Welcome to another issue of HAA Written by Mr. Gimp Isuue #5 Disclaimer: Nothing that happens as a result of this file is not my responsibility. It's your ass if you blow up. HAA SPECIAL BOMB Materials: Gasoline, wick, plastic container, cap for the container, gunpowder, phycotic tendancy, and for a little kick, some C4. This bomb is not really meant for you to make unless your a fuckin' maniac. You should be very careful with this bomb. It could easily blow up a whole block. In case you dont have C4, here is how to make it. C4 is very populare in the millitary. It contains 91% RDX and 9% plastic binder. Mix these two together and let harden or whatever. Then you have C4. Remeber this is a plastic explosive. So it will stay plastic. Put the C4 aside for a while. Put the gasoline into the container about half way up. Now put the C4 into the bottle. Also put the gunpowder in the bottle. Put any amount in depending on the amont of destuction that you want. Now close the cap on the bottle. Poke a hole in the top of the container and put the wick in. Now you have your HAA bomb. YOu light and throw or whatever. Written by MR. GiMP-President of the HAA.copy blow away. .