F U C K E D U P C O L L E G E K I D S ------------------------------------------------------- - t h e p o e t r y v e n t u r e - ------------------------------------------------------- Only my heart can show the pain, Only my touch can show my happines, Only my thoughts can show the confusion, Only my speaking can show my knowledge. - Denise McCay ------------------------------------------------------- unfinished symphony Look outside, the gods are crying, screaming out their agony, look outside, they're all lying, searing with their epathies, look outside, see the world, writhing in its pain, look outside, see the earth, starting over again, Look out there, the sky shows its sorrow, Look outside, think it'll heal by tomorrow? can you see the scars? they're hardly reflective. Open mouths, silent cries, anyone can tell, the look of haunted eyes, rivers of tears flowing down, the slivers of fear, you wear like a crown, I can feel you here, haunting what once was me. -kel HOW TO WRITE POETRY: AN INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO (WITHOUT PICTURES OR SOUND OR AN ANNOYING CASSETTE) writing poems is like growing a garden: w o r d s dispersing s d r o w and weeding out unnecessary punctuation - ,,,;;;'''///...<<<:::"""???>>>. writing poems is like having a baby: puuussshhh! puuussshhh! pop! - out comes a poem. writing poems is like receiving a massage: someone's heartbeat n u c o e b s through those finger t i p s - rhythm in each stanza. writing poems is like making sunset love: (censored) Indiana Poet June 30, 1998 forthcoming winding down a solo train switching feet to ease the pain lit only by fluorescent rain life's allegory aches for gain fingers always in my eyes picking out the ticks and flies and halfway through i realize there can't be truths without some lies a wincing pain, my head i hold i ate it whole, i ate it cold it baffles all, both young and hold that one hath dared to break their mold the glass is scratched and tinted grey it shatters, forming an array forboding, telling of the day and it will come, when they will pay Ve Magni Hydrogen Ball There it was up in the clouds, burning orange and gray. The glorified ugly demise, of another day. It's colors changing constantly, turn to blue and black. Just like the sky's been bruised, the demon's coming back. Bringing hell along with him, again darkness will reign. Shadows seem to drift away, a darkened stain remains. It's cold and damp, it's dark outside, surrounded by our sorrow. The people pray in vain and hope, to see the light tomorrow. But then the sky comes alive, as clouds are blown away. Midnight came and left again, he left his pseudo-day. Light from this glowing mass, reflects upon the night. The sphere mirror seems to shine, but stars put up a fight. Speckled lights across the sky, are faint but plain to see. A hole of light is brighter though, it dances down to me. It's rises high above this mess, then falls back down below. Again the sky is cold and black, this emptiness I know. On the verge of suicide, the shining ball arrives. This mass of burning hydrogen, has burned into my eyes... Levi extremely violent dreams in an otherwise serene life haunted by my own death, i continue on perusing backlit beach framed on the wall listening to accursed music from the floor a sullen image frozen in mind liquid silver tears blaze a new trail and they tell me to let it go.... mea_culpa SEARCHING: Through the depths of darkness & despair Some days I wish I am not there Other days I drift around Consumed by misery, and love not found Life so diminutive, pain prolonged Tell me lord, what have I done so wrong Meet a man so sweet and nice He slices my heart up, with a knife I have these delusions, my minds not the same I guess it's a feeling, which comes with the pain Imagine my surprise as life rushes by Makes me think, that I just want to die But I fight and struggle to get away My soul will die if I decide to stay I'll keep on dreaming of a life so sweet Maybe find, treasured moments to keep. Blaise ------------------------------------------------------- E D I T O R S: jericho@dim.com & demonika@dim.com ------------------------------------------------------- to receive new issues via e-mail, send mail to majordomo@sekurity.org with "subscribe poetry". if you do not have FTP access and would like back issues, send a list of missing issues and they will be sent. ------------------------------------------------------- A V A I L A B I L I T Y: AnonFTP: FTP.DIMENSIONAL.COM/users/jericho/FUCK/POETRY WWW: http://www.sekurity.org/~poetry ------------------------------------------------------- (c) Copyright. All poems copyright by original author. ------------------------------------------------------- F O U N D E D: October 30, 1997 .