GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwD G G w _____ ____ 1 222 000 "SKLUH, GLUH, GLAAAHHHH!" w D // | \ 11 2 0 0 by Otis D * || ____ | || | 1 222 0 0 * G || || \ / | || | 1 2 0 0 issue #120 of "GwD: The American Dream G w \\___// \/\/ |____/ 111 222 000 with a Twist -- of Lime" * rel 04/12/02 w D D GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwD --- -- - -- --- -- - -- --- -- - -- --- -- - -- --- Ever wondered what porn stars mean by the sounds they make? Here are some sexual 'terms' you might find handy: Approved GwD Terms/Sounds for Fucking ------------------------------------- "SKLUH" - This is a term for vaginal intercourse. It can be used as a substitute for moaning/grunting by the male, e.g. "Skluh...skluh...skluh" (said with each thrust). "GLUH" - This term denotes oral sex, specifically fellatio. For example, when the girl is choking down that horsecock, she should make a noise that sounds like "gluh-gluh-gluuuhhhh." "GLAAAAHHHHHHHHH" - This, my favorite term, is used for male-on-female anal sex. This term does not apply to male-male anal sex. Sorry, faggots. Lesbians, provided they use strap-ons, may use this term at their own risk. Proper usage is when the girl is taken by surprise. A little bit of the old unexpected backdoor delivery, if you will. Instead of "Whoops, it slipped," one should exclaim "GLLLAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" at the top of his lungs. ----- The following terms ARE NOT APPROVED for usage by the powers that be in GwD. ***** USE AT YOUR OWN RISK ***** Deuterocanonical Sex Terms -------------------------- "SKLAAAAHHHHHHH" - This term is similar to "GLAAAAHHHHHHHHH," only instead of replacing "Whoops, it slipped," it replaces "Whoops, it slipped from your ass into your mouth." "BLAAAAHHHHH" - This is the noise you should make when you plant the proverbial "money shot" (or "chach shot," as the case may be - see Oscar the Pornographer's treatise on this matter in gwd86.txt) on your partner's face. "GLIT" - This should be used after "GLAAAAHHHHH," in much the same method as one would use "SKLUH," only "GLIT" is said with each thrust of one's member into the anal cavity. --- -- - -- --- -- - -- --- -- - -- --- -- - -- --- Issue#120 of "GwD: The American Dream with a Twist -- of Lime" ISSN 1523-1585 copyright (c) MMII Otis/GwD Publications /---------------\ copyright (c) MMII GwD, Inc. All rights reserved :GLORIOUS TA-TAS: a production of The GREENY world DOMINATION Task Force, Inc. : GwD : Postal: GwD, Inc. - P.O. Box 16038 - Lubbock, Texas 79490 \---------------/ FYM -+- - - -+- FYM GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwD .