GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwD Quotes: Volume II By:Sir Flea "False love is merely another face of evil" Sir Flea(Trevor McGrew) "Neatures Beautios Form contains a lovely essence called by some--dk. by this lovely presence life finds it's way tears shed silently are but water of the soul: they bring new life to the plain of being--a separation from that seeing which death makes whole" From Children of Dune "My life is for itself and not for a spectacle" Ralph Waldo Emerson "Wowie, A zepplin!" Lobo(Steve Myles) "Go away" Ailanthus(Ben Perry) "Nemo me impune lacessit(No one may harm me unpunished)" Edgar Allen Poe "Oh, to be a steamboatman, that would be truly great" Samuel Clemens(Mark Twain) "Sometimes I have a vision of human personality as a kind of fetid jungle full of monsters and demons and little lights. It seemed to me a dangerous place to venture." John Steinbeck "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines." Ralph Waldo Emerson "Lately, I've become accustomed to the way the ground opens up and envelops me Each time I go out to walk the dog. Or the broad eded silly music the wind Makes when I run for a bus-- Things have come to that. And now, each night I count the stars, And each night I get the same number. And when they will not come to e counted I count the holes they leave. Nobody sings anymore. And then last night, I tiptoed up To my daughters's room and heard her Talking to someone, and when I opened The door, there was no one there... Only she on her knees, Peeking in to her own clasped hands." Preface to a 20 Volume Suicide Note Inamu Amiri Baraka "Penis" Lobo(Steve Myles) "Il a duex trous rouges a cote droite" Arthur Rimbaud "If you believe in A god, then you are a christian" (Totally False) Big Red Fed "He can't get rid of all the goddamn pictures in his head" Low Tolerance "She wants Lemon" Bono "Hilda, get him some Buttermilk pie." From "Blue Highways" William Least Heat Moon "For all I care...what a hipocritical statement" Sir Flea(Trevor McGrew) "W00-W00!" Seth the Man(Seth Thornberry) "Speak softly and carry a big stick" Theodore Roosevelt "Sing a song 'a victory A pocketful 'a bullets Five an' twenty dead men Baked into a pie" From "The Red Badge of Courage" Stephen Crane "Well, Cornelia, I want a noggin of hot toddy" From "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall" Katherin Ann Porter "Always be careful around people with guns. The Life you save may be your own" Sir Flea(Trevor McGrew) "You're stupid" Snotty(Sandra Anuras) "Ahh, you feel nice" Chamelion(????? ?????) "I don't wanna be Emporer" Greeny(Jacob Allen) "I understand" Diamondback(Matt Hubbard) "Fuck off" Steve Ignorant(Ned) "Ignorance is bliss, and I am about in heaven right now" Ratt Fink(Chris Myles) "Don't try to tell me what to think, or you will find something bad on your doorstep" Ailanthus(Ben Perry) "A heartless Bitch" Shadowmaster(Sam Marx) "If I were there and you were here, neither of us would exist" Siva(Jon Tutino) "Everyone should suck me" Buttworm(Oscar Marrero) "I got you babe" Cher "No, No, not Toto too." Dorothy "Animals don't have rights, so go ahead and lick that frog" Rush Limbaugh "I didn't hack your board Damnit!" Aracnia(Kelly Martinez) "Who keeps deleting my Taglines Damnit? Go to hell whoever it is" Lief after Deth(Oscar Marrero) "OOOOOOOHHHHHHH BBBBBAAAAAABBBBBBYYYYY!" Lorac(Carol Metts) "Our entire universe is just a small atom in the finernail of some giant being, and in each of the atoms of our fingernails is a whole other universe? Wow, can I buy some pot from you?" ?????? in Animal House "I flush the toliet between innings to keep my wrists strong" John Lowenstein Afterword- This file is deditcated to the prevention of ignorance. All though, if you wished to remain the way you were, you shouldn't have read this file. If you want to go back, TOO BAD! P.S. If you want to become one of the mighty dr00gs mentioned above, e-mail Lobo with the NDP(New Dr00g Password) which is smartone. But, don't tell anyone! Shh.. GwD Command Centers- Chaos- 797-7501 Sysop:Seth the Man (Birthplace of GwD-Mission Control) Gridpoint- 763-5072,,22 Sysop:Transderm-Nitro (First Conquest) Federation Slayers- 799-1184 Sysop:Big Red Fed Snake's Den- 793-3779 Sysop:Diamondback (WAR3Z!) Light My Fire- 795-4926 Sysop:Ailanthus (W00-W00!) Starchy White Boy 788-1943 Sysop:Zippy (down, but call it anyway, just for fun!) copyright (c), 1993 by Sir Flea Greeny world Domination Task Force copyright (c), by Lobo + STM all rights reserved to that Great one in Green GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwD13 .