GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwD T h e G R E E N Y w o r l d D o m i n a t i o n T a s k F o r c e , I n c o r p o r a t e d Presents: __ __ 77777777777 55555555555 _____ ____ _| |__| |_ 777 55 // | \ |_ __ _| 777 55 || ____ | || | | | | | 777 5555555555 || || \ / | || | _| |__| |_ 777 5555 \\___// \/\/ |____/ |_ __ _| 777 555 |__| |__| 777 55 5555 777 555555555 "The Beat of a Different Drummer" by Priest (Formerly The Iron Priest (806)) --> THE _ORIGINAL_ BETH.TXT <-- **** A CREWOSIX PRODUCTION 1992 ***** ----- GwD: The American Dream with a Twist -- of Lime ***** Issue #75 ----- ----- release date: 11-25-99 ***** ISSN 1523-1585 ----- [NOTE: This article is intended for a mature audience. Any pornography laws and/or lawmakers this article violates can bite us. So nyah nyah nyah. This article contains detailed descriptions of oral sex, sexual intercourse, sodomy. You should most likely quit reading now if you are easily offended by sexual content, or if words like "ass," "pussy," "cock," "cunt," and/or "rimjob" offend you...uhh, not to mention "skullfuck." This article does not necessarily reflect the views of either GwD Publications, its parent company (GwD, Inc.); nor any member, employee, or officer thereof; nor do any of the aforementioned necessarily advocate the behaviors described. Of course, we don't necessarily condemn *all* of them, either. Keeping with the goal of the now-defunct "GwD Adult," this article was written by Priest while he was under the legal age of consent (sure, he's over the age of consent now, but that's not the point). That's right, ADULT TEXT BY A CHILD. Suck on that, ya sonofabitch!] Contrary to popular belief, band members did raise a lot of hell. You want proof you say? I suppose that can be supplied, provided of course, you have the stomach for it... The annual band trip occurred, as always, in late May. This year the band was headed for Dallas or bust. Most of the trip was actually quite boring and not worth mentioning, had not a full two months planning gone into one evening. To start with, since it was incredibly hard to purchase alcohol under the age of 21, especially in a virtually uncharted metropolitan area, packed in nice and tight, right next to my Hanes(tm), was an assortment of fermented beverages. The small bottle of high quality Vodka, (don't leave home without it) next to his close personal friend Jose Cuervo Gold(tm). And what trip wouldn't be complete without three 4-pks. of Jack Daniel's Country Cocktails(tm). These were hidden as a precaution in the back of the toilet with a few freezer packs and would not make their appearance until Saturday night, when the seniors, myself included, were awarded a later curfew. However, I had a special purpose in mind for the liquor, or maybe I should say a special person in mind... I carried out my duties easily enough for the next two days, just waiting for my chance. Saturday night, it came. When the band returned from the restaurant, quite a few of us decided to take a swim in the pool. As I made my way up to my room to change, I "accidentally" ran into my intended victim, Beth Cochran; a snotty little sophomore who had a tight attitude and an ass to match. In the past, we had had our share of differences, but the past month I had prepped her for this trip. This consisted of being extremely courteous, polite, and apologetic for any and all past excursions. She was buying it. We decided to take a swim together, so while she went upstairs to change into her swimming attire, I quickly changed, procured some "beverages," and met her back downstairs. This would be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. We swam leisurely for a while, killing time until we were the last people in the pool--all others having gone to their respective rooms to retire, order pizza, or see what pornographic movies the motel had neglected to take off the band's cable network. In the meantime, I had been continuously supplying mixed drinks to the aforementioned young lady adding increasingly larger and larger amounts of alcohol and the effects were showing. She had really loosened up; rubbing her hands over my back, neck and even once (by accident she said) down below the waist... I figured she was ready for one of my special massages. I took her into the sauna (all locations having been tested for sound proofing ahead of time), taking with us, of course, another round from the bartender so to speak. She was giggling to beat the band, all puns intended. "But Hobbes," she protested once, "wont someone wonder where we are?" Fortunately, I had already planned for this by arranging to have us in out respective beds and not to be disturbed during room check. Thank God she had pissed off enough people badly enough to enlist the help of numerous volunteers. "Don't worry, my dear, we won't be missed." At least, I wouldn't..."Well, my little baby doll, would you like something to liven things up?" She