GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwD G R E E N Y world D O M I N A T I O N Task Force Presents: "Rex et son ami Louis" by Lobo This story is about Rex et son ami Louis, or Rex and his friend Louis. I took the names from to prominent figures in my church's conference, one was the Bishop, the other is the District Superintendent. I dislike them both because they messed with my church. But, that's another story. These guys are in no way meant to represent the real Rex and Louis. Enjoy! One day, Rex was walking down the street. He was joined by his friend Louis. They decided to rob a convenience store. So, they stole their wives' panty hose and put it on over their heads. of course, they had to take it off of their wives first, if you know what i mean. . Then, they stole their sons' water machine guns. Now they were ready. They approached the store with calculated effort. They entered. It was a standard 7-11 with gas tanks outside and only one attendant. They pulled on the panty hose so that no one could see their faces, and Rex told the attendant to give them all the money in the store, while Louis removed wallets, purses, jewelry, etc. from the customers and threatened to shoot them with his water gun if they didn't stay down. Rex got the money from the attendant, and then he told her that she had a nice ass as he felt it. Louis pushed the muzzle of his "gun" into the back of a woman that had been crying. Then, he spanked her to give her something to cry about. Rex and Louis then got drunk on wine coolers that were in the store's refrigerator. Then, Jim who had just come to the store for some milk duds entered. Seeing the masked men with machine guns, he left hastily. A moment later, he re-entered, but not as Jim. No, this time he was 'The Crusader from Beyond'! Let me tell you about 'The Crusader from Beyond'. He came to earth from another dimension. He has the standard super hero powers (i.e.- heat rays, strength, etc.), the only problem is that he doesn't know how to use them. He is invulnerable to everything but bullets (go to his dimension to find out why). 'The Crusader from Beyond' also has quite a dirty mouth, cussing almost every sentence. 'The Crusader from Beyond' said to Rex and Louis, "You assholes wanna mess with a store in my town? Bring it on, faggots!" They shot at him, but it was with water guns, so they had no luck. He walked over and tied them up. He then had his way with the clerk and all other females in the store, regardless of age. There was a 76 year old grandmother and her five year old granddaughter. "Just taking my payment for saving your lives," he said. You probably think that I meant sex by 'he then had his way'. Well, you're wrong. In his dimension, 'had his way' means something completely different. It basically meant that he licked all of the toe jam out from their feet and then sucked out their belly button lent through a straw. Then he summoned the police, who wanted to know who had tied them up. No one knew because the hero had left just after he made the telephone call. The police also wondered what happened to the money. No one knew that either. Jim had a new car the next week, though. The moral of this story is: if you're gonna mess with 'The Crusader from Beyond', you better use bullets. end-finis -Lobo From now on, every fifth file will have a list of all GwD members, so here it is. GwD Task Force Members: Top Worshipper Type of Guy- Lobo Top Dog Type of Guy- Seth the Man Top Organizer Type of Guy- Sandman Worshipper Type of Guy- Diamondback Dog Type of Guy- Fastjack Organizer Type of Guy- The Lizard King Droogs- Aerik Aeriksson Aracnia Big Man Joe Hallucination Kilroy Transderm-Nitro Sir Flea Snotty Periodically, there will also be a list of GwD Command Centers. If you think that your BBS qualifies as a GwD Command Center, contact Lobo. Gwd Command Centers- Chaos (806)797-7501 Sysop-Seth the Man (Birthplace of GwD, Mission Control) Gridpoint (806)763-4801 Sysop-Transderm-Nitro (First Conquest) NOTE: Seth and I have gotten some criticism regarding these files, so I would like to remind everyone that the purpose of these files is to have fun (for us and the readers) and sometimes to inform you. If one person gets anything from any of these files, I am satisfied. Some say that these files are a ripoff of cDc. We do not believe that they are, and we do not wish to take anything from cDc. There are many series of text files that start out with a false premise. The first few are about that, and then other text files are written that have nothing to do with the title of the series. Every once in a while (it will be every ten files for us) there is an update on the original topic. That is the format that GwD will use. -Lobo copyright (c),1993 by Lobo GREENY world Domination Task Force copyright (c),1993 by Lobo All rights reserved to that Jolly Good Fellow, Greeny! GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwD05 .