GwD-TEN YEARS TEN YEARS TEN YEARS TEN YEARS TEN YEARS TEN YEARS TEN YEARS-GwD Oh my GawD! ***** 10 YEARS OF CRAP FOR YOU, MY FRIENDS. ***** More from GwaD! The GREENY world Domination Task Force, Incorporated Brings YOU 10 Brand New Text Files and 5 NEW NEW NEW MP3s for GwD's 10th Anniversary! (Issues 126-135 of _GwD: The American Dream with a Twist -- of Lime_, Issues 11-15 of _Greeny's wildly amazing universal Digital opiate_), AND 5+ k-rad GwDwarez! -=< NewGwDsnEWgWdSNewGwDsnEWgWdSNewGwDsnEWgWdSNewGwDsnEWgWdSNewGwDsnEWgWdS >=- -=< This Here Is GwD News, Issue #20 - 06/10/03 >=- ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** R E L E A S E N O T E S ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** WORD TO YOUR MOMS. Sexy Text for YOU! New issues of _GwD: The American Dream with a Twist -- of Lime_ * gwd126.txt - "Holly Near v. Melissa Etheridge" by Yancey Slide So, like, can same-sex couples that legally marry in one state get a legal divorce in a state that doesn't recognize same-sex marriages? Hmmm... * gwd127.txt - "Post-Lubbock Influenza" by Seth The Man STM got sick in Lubbock. Alas. * gwd128.txt - "Rice-a-Roni PIC Programmer" by breed_x Ever wondered what to do with the box after you've eaten your Rice-a-Roni? breed_x offers a suggestion. * gwd129.txt - "Chach Talk: Inverview with Stein" by Elliot Deuce What makes Stein tick? Who the hell is Stein? * gwd130.txt - "GwD is..." by A wonderful look at all of the many things that GwD is. * gwd131.txt - "Lubbock Trip" by Seth The Man STM went to Lubbock. Doesn't that sound fun? Lubbock is fun, chach. * gwd132.txt - "Star Wars Part 77" by Havoc Havoc tells an interesting story. The point of the story seems to be the death of Havoc's former boss at the lightsaber of Samuel L. Jackson. * gwd133.txt - "The Dregs of My Poetry" by Yancey Slide Yance took a poetry class. Here are the results. * gwd134.txt - "Remembering Porkins" by Ciacco the Hog Ciacco "interviewed" William Hootkins, the actor who portrayed Jek Porkins, the slightly-larger of the X-Wing pilots. * gwd135.txt - "Bribs Plays Billiards" by The BMC Billiards, billiards, billiards. (so, like, all authors are solely responsible for the content of their issues) Zounds, Zounds, Really Cool Sounds! New issues of _GwauDio_! Wow your friends! * gwd011.mp3 - "Floppin' Around" by Nosmo King Nosmo King, an awesome jazzy combo that includes GwD faves Sir Flea (on bass) and Frank Ferra (on guitar and backing vocals), offers up this lovely song about not wearing underwear (if you're a guy) or a bra (if you're a lady). You know what it's like to be floppin' around; admit it. Okay, fine, that may not really be what the song is about. But it's still excellent. Seriously. * gwd012.mp3 - "I'd Just Like to Say that I'm Glad to Be Here" by Lobo Licious Lobo comments on life. (He's quoting SCUMDOG Entertainment's j3ph; this is taken from the stuN reeB video _Girls Think Sexy: The History of stuN reeB_). Another classic GwD soundbite; this was originally relased in 1997 as "glad.wav." It's being re-released because you asked so nicely. * gwd013.mp3 - "Accident Prone" by Nosmo King This time, Nosmo King sings a little ditty about being unlucky. As in clumsy. As in accident prone. This song is amazing. Listen to it RIGHT NOW. * gwd014.mp3 - "Mmmmm" by Priest MMMMMMM. Mmmmm. MMMMmmmm. Yes. * gwd015.mp3 - "Cut Back" by Nosmo King Man, Nosmo King just won't quit! "Cut Back" offers you a heaping helping of their hospitality. Or something like that. As with all other Nosmo King tracks, this song ROCKS SERIOUS BALLS. Well, as much as a jazz song can rock, that is. You will add this song to your WinAMP playlist. YOU WILL. AND... k-rad w@r3Zzzzz b-cuz U R such