F U C K E D U P C O L L E G E K I D S ------------------------------------------------------- - t h e p o e t r y v e n t u r e - ------------------------------------------------------- let me tell you a quick story. last week, burned out and overworked, i collapsed in my bathroom. the doctor said it was exhaustion. so i called in sick, turned off all of my monitors, and spent 3 days reading. literally. i never left except to eat and drink. words can save your soul. so turn off your computer and read something that is printed on dead trees. your mind and body will thank you for it. ------------------------------------------------------- To come back to the one, What a loving thought. To erase human error, In which we have fought. To reach enlightenment, While on this earthly plane. To find peace in a world, That seems so insane. To walk by an ocean, And feel my soul take flight. To look into your eyes, And see tha shining light. This is my prayer; That all hearts would feel... The love of the divine, That is so real. sadia ORGANIC EMOTION moods sift through a sieve to extract the seedy pulp allowing naked feelings to explain their genitalia Indiana Poet Dec. 27, 1997 Someone's Watching Over Me Someone's watching over me, for it was said, if I would take a step, in this colony, I never would breathe again. Looking out over the cars, that line the streets like ants, I know someone must be, watching over me. Walking along, a pebble rolls ahead, just as I was told my head would, if I were to ever attempt to walk this line. Breathing in and breathing out, I wonder if someone is copying my every move, or is it I am just lucky enough, to have someone watching over me? Kamira Hypocrite! All poetry sucks. No talent, eccentric fucks. subjective creativity is not art and does not hold meaning. Anyone can scribble, we can all force rhymes. So what makes 'good' poetry. If YOU like it. Nothing else. Like beauty it is in the eye of the beholder. Simple as that as my pen runs dry. Damn. i've been lashing in the dark just to feel your broken heart and my mind goes racing down and the tears touch to my frown i have not heard you say my name for life is all a game won't you come out side with me we will find the abandoned tree here we sit inside the day just waiting for the rain then the night comes out again for this is now our end rage ------------------------------------------------------- E D I T O R S: jericho@dim.com & demonika@dim.com ------------------------------------------------------- to receive new issues via e-mail, send mail to jericho@dimensional.com with "subscribe poetry". if you do not have FTP access and would like back issues, send a list of missing issues and they will be sent. ------------------------------------------------------- A V A I L A B I L I T Y: AnonFTP: FTP.DIMENSIONAL.COM/users/jericho/FUCK/POETRY WWW: http://www.dimensional.com/~jericho ------------------------------------------------------- (c) Copyright. All poems copyright by original author. ------------------------------------------------------- F O U N D E D: October 30, 1997 .