and class breakdown. How long can this system maintain stability? Is this the type of evolution you want to see? Into the mouth of madness, Pallbearer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions = = Mail: jericho@dimensional.com (Mail is welcomed) = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = To receive new issues through mail, mail jericho@dimensional.com with = = "subscribe fuck". 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