a d00d! New GwDwarez - AWW YEAH - CHECK 'EM OUT - New GwDwarez * "PicMeme" by breed_x (co-released with noisybox) - - PicMeme is a stand alone Windows application *and* Windows screen saver that crawls through internet web space and collects interesting pictures to be displayed on your screen. PicMeme provides a window into the heart and soul of teh internet. An ever-changing collection of visual data is compiled by PicMeme's automated web browsing engine. It is web surfing without the effort. It is browsing without the burden of reading. ... If a picture is truly worth a thousand words, then this software can be considered epic... * "st00pid browser" by Diamondback (co-released with Dark Day Software) It's st00pid. It's a browser. It's st00pid browser. * "Shuffle Thing" by Bill Hooper Shuffle shuffle shuffle. It's a game. You play it. * All (?) Bill and Lobo's Hyper-Elite Programmers' Guild releases Now added to the GwDwarez repertoire! Word. BLHEPG rocked/rocks your lame ass. DOS-based programming at its finest and its not-so-finest. * Many pre-BLHEPG Bill Hooper releases More DOS-based utils (most text-file related) than you could ever possibly want! -*- " unusual story about a couple of sweltering polarbears in Texas" -+- -+- GREEN is GOOD. -+- ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** What's going on in Grenedom? ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** -> HEADLINES <- GwD IS TEN YEARS OLD. YOUR TEXTFILE GROUP/E-ZINE IS NOT. SO NYAH NYAH NYAH. A LOT OF THE "CURRENT TEXT SCENE" ( IS "AT WAR." AS FAR AS WE'RE CONCERNED, THEY'RE ALL LAME ANYWAY. NYAH NYAH NYAH. Contrary to what you may have heard, at this point it seems that GwaDFEST03, the GwD 10th Anniversary Gala Event, will be *INVITE ONLY*. It was supposed to be open to the public, but Seth dropped the ball and didn't reserve a big enough convention center. Licious's response to STM's lack of planning was "Shit, Seth, I ask you to do one thing in TEN YEARS, and you can't even do it right." If anything changes, we'll let you know. -*- "Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog." -*- -> OTHER NEWS <- Uhh, there isn't really any other news. There's just some new text files to read and some new mp3's to hear and some new (and old) warez for you to play with. It'll no doubt be nice to have something to play with other than yourself. Scumdog Steev (Lobo Licious) and Sir Flea do a radio show on KTXT-FM 88.1 ( on Monday nights from 11pm-1am (Central Time). Check it out, if you're in Lubbock. Or, hey, you can listen on-line. That'd be swell. Yeah. -+- "The 4 most poweful words you can say about GwD, Inc. are... -+- -+- '10 Years of Experience.'" -+- -> SUBMISSION INFORMATION <- If you have ANYTHING to submit to GwD (artwork, text, outlandish claims, etc.), DO NOT HESITATE to send it our way. "" is there for you, baby. Work must be 100% original and it must be understood that once submitted, articles/artwork/photographs become the property of GwD, Inc. (unless they have been previously published elsewhere) and we can use them however we see fit, even if it's merely to make fun of them (and you). SUBMIT NOW OR PERISH. -*- "TEN YEARS OF UTTER CRAP." -*- ~~~~~ CONTACT: The GREENY world Domination Task Force, Inc. Pubz - - Pubz P.O. Box 16038 - Lubbock, Texas - 79490 - for moral, ethical, spiritual, and financial guidance - *** The GwD Task Force, Inc. - All the Best in Absolute Crap Since 1993! *** GwD News #20 - rel. 06-10-03 - by Lobo Licious & Bob the Master of the World ***** copyright (c) MMIII GwD Publications/GwD, Inc. ***** -*- GwD - "Having Fits and Taking Shits" - GwD -*- GwDN20 GwD-TEN YEARS TEN YEARS TEN YEARS TEN YEARS TEN YEARS TEN YEARS TEN YEARS-GwD .