F U C K E D U P C O L L E G E K I D S ------------------------------------------------------- - t h e p o e t r y v e n t u r e - ------------------------------------------------------- variation of style and form set poetry aside from all other forms of writing. the freedom you have, the total disregard of 'rules', and the careless nature of expression are the poet's best friend. use them as a powerful tool, an excuse to have fun, or anything else. just express your desire in words, else a lot could be lost. ------------------------------------------------------- The Red Hand The Red Hand flares before my face Not clenched in anger, Not extended in supplication, But cupped to hold the warmth, Fingers together As if to caress my soul. Etched in black marble, It wards off the suffocating winds, Nurturing a slow, easeful death. All roads lead to the same end; Conservation of mortality still holds. 'Tis death on installment, Another cigarette in the dark. Screamin' Lord Byron 3:30 AM, a long time ago I Stand in The Darkness I stand in the darkness of my thoughts An illusion my mind creates I begin to walk through a storm Needles of rain beat my cold pale face Clothes drenched and saturated by The uncontrollable pressures From a blind uncaring world Making way, no path, directionless I find an old man, worn and ragged by the years Sitting on a cold stone At the edge of a crystal lake Surface rippled by downpour I am with him, emotionless For what seemed like eternity Where time did not exist His wrinkled fragile hands grasp tightly Around a short decaying pole Waiting for a fish, without bait His hook is dull and bare I sit down looking into his eyes Seeing only myself Coming to the realization That he can offer me no guidance Trix magnetic poetry III .wet lip rot thing never bellows about morning .women always smile icy .woman is a dark poison .a feline who can dazzle .haunt naked red bone .explore steel questions as peace kills .more blind waking crap .concrete never listens .live those wild pictures that linger in brilliant glass .marble girl blue with openness .blushing & trusting .sad cloud fools clean cut velvet .embrace the secret universe .young worry slowly decays .must bleed smoke soon .almost prisoner .we will have deep sex with a ferocious rhythm .sacrifice change .delicious eternity .burn over fire (various guests of dis) her fragrance filled the air then my mind began to go we had such good times in the past we had such memorable moments what happened to all the good times what happened to all the madness she could make my soul crawl she could make my eyes water her fragrance left the room then my mind began to go that's how it happened last time rage map of my night more eclectic, eccentric, out of touch another kernel compile, more mail A all meaning lost to all 2.0.55 bombed shortly after 2.0.31 small slice except me another man page, another util now of my random thoughts I known. continued wonder of lamers and the strange day that i keep having with power they cannot comprehend. several calls freestyle a blessing the apocalypse looms around us all throughout the for without form the calling out for the world of souls night, present mind can wonder mean next day, next year, next whatever company in one thought down the new more childish fear or maybe a tool form, comfort trail, chaos of mind for lemming mass control. i bet it of friendship. a simple expression. is the latter. just one faithless. cascading flame the warmth 1:52 and disarray is sleep comes for us all red and blue dance around. all there is. vague maybe some music so he mesmerizes poets young kid glimpse of something can relax, let broken enthralls taunts and tease to come. yesteryear. dreams take his pains. dis ------------------------------------------------------- E D I T O R S: jericho@dim.com & demonika@dim.com ------------------------------------------------------- to receive new issues via e-mail, send mail to jericho@dimensional.com with "subscribe poetry". if you do not have FTP access and would like back issues, send a list of missing issues and they will be sent. ------------------------------------------------------- A V A I L A B I L I T Y: AnonFTP: FTP.DIMENSIONAL.COM/users/jericho/FUCK/POETRY WWW: http://www.dimensional.com/~jericho ------------------------------------------------------- (c) Copyright. All poems copyright by original author. ------------------------------------------------------- F O U N D E D: October 30, 1997 .