F U C K E D U P C O L L E G E K I D S ------------------------------------------------------- - t h e p o e t r y v e n t u r e - ------------------------------------------------------- the end is here no, it is not near ------------------------------------------------------- HOLIBLAZE illuminating highway somewhere near Emblazon City glowing cigarette butts waltz across the deadened tar refracted like a firefly in my passenger seat windshield spiraling down to the falls to watch the christening lights, shackled around a manger, from fallen heights while waiting for a spark to enlighten me to jump into depths where I could be a glow-worm bait for some lonely fisherman whose wife died in a house fire from an electrical short during Christmas 1985 Indiana Poet Dec. 27, 1997 Mystically altered stayfree atmosphered, deceptional deity your aura is seen free, lifted by spirit, classified as hear it, nouveau novae ecliptic for say, hello invisible shadily Sade, majestic queen sure say celestial, diva per se exciter sure fire, why do I agaze your presence so, exotica fluorescent elixir of bliss, chiming crescendo moonlight kiss, magical you are shining afar, you are my life honeymoon eyes, you are my soul mate angel comprise. sadia Strangers longing, burning, itching, craving, a long hot night filled with desire glances exchanged names never mentioned touch me kiss me feel me inside you burn with passion purr with ecstasy scream with pain no words were uttered lust prevailed The morning sun awoke us and away we walked perfect.........strangers. bluerose Two like souls dance in this shallow world. the ability to judge. Nightly outpour of some strand of me. Pulled taut between self realization and angst. But not the angst you now.. He lies down the road around the corner behind the store. My angst is different. One day I might even get introduced to who he really is. Mortals may ponder and deem it worthy.. of a new name. I care not. My two best friends My two best friends, is what I wish to express to you... tell you about them, for they truly are my two best friends. Why should I care what you think of them, anyways? Because, they could be anyone's best friends, some day. Frist, there is the one, I saw walking out the door, I had finished eating, and there she was... Friend at first sight. I walked right up to her, and grabbed hold of her, and decided she was the one I really wanted. So, here I am, holding her now, and, no I am never going to let her go. She is so graceful, lines of saddness fade from her, and images of happiness float about her, just depending on the light she's in. So sleak, she always is at her peak, looking wonderful, no matter what kind of day she's had. Oh, how jealous some get ... Always ready to listen, and willing to talk, Never just saying "Oh, can't it just wait?". Then there is my other best friend. Always willing to listen, never giving me trouble, he just sits there, and waits. Waits for me, to talk... having patience for me to take my time. Always available for me, all I have to do is reach for him. No matter where I am, there he is... and no he is not a stalker, he's just a true friend. Never running out of time, for me... will always hold my hand. He does this, because he has eternity... or until a flame destorys him. So, how can I say that anyone is able to reach these best friends of mine? Beucase, of who they are... no I am not being religious or even spiritual... (Just a little crazy) I"m just expressing my gratitude for the friends that will always listen and are always there for me. the friends, that I can always rely on. Who are these great, supposed best friends of mine? Simply, papers of my journal, and my writing pen. Kamira ------------------------------------------------------- E D I T O R S: jericho@dim.com & demonika@dim.com ------------------------------------------------------- to receive new issues via e-mail, send mail to jericho@dimensional.com with "subscribe poetry". if you do not have FTP access and would like back issues, send a list of missing issues and they will be sent. ------------------------------------------------------- A V A I L A B I L I T Y: AnonFTP: FTP.DIMENSIONAL.COM/users/jericho/FUCK/POETRY WWW: http://www.dimensional.com/~jericho ------------------------------------------------------- (c) Copyright. All poems copyright by original author. ------------------------------------------------------- F O U N D E D: October 30, 1997 .