F U C K E D U P C O L L E G E K I D S ------------------------------------------------------- - t h e p o e t r y v e n t u r e - ------------------------------------------------------- in a word, poetry is celebration. of your thoughts, of your emotions, of your life. or of nothing. sometimes it is pure unmoderated venting while at times it is a very efficient means for outburst. one piece can mean everything to one, and nothing to the rest. odd, that sometimes in those cases, it isn't the author that it means something to. to keep writing in a field that will never be explained. ------------------------------------------------------- fuck poetry poetry defines who and what you feel its content should be interpreted by the reader and what they get out of it. not because of someone else's say so. poetry is never done just right. it just is. simunye 11-14-97 chosen paths I glance to the side. There walks a man, His smile tentative, unsure. He trudges alongside me, On this path we've shared For what seems like Forever. The embodiment of stability, Of steadfastness, I meet his eyes, Where I glimpse occasional Understanding. I grasp his hand, So as to keep him in step with me. I know this man, The nurturing, the dependability, The weaknesses, the doubts. Comfort is his name. I glance to the side. There walks a boy, A sensual smile, that come hither look Of seduction gleaming. He dances alongside me, On a path all his own, Hands reaching to entice, Eyes daring, mocking, beckoning Me to share his path but offering No guarantees. I reach for his hand, So as not to lose sight Of something so potentially precious. I know this boy, The sensuality, the desire. Lust is his name. I glance behind me, Three sets of footsteps angling Ever closer, Sure, in time, to meet. I glance ahead of me. My vision blurs. krystalia when you look upon your rose bush and take a deep sigh when you look across the mountains and rivers in your back yard when you look through the face of the valley you say my god why is the world so beautiful and when i wake up in an alley with trash cans piled on top of me when i wake up with the view of my druggie friends one dead when i wake up and look out onto the street i say my god why is the world so beautiful rage Delusions Looking around, and reaching upward, I finally have found that I have been contained, captured in a delusion. A delusion that you actually cared, and that I mattered to you. Delusions that I would be missed, or wondered about at all. Looking around, and reaching upward, I pull myself out and look about. The sun is shining bright. Funny, how I got used to such darkness. Now reaching out, I begin to realize, that the days that are now a daze, no longer matter, because, The delusional walls, are coming down. A delusion that you actually wanted me, or cared that I lived or died. Friendship supposedly stronger, that was a delusion that I believed, too. Pulling myself up, I am leaving you behind, wishing things could have turned out non-delusional, but, before I drown in a room of illusions, I now walk out the door, knowing you never cared at all, or no more. Delusions now known, the game is over, and I am no longer a pawn to be tossed astray. You have written me off, but now I write you out. Kamira September 7th, 1997 as i am quite simply take me as i am make me not a burgeoning butterfly dressed up in mother's theater gown touch me not with fingertips velvet too shyly to meet with fleshly notice speak to me not with words too light to crush a sparrow wing instead,merely allow me to be me loving you demonika where there's a WILL... crime once, and you are lucky twice - talented the third time is charm four times - a legend five times? fucking invulnerable. or not. you're just a gambler's dream dis. (dedication to sensai voyager) ------------------------------------------------------- E D I T O R S: jericho@dim.com & demonika@dim.com ------------------------------------------------------- to receive new issues via e-mail, send mail to jericho@dimensional.com with "subscribe poetry". if you do not have FTP access and would like back issues, send a list of missing issues and they will be sent. ------------------------------------------------------- A V A I L A B I L I T Y: AnonFTP: FTP.DIMENSIONAL.COM/users/jericho/FUCK/POETRY WWW: http://www.dimensional.com/~jericho ------------------------------------------------------- (c) Copyright. All poems copyright by original author. ------------------------------------------------------- F O U N D E D: October 30, 1997 .