Oh my GawD! ***** AN INSPIRATIONAL AND MOVING MESSAGE. ***** More from GwaD! The GREENY world Domination Task Force, Incorporated Brings *YOU* 5 Brand New Text Files and 5 NEW NEW NEW MP3s for 2004! (Issues 136-140 of _GwD: The American Dream with a Twist -- of Lime_ AND Issues 11-15 of _Greeny's wildly amazing universal Digital opiate_) -=< NewGwDsnEWgWdSNewGwDsnEWgWdSNewGwDsnEWgWdSNewGwDsnEWgWdSNewGwDsnEWgWdS >=- -=< This Here Is GwD News, Issue #21 - 12/31/03 >=- ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** R E L E A S E N O T E S ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** WORD TO YOUR MOMS. Sexy Text for YOU! New issues of _GwD: The American Dream with a Twist -- of Lime_ http://www.GREENY.org/archives/cat_text.html Brought to you by the fine folks at GwD Publications! * gwd136.txt - "Duck, Duck, Goose = End of All Things" by Aardv@rk Childrens' games and the Apocalypse. Nice light bedtime reading. * gwd137.txt - "Thoughts on Nothing" by Dr. Dr. Otis Dr. Dr. Otis has nothing to say. Honest. * gwd138.txt - "Bloodsport and Bildungsroman - Minors' First Ammendment Right of Access to Violent Gaming" by Yancey Slide If you'd like to know what this issue is about, you should read the title, numbnuts. * gwd139.txt - "blargle" by Patriotic Polly New dr00g Patriotic Polly gives us "blargle," an in-depth look at the psychological ramifications of peer pressure and "going with the flow." A must-read for students of human nature. Actually, for students of anything at all. * gwd140.txt - "A Story about You, the Reader" by Aardv@rk Aardv@rk's written a story about *YOU*. It might tell you something about yourself that you didn't know before. (so, like, all authors are solely responsible for the content of their issues) AND... Zounds, Zounds, Really Cool Sounds! New issues of _GwauDio_! Wow your friends! http://www.GREENY.org/archives/cat_mp3.html Continuing the GwD Publications/DOMINATION records collaboration! * gwd016.mp3 - "No Takebacks" by Arbor Day A swell bunch (they're a seven piece band) of kids who used to be known as "Hugsabunch Freeloader" lent us "No Takebacks," a song from their soon-to-be-released debut, _The Lite E.P._ YOU WILL LISTEN TO THIS SONG AND YOU WILL LIKE IT. (Check out their site at http://www.hugsabunch.com/.) * gwd017.mp3 - "Affirmation" by Nosmo King Nosmo King (site coming soon...very soon) is still going strong. Affirmation is a fine addition to their repertoire. DOWNLOAD IT NOW, YE SHAN'T BE DISAPPOINTED. * gwd018.mp3 - "Eye Octal" by Infiltration Lab The (sort of) title track from Infiltration Lab's debut album _ioctl()_, the "virtually unlistenable debut album by Infiltration Lab." The album (available in its entirety at http://www.noisybox.net/art/albums/ioctl/) was designed to demonstrate "how low-cost albums can be created using modern technology." (Look for remixes of this and/or other Infiltration Lab "songs" soon from GwD. Maybe.) * gwd019.mp3 - "Around You" by Nosmo King Lounge Music for the Mentally Challenged. And that's a compliment. "Around You" is a happy love song. "Love is the most wondrous place I'll ever know." Indeed! * gwd020.mp3 - "Stop Laughing" by Arbor Day Stop laughing. What the fuck is wrong with you? Can't you see I'm in pain? Actually, Arbor Day lent us this happy ditty (again taken from their forthcoming _The Lite E.P._) to help further the cause of _GwauDio_. What cause is that? Nevermind. -*- "...Like an all-you-can-eat buffet for fans of text and music." -*- -+- GREEN is GOOD. -+- ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** What's going on in Grenedom? ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** -> HEADLINES <- There's a fine new version of GwDweb, the mighty GwD website (http://www.greeny.org/). The new version of the site was designed using Movable Type (http://www.movabletype.org/). The blog-format of the site allows the reader to comment on all of your favorite GwD t-files from the past ten years, as well as all of our fine (and not-so-fine) GwDwarez and mp3s. The photos on the site now have thumbnails (rather than vague descriptions -- yes, we've moved into the early 1990s). You can comment on your favorite photos as well. These fine innovations of the site's photo album are thanks to a fine piece of software called Gallery (http://gallery.sourceforge.net/). There's also GwaDBlog, your source for "all the news that's fit to shit." Come, read our musings on, well, whatever pisses us off. Or whatever we find amusing. Or various and sundry other things. Yes, we have a blog. We are tools. "Tools of what?" you may ask. Just tools. Both GwDweb and GwaDBlog are also available