=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Getting High School ------------------- I've decided to become straightedge. You know: No more drugs, no more alcohol, no more casual sex. Hmm, than again, maybe not. So I went to this party on last Friday, hell my friends and I go to a party every Friday. There's Cole(the alcoholic), Jamaal( the soon to be pothead), Skye(the true Pothead), Richie(who insists he's a DJ), Phil (could he be more normal), and myself(I don 't do cocaine, I just sell it). Anywho, we went to this party and most of you know the song is true, everywhere we go we see the same hoes. Well, not just hoes, but always the same people. Now, most members of "the crew" are seniors save myself (junior) and Skye(frosh) and while some of you may remember your senior year of High School, those probably didn't party like we do. The alcohol, the drugs, the sight of your drunken female classmat es taking off their clothing and giving a two dollar lap dance to some 8th grade kid who lives down the street and stumbled into the party. The point is its usually a good time, but times change. Jamaal, as mentioned earlier, is quickly becoming a druggie. I met Jamaal a year ago when I set my sister up with him. He fucked my sister but that's not pertinent to the story. He told me once that if I ever thought he was becoming dependant on drugs of any kind that I should let him know that he needs to cut back. Fine. At this particular party I broke out with a quarter sack of really good shit. The day before A friend of mine made some purified THC and we soaked this stuff in it. I don't smoke pot, I used to, but I try to do as little drugs as possible nowadays. I packed Jamaal a couple of bowls and he smoked them all by himself. You should never smoke by yourself same way you should never drink by yourself and I chose this time to tell him that I th ought he was becoming an addict. Shit. Apparently I'm a fucking hypocrite, I mean according to my African brother. Maybe he's right, he had a pretty strong case. I mean, while I don't do many drugs I do deal a bit for extra money. I'm the go to guy for half of the 2500 students that populate m y high school. What do you need? Cocaine? Got it. Weed? Got it. What did Jammal and I need? Acid. Got it. I opened my wallet and from within the folds I produced two tabs of amazingly good Mad Hatter. For those of you who don't know acid, Mad Hatter is better than, say, Pink Elephants, but not exactly the best shit for you. As Jamaal And I placed the tabs on our respective tongues I realized that I was indeed a hypocrite but in an hour or so I wouldn't care. I didn't. Eighty minutes and three Camel Filters later I didn't care anymore. Jamaal kept shouting at me about tree people, and Skye and I lay on the grass in the backyard, he was toasted, I was tripping, and the grass never felt so wonderful. I could hear Richie mixing some funky beats in the background and after a quick call to A girl named Deborah who was on her way over, I was pretty sure I was going to get laid that night(I didn't). Phil and Cole were presumably drunk, but hey, you've got to make your own fun . Than it happened. This cat Armando is one of the most popular guys in school. He knows me by my nickname "Elvis" as most people do but I doubt he knows my real name. He falls face first into the grass next to Skye and I. He just passes out and everyone la ughs, Than skye says something memorable and it occurs to me that I haven't heard a human voice in about 20 minutes. He says "Wow, Armando isn't half as cool when he's drunk." He's right, He wasn't. I get up and walk into the house. Over the sink Jennifer , a member of the Senior Skank Crew and loyal cocaine customer , is throwing up into the sink. Is this what High school is all about? I wonder as the vomit heads down the drain. I later found out th at she had only six beers. SIX! And I thought I had no tolerance. This story has no moral. Upon asking myself the question above about this being what high school is all about, I realize that the answer is yes. For me at least. At my high school at least. I don't drink that much. I don't like it. But I smoke a pack of Camels every two days and I am your local pusher man. Straightedge is hardly a possibility if I cant have casual sex. But someday I'm gonna be forced to grow up and then this all ends. I'm sorry if I've offended anyone with this. Its just a story of an average Friday night. A portrait if you will. But this is my life and I know at least five other people who do the same thing. I'm sure there are others. Live for today. "And you'll dance, and drink and screw, because there's nothing else to do." - Pulp , Common People ~Tuxedo Mask TuxedoMask@cyberdude.com =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions = = Mail: jericho@dimensional.com (Mail is welcomed) = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = To receive new issues through mail, mail majordomo@attrition.org with = = "subscribe fuck". 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