GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwD G R E E N Y w o r l d D o m i n a t i o n T a s k F o r c e Presents: "What" by fastjack The sun rose warmly in the East, but still he felt cold, knowing that the house was empty and the life that had filled it was gone. Voices of the past roared through his mind. Images and feelings and thousands of other sensory impressions shoved and fought for dominance inside of his mind. Each tried to be the first to leap out and make itself a coherent thought, but none could gain dominance; therefore everything remained a jumble. Too numb to think of the past or the future he lay there and let the silent tears track down his face trailing, soaking into the pillow. After a while he forced his thoughts into order. He thought of their last night together, and the last talk they had. Now he could feel the hurt and betrayal in his heart. It was a small bitter seed. He wrapped a mental hand around it and savored its feel. The seed blossomed into a black rose of anger, and suddenly he hated everone and everything. He wanted to strike out, to rage against the world and destroy, to hurt her for hurting him. Then it was gone. Nothing was there but apathy. It filled him. Nothing mattered, nothing ever did, nothing ever would or should or could without her. Clouds came. Rain came. The house stayed silent and empty as he lay there. She was never there he thought. No one was ever there, and no one had ever been there. Everything was gone. Blackness reigned. GwD Command Centers- Chaos (806)797-7501 SysOp-Seth The Man (Mission Control) GridPoint (XXX)XXX-XXXX SysOp-Transderm-Nitro (First Conquest, don't know new number) Federation Slayers' (806)799-1184 SysOp-Big Red Fed The Starchy White Boy BBS (806)842-3270 SysOp-Fastjack (Down until May of 1994) Light My Fire (806)795-4926 SysOp-Ailanthus The Snake's Den (806)793-3779 SysOp-Diamondback The Siege Perilous (806)762-0948 SysOp-Longshot Brazen's Hell (301)776-8259 SysOp-Brazen (Eastern Outpost) copyright (c) 1994 by fastjack of GwD Inc. GREENY world Domination Task Force copyright (c) 1993 by Lobo All rights reserved to that there Guy In Green GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwD21 .