gave me a childish giggle and grinned when she replied, "Isn't that the whole point?" So I brought out the wine coolers, and offered her one. "So what's so special about these?" "You see, Beth, they're mostly Jack Daniels." She smiled in anticipation, popped the top off one, and deep-throated the bottle's long neck--this looked promising. She finished off three of the twelve in the blink of an eye, and I figured she was ready. I rolled over on her stomach and started to massage her back. The air in the sauna was getting pretty heavy and that in itself was relaxing. Add a massage and a great deal of alcohol and things get really interesting. She groaned softly in pleasure as my hands gently kneaded her tight back muscles and worked my way down. I played with the punk-style fringe of her shorts and my hands got adventurous. I slid one finger down the back of her shorts and rubbed up against her dark brown pubic hairs which contrasted heavily with her golden wheat-colored hair. She seemed to enjoy this because she smiled and drew one hand from her side, slipped it in between my swimming shorts and my stomach to grasp my now very hard shaft. You can imagine my pleasure at this attempt to satisfy the beast! :-) With my hand around the small of her back, I pulled her lips up to greet my already thirsty ones. She might have been a prude, but from the way she stuck her tongue all the way down my throat, I would venture to say she had kissed her fair share. I leaned back against the wall and pulled her towards me, then undid the tie on my black swimming trunks and brought her hands up to my mouth and kissed each of her fingers with a moist gentle kiss. "What..." she asked with a distinct slur in her speech and an evil, mischievous grin planted on her perky little mouth. From there I eased and guided her head down below my waist. She mentioned that she had never done this before and she was a little nervous. "Don't worry little one, you'll do just fine." She looked me right in the eyes and despite the angle kept eye contact while she slid "Stanley" in between her lips. With a bit effort on her part, and some imagining of what was to come, I actually came, spilling only a few drops on her face before she eagerly swallowed the rest. "You're not a virgin, are you?" I asked her a little rhetorically. "Yes, I'm just not very good at it," she replied with a grin. Now it was my turn at the driver's wheel. I layed her on her back and with no thought as to lubrication or protection, eased slowly between her thighs to her hot, wet, mound. She whimpered a little at first, but then started enjoying, it if her face was any indication. I started enjoying it myself and unknowingly started pumping harder and harder until she whimpered once again. "Sorry," I told her, "I'm not trying to hurt you." She looked up at me with that little know-it-all-because-I'm-a-bitch smile and said quite haughtily, "I know." Suddenly, it all came back to me. Our past, the anger, the rage, the planning for this trip and finally, *THE PLAN*. I smiled my own smile, nodded acquiescence and switched into pile-driver mode. The thrusts came harder and harder now and I could feel skin inside starting to tear. She started screaming, softly at first, then louder and louder. "Hobbes, you're hurting me!" "...I know." Just to keep the mood going, I stopped, and turned her over, relying on the sauna and the alcohol to provide the lack of protest on her end. To make sure, I poured another three wine coolers down her throat in a matter of seconds, with two tequila shot chasers. The obvious reversal was lost on her, but the symbolism, oh the symbolism! Now, yes now I believe the time was right to introduce her to a good ass-reaming. I gave her just enough time for the spirits to consume her before I went knocking on her back door. She had the sense to know that this was a new pain before the alcohol took a deeper hold. I wasted no time in thrusting deeper and faster into her than I ever had before. I pushed and pulled, my muscles screaming in protest while my rage and my cock sang with utter bliss. Now I was certain I could feel the tearing and the ripping of supple flesh inside her anus. In my vigor, I ripped through the wall of the anus and right into her cunt. That was the beginning of the screams. They issued forth from her throat in a never-ending opus of pain that was pure pleasure to my enraged ears. I didn't stop. I kept going drawing on reserves of strength and hate I did not know that I possessed. In fact, I believe I was possessed. Time seemed to slow for me and her, filling me with a languid pleasure as I pounded into her wounded teenage nubile body. Blood ran down my penis and my legs. I was in heaven in the form of hell. Aaaaa.... And then I knew for certain what was in store for Little Miss Cochran. I stopped and pulled out of her and slowly turned her around to face, so that I could see the pain and the tears on her face. She gazed at me through a haze of searing agony. "Do you want me to make it stop?"