WELCOME ALL TO A NEW GENERATION OF ANARCHY!!!! PRESNTED BY HAA HACKERS AND ANARCHISTS ANONYMOUS THIS FILE WAS WRITTEN BY MR. GiMP DISCLAIMER: I AM IN NO WAY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS AS A RESULT OF USING OR DOING WHATEVER THIS FILE CONTAINS!!!!!!! I have always tried to find the best anarchy file. I never could. I look for a file that has easy to make stuff that will not kill you or get you arrested. Since I cant find any I will write my own with knowledge that i have gotten from reading all those HPAV files. Sometimes ill throw in the big stuff for fun. SMALL EXPLOSIVES Take some M80's M70's whatever. Take all the gunpowder out of them. Put all the gunpowder in a toilet paper roll, the little cardboard thing that the paper is wrapped around. Put wax at one end of the roll, let it harden. Now fill as much of the toilet paper roll as possible. Once you have used up as much of the roll as possible, wax the other end shut too. Now, when that wax hardens also, poke a little hole in it. Slip the wick in and then you have a small of large explosive, depending on how much gunpowder you used. Now light it and run your ass off. FUN WITH FIREWORKS 1. If you have a bottle rocket or whistler you can do this. Take two bottle rockets(When I say bottle rockets I mean bottle rockets and whistlers.) and set them aside. Now, make a paper airplane, a good one!!!! Tape the paper airplane to the two bottle rockets so that it is in between them. Now, light them both at the same time and watch them fly. Sometimes, if your lucky, the paper airplane will catch on fire and keep flying, this looks cool. 2. Take anykind of fircracker and put a lot of stuff on it(nails, rocks, etc... Depending on the amount of destruction that you want.) Place the firecracker in any place that you want. Now, put all of that crap on it. You may want to get an extra long wick on it so that you have more time to run your ass off. When the firecracker goes off, all that shit will fly. Sometimes that stuff stays in the air for a long time. WATCH OUT!!! If this blows up in your face, its gonna hurt, a lot!!! BREAKING INTO DEMO COMPUTERS AT STORES If the comoputer at the store has a demo program to show the graphics and the speed, etc... Then your in good luck. When the program is changing to a new screen, push control+Pause/Break very rapidly. It will bring you directly to DOS or whatever program is uses. This is a lot of fun to do if you want to delete everything or maybe change some stuff so that the computer wont sell. I did it once and formated the whole HD. It was a shit load of fun. You could also try typing ATTRIB MSDOS.SYS +A and then deleting it. Do the same with IO.SYS.. they'll just have to reformat, but its a more non-chalant way than typing FORMAT C: /Q .. Have phun... Written By MR. GiMP-HAA Prez .