GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwD G R E E N Y w o r l d D o m i n a t i o n T a s k F o r c e Presents: "Spanky's Claim to Fame" by Spanky McDougal, Sir! with an afterward by Lobo Howdy do, all you GwD comrades in arms out there! (Except for all you amputees out there, I guess you'd just be comrades in stumps.) Spanky McDougal, Sir! here, giving my all to this, my only claim to literary fame before they take me away for crimes against humanity. They have spies everywhere, you know, all working for Nwod, God of Floors. Boy, have I got some ideas to whip all of you slugs into shape (except for Lobo, siva, Seth The Man, and Snotty, who are pretty cool). You sniveling fools worship Greeny in every way 'cept religiously! Ha! He's not even around! No, it's time we looked at the truth. Greeny is a figurehead, a symbol of the REAL power, the Council. Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee! Boy, is this a great idea or what!? First, we ditch the idea that Greenie is returning. Thpbhbhbhbhbhbt on that! Second, a high council of three founding members (proposed: Lobo, Seth, and Siva) presiding over the GwD Council, consisting of everyone else in GwD. Yeah! Everyoneon the GwD Council (Excluding High Council members, I'll explain below) gets a post, a title and an "ambassadorship" of a country or area, meaning in effect, that that "ambassador" is really king of the land there. Obviously, this would have to be organized after GwD fulfillsits destiny. Examples: I plan to be Surgeon General of the world, and my area might be the Orient, or South America, or whatever. My title, of course, would be Spanky McDougal, Sir, Grand High Kruton of Pu, God of Ceilings. Isn't that a cool title? My minions would be "sub-Krutons" and my maids would be "Krutonettes!" But, the three High Council members wouldn't have a title, since they preside over everybody else. Well, I've left my legacy, so when the time comes, and the world is ours, remember! Martyrs to the cause are beloved of Pu, and are whisked away to heaven, the Home and Garden isle at Wal-Mart..... From: Spanky McDougal, Sir! Grand High Kruton of Pu, God of Ceilings. Afterword Those are the ideas from one of our newest droogs about how the world should be run when it is under Greeny's control. We hereby accept it as how the world will be governed once our mission is complete. The only changes that will be made will be that since Greeny HAS returned, he will be the Chief Executive Officer of the world, and all of his decisions must be approved by the entire GwD Council. The High Council will consist of all of the Type Of Guys and our first droog, Aerik Aeriksson. We will have no titles, but we will be allowed to place "The Mighty" in front of our name (as in "The Mighty Lobo") or "The Great" after it (such as Diamondback, The Great) or any other such phrase before or after it, which will be subject to the approval of the High Council. Wowie! we've made it to file #10!!! Yippie! -Lobo GwD Task Force Members: Top Worshipper Type of Guy- Lobo Top Dog Type of Guy- Seth the Man Top Organizer Type of Guy- Sandman Worshipper Type of Guy- Diamondback Dog Type of Guy- TransDerm-Nitro Organizer Type of Guy- The Lizard King Droogs- Aerik Aeriksson Ailanthus Alkaloid Aracnia Big Man Joe Big Red Fed Bill Hooper Bruno Hallucination Kilroy Legolas Malachi Rory Sir Flea Siva Snotty Super Sperm Spanky McDougal, Sir! Wiley Coyote Wiz Kid To become a droog: send mail to Lobo containing the NDP (New Droog Password) which is SMARTONE, but don't tell anybody! GwD Command Centers- Chaos (806)797-7501 SysOp-Seth the Man (Birthplace of GwD, Mission Control) Gridpoint (806)763-4801;node two `2400bps (806)763-5072,,22 SysOp-Transderm-Nitro (First Conquest) Federation Slayers' (806)799-1184 SysOp-Big Red Fed For your bbs to become a Command Center, e-mail Lobo and tell him your number(s). Please spread the word of Greeny by uploading these files to boards that don't already have them. Call (806)797-3860 and chat with The Great Green One! (He currently uses the name "Majestic", but we know who he really is!) copyright (c),1993 by Lobo GREENY world Domination Task Force copyright (c),1993 by Lobo All rights reserved to The New Returned GREENY! No More Lies GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwD10 .