on LiveJournal (http://www.livejournal.com/); the usernames are "GwD" and "GwaDBlog," respectively. Add them to your friends list. Definitely don't forget to stop by the GwD store for all of your GREENY-endorsed merchandise. Lunch boxes, beer steins, coffee mugs, mouse pads. And the clothes! Shirts of various styles, boxer shorts, even thongs. Now you have no excuse not to LOOK LIKE A dr00g EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR. The store can be found at http://www.cafeshops.com/gwdtaskforce/. Thanks to the folx over at The Current Text Scene (http://www.textscene.com/), GwD also has a discussion board that can be found at: http://addendum.proboards22.com/index.cgi?board=GWD. Drop by, leave some feedback. That's what it's all about, feedback from our readers. The site redesign is all about making it easier for you to share your thoughts, your concerns, your hopes, your fears, your dreams with your friends at GwD. So we can laugh at them. And you. -*- "GREENY.org is, perhaps, the single most important website ever." -*- -> OTHER NEWS <- Not much news about the group, other than the fact that WE CONTINUE TO ROCK SERIOUS BALLS. SERIOUSLY, I HAVE TROUBLE DESCRIBING TO YOU EXACTLY HOW MUCH WE ROCK, BECAUSE WE ROCK SO FUCKING HARD. GOOD LORD, DO WE EVER ROCK. However, individual dr00gs have news, so here you go: Shifty/Frank Ferra/whatever-his-name-is had a baby. Well, he didn't actually have the baby himself. His girlfriend *had* the baby, but he was definitely involved. Their daughter's name is Kaian Eva. She is healthy and happy, as it should be. Congrats to the Shifty/Ferra/whatever family from your friends at GwaD. Bill Hooper is married, sort of. A less-than-legal dr00gan wedding was performed by Yancey Slide in June of this year, followed by another wedding in India. The Hoopers plan to marry again sometime in 2004. Lobo Licious and Seth The Man are now engaged. Not to each other, despite what you may have heard about their alleged decade-spanning affair. Both couples are very happy and plan to wed in separate ceremonies. Stay tuned to GwDweb (http://www.GREENY.org/) for more GwD-ish news. -*- "There's nothing left on that plate but fat and gristle." -*- -> SUBMISSION INFORMATION <- If you have ANYTHING to submit to GwD (artwork, text, outlandish claims, etc.), DO NOT HESITATE to send it our way. "submit@GREENY.org" is there for you, baby. Work must be 100% original and it must be understood that once submitted, articles/artwork/photographs become the property of GwD, Inc. (unless they have been previously published elsewhere) and we can use them however we see fit, even if it's merely to make fun of them (and you). -*- "It made me feel invincible, and I like to feel invincible." -*- -> LETTER(S) TO THE EDITOR <- Got a comment/question/complaint/rant? Send 'em our way. editor@GREENY.org is always waiting for your e-mails. However, we're really damn tired of getting spam. Cut the shit, else we'll sic Honkey Donkey on your lame ass. [All spelling/grammar errors are those of the author(s) and are not errors on the part of GwD, cuz, well, we're perfect. Yeah.] Date: Sun, 05 Oct 2003 19:40:22 -0300 From: BMC Organization: http://www.neo-comintern.com To: GwD High Command Subject: Lobo! I just wanted to let you know about a text scene message board. Feel free to come and visit if you're interested. This might be a good way for the zinesters to keep in touch. http://addendum.proboards22.com/ Peace! BMCizzay p.s. my article about The Current Text Scene should be in Broken Pencil within the next week or so. That means that about 3000 new people should be coming to textscene.com. So, if you can, try to release something within the month of October... and remember to keep in touch with me about all of your new releases! [That's right kids, be sure to check out The Current Text Scene over at http://www.textscene.com/. Also, check out the October 2003 issue of _Broken Pencil_ (a Canadian zine that reviews zines) for BMC's article about t-file history and the current text scene.] ----- ~~~~~ "...and I stitch myself with razor blades, because I forgot how Jesus saves." CONTACT: The GREENY world Domination Task Force, Inc. http://www.GREENY.org/ Pubz - http://www.GREENY.org/pubz/ - Pubz GwD@GREENY.org P.O. Box 16038 - Lubbock, Texas - 79490 - for moral, ethical, spiritual, and financial guidance - *** The GwD Task Force, Inc. - All the Best in Absolute Crap Since 1993! *** GwD News #21 - rel. 12-31-03 - by Lobo Licious & Bob the Master of the World ***** copyright (c) MMIII GwD Publications/GwD, Inc. ***** -*- GwD - "Having Fits and Taking Shits" - GwD -*- GwDN21 .