--she nodded "Do you want me to make it all go away"--her eyes begged yes. "Then let me look into your eyes, your beautiful, blue eyes..." She looked deep into me and I believe she did not like what she saw. I placed my thumbs on either side of her face, right next to her eyes. "...Such gorgeous eyes...pity." My thumbs dove deeply into her eye sockets tearing and shredding as they went. I locked them behind her eyes and popped them completely out of the sockets. Who said there were only three body orifices that a human male could fuck?!?! I deeply implanted my full thick cock into her eye socket and began to pump energetically. Back and forth, in and out. I went harder and harder using natural body fluids for lubrication as her eyeballs thumped rhythmically against my balls which came as a mixture of pleasure and pain. Her continuous screams erupted in a never ending geyser of noise from her throat. Of course, I'm not completely inhuman, so I had the decency to cauterize the wound. I took a lighter from a pocket in my swim shorts and "flicked my Bic(tm)!" Of course, seeing as this made the socket too hot to fuck, I pissed on her face to cool it off. I noticed bits and pieces of grey matter clinging to my still hard shaft, and I wiped it clean with her hair. My ears were ringing and I realized I was going deaf from her screams so close to my head. Well, there was only one way to stop that... At this point, things got kinda hazy because of the fact that I felt something snap deep inside of me; an animal came alive. For some unknown reason (probably pure pleasure at seeing this fucking whore squirm with pain), I pulled back from the eye socket and opened my mouth wide. With this done, and remembering something of what I had done to her asshole, I leaned over and ripped her throat open with sharp incisors only to back away and have blood gush and spew all over my mouth and the rest of my body. At last! I finally found the perfect lubricant! Suddenly, I came upon a brilliant idea. I eased her head back, widening the cut and slowly inserted my incredibly hard cock down her trachea and began to fuck. Now this was what I called deep-throating! The blood helped to smooth things along and allowed me to go farther and farther down her windpipe. Ahh, a perfect fit. I came, and the cum mixed with the blood to create a sticky, pink substance that slid slowly down her throat into oblivion. I might have gotten to the esophagus later, if I'd had the time... I went back to the eye socket with my still-swollen member covered with her lifeblood and a new vigor, thrusting with more energy than I ever had in my life. I felt the skull cracking with the force of the blows. No matter, I fucked through the tear in the bone. It's not like she'd be needing the skull anymore anyway. Boning took on a whole new meaning for me. It was at this point that I decided to halt the proceeding simply because of the fact that I had a lot of work ahead of me. I decided the best way would be to bring several trash bags into the sauna and load the bitch up. Then I would put her in the dumpster with the rest of the garbage, which would undoubtedly be burned the next morning or taken someplace where the smell would never be noticed. Then I wiped up the majority of the blood and bits of flesh knowing full well that the little stuff would evaporate once I cranked up the sauna to full blast and left it running for the rest of the night. I disposed of my swim shorts and as an afterthought, went skinny dipping in the pool, then the hot tub to erase all traces of blood from my body. Finally, I headed up to my room. As I snuck in through the balcony window, my roommates smiled and nodded knowingly at me. We would all sleep well tonight. Ding dong, the bitch is dead. ----- Special thanks to M.D. who had the only remaining copy of this file following the great purge of 1993. CREWOSIX: The Iron Priest, Jakyl, Fastjack, Trojan-Man, Hallucination, Ren [This article is the work of Priest who is solely responsible for its content. All characters in the article are fictitious. Any resemblance to any persons living...or dead is unintentional. As a reminder, we don't have any money, so it wouldn't be worth suing us anyway.] ----------------------------------------------------------- GwDweb: GwD Publications: GwD BBSes: C.H.A.O.S. - Snake's Den - E-Mail: * GwD, Inc. - P.O. Box 16038 - Lubbock, Texas 79490 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Revenge is a dish best served cold." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -+- F Y M -+- GR33NY LIK3S mash3d p0tat03s MORE THAN FIVE YEARS of ABSOLUTE CRAP! /---------------\ copyright (c) 1992 The Iron Priest/CREWOSIX Productions :FIGHT THE POWER: copyright (c) MCMXCIX Priest/GwD Publications/GwD, Inc. : GwD : All rights reserved \---------------/ GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwD75 .