GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwD G G w _____ ____ 1 222 555 "As You Go" w D // | \ 11 2 5 by Trish D * || ____ | || | 1 222 555 * G || || \ / | || | 1 2 5 issue #125 of "GwD: The American Dream G w \\___// \/\/ |____/ 111 222 555 with a Twist -- of Lime" * rel 05/17/02 w D D GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwD --- -- - -- --- -- - -- --- -- - -- --- -- - -- --- As you go into new places, people, and times Remember yourself - a boy who insisted wearing ties in school photos, who grew into a stubborn black with long stringy hair in his face. And then emerged a little more wary but can still play and laugh with the best of children. As you go Remember your friends - because you were selective yet open, choosing those as strange as yourself with their own beats in their heads all searching for greener worlds to dominate. As you go Remember your family who always have your back. Even when you feel heavy and can't imagine letting anyone else carry the weight, know that you are buoyant among those who love your presence in their lives. As you go Remember to look back at those waving good-bye... [This poem was written by Seth The Man's sister, Trish, and was given to him as a present when he graduated from college. We here at GwD are all about the sentimentality.] --- -- - -- --- -- - -- --- -- - -- --- -- - -- --- Issue#125 of "GwD: The American Dream with a Twist -- of Lime" ISSN 1523-1585 copyright (c) MMII Trish/GwD Publications /---------------\ copyright (c) MMII GwD, Inc. All rights reserved :SEND MORE MONEY: a production of The GREENY world DOMINATION Task Force, Inc. : GwD : Postal: GwD, Inc. - P.O. Box 16038 - Lubbock, Texas 79490 \---------------/ FYM -+- - - ** ASMD GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwD .