Another file by the HAA Written by The Software Surgeon and MR. GiMP "Don't Mess With Us" This is a file about the new rivalry of HAA and the biggest fuck-up, Red Mage. As far as I know he was talking shit about HAA and all of its members. At first we didnt pay to attention to the fag lowlife that he is, and his remarks. Then he really started to piss us off. So, being the hackers that we are, we hacked his account. We got his Password. Then, being the idiot that he is, he used it on a ton of other boards too. The PW was GIVEITUP, he ELEGEDLY changed it. Since we did not care for him to go crying to his mommy, we didnt fuck his account up at all. Instead we just looked around and maybe dled a few files on his name. This little rivalry is far from over. I know we sound like we nothing better to do but mess around with a LAMER like Red Mage. But, today in the hacking world, the little losers must learn their lessons. So, we want to say that Red Mage had better watch his step and not fuck with the HAA. The moral of this file is.... DONT FUCK WITH THE HAA thank you.. H’’ .