GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwD G R E E N Y world D O M I N A T I O N Task Force Presents: "Poor School Districts" by Lobo If you live in Texas, you have probably heard all of the crap about public school re-financing. This file is not about which of the proposed plans is better for our schools. It is about the fact that some school districts don't need any more money, they need to learn how to spend what they already have. I live in Lubbock, TX, and I go to school in the Lubbock Independent School Ditrict (LISD). For years, I have heard about the financial problems of other school districts in our state. There are many proposed plans to take money that would go to the 'rich' school districts and give it to the 'poor' school districts. LISD, I believe, is somewhere in the middle, between the two classifications. The most popular re-financing plan is known as the 'Robin Hood Plan' (stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, quite a cliche). I just wanted to acquaint you with the situation in the state public school system. At my school, I am on the UIL Math and Science team. We go to other schools on some saturdays, take some tests, and basically have fun running around, causing trouble, then lying about who we are and which school we're from. It's lots of fun. There were sixteen on the team from my school, two from the seventh and fourteen from the eighth grade. Both of the seventh graders and five of the eighth graders qualified to go to the state competition in San Antonio. One seventh grader and one eighth grader could not go. The other seventh grader subbed for his counterpart, while another eighth grader subbed for her's. I was one of the eighth graders who got to attend the competition. One Friday, we all met at school as usual, only we brought the stuff we would need at the competition and the stuff we would need for an overnight trip. After lunch, we piled in to the Algebra teacher's van and headed for the airport. We met two students from another school in our district and their teacher at the airport. One of the students from the other school's mother went along. We flew (on Southwest) to Dallas, had a twenty-minute layover there, and went on to San Antonio. The school district payed for the flight. We left the San Antonio airport in a van that the teacher had rented (the Algebra teacher and the teacher from the other school were both with us), even though LISD was paying the bill. We then drove to The Windham Hotel, where we got three rooms. One for seventh and eighth grade girls/female teacher/male seventh grader's mother. One for seventh grade guys/male teacher. One four all four eighth grade guys. No one wanted to sleep in the same bed. I got a bed, another guy got the other bed, one guy slept on the floor, and the other guy slept on the chairs (don't ask how). Anyway, we got up at five in the morning on Saturday, and went downstairs in the hotel. I saw the bill, and the rooms were each a hundred dollars. LISD payed for them. They gave us money for meals, $2.00 for breakfast and lunch, and $5.00 for the evening meal. After Saturday breakfast, it was off to the competition. We could only take the test that we qualified in, so i only got to take one. Some people took all four that were offered, some took three, so I think that the average is about two tests to a person. After the tests, we wasted about a whole tank of gas going to the San Antonio mall and returning to where the competition was being held. Only two of our people placed, one getting third place in number sense, and the other getting second place in math. Then, it was back to the airport. We flew home, and arrived at Lubbock International airport at about 11:00 pm on Saturday. I had fun on the trip, I'm not saying that I didn't. What I am saying is that LISD probably spent around $1000 flying us all to San Antonio and back for a competition where we didn't even really do very good. Even though the one guy's mom payed for herself, that is a lot of money. I got a weekend trip to San Antonio for about ten bucks, which is what I spent at the mall. I just think that maybe LISD should spend their money on things that are really needed, like text books that weren't written before I was born, or desks that don't say something about how school sucked in '79 on them. Oh well, that's just my opinion. -Lobo GwD Command Centers- Chaos (806)797-7501 SysOp-Seth the Man (Birthplace of GwD, Mission Control) Gridpoint (806)763-4801 SysOp-Transderm-Nitro (First Conquest) Garden of Eden (806)748-0987 SysOp-Malachi Federation Slayers' (806)799-1184 SysOp-Big Red Fed copyright (c),1993 by Lobo GREENY world Domination Task Force copyright (c),1993 by Lobo All rights reserved to The Green Wonder GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwD07 .