Another HAA Phile... How to have a shit load of phun at school and not get cuaght Written by HAA's finest-MR. GiMP DISCLAIMER: ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS AS A RESULT OF THIS PHILE IS NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY. ITS YOUR ASS IF YOU FUCK UP. So, you wanna have a ton of fun at school? Well, if you do, here's how. 1. You can go into the bathroom and into one of the stalls. Make sure no little tattle tales are around. Take out a good ol' M-80. Put a ciggarette on the wick. If you do this right, the ciggarette will have to burn all the way down before that M-80 can go off. The smoke from the ciggarette will set off the fire alarm pretty quickely. Then, while the cops or whatever go into the bathroom to look for the fire, the M-80 will go off. Only if the timing is right. This is great to miss school. 2. You can play some pretty interesting pranks on some teachers today. All the teachers today are old farts that just talk on and on. If you have one of those old teachers that think they know just about everyting, then this is for you. If its a science teacher, take on of the test tube beakers that is filled wiht a chemical. Switch it or put some sort of other chemical in with it. If you do this correctly, the teacher will try to demonstrate the lab experiment and it will go wrong, The teacher should feel pretty dumb. If you want to harm the teacher, take two chemicals like, Calcium Carbide and H2o and put them in two of the beakers that the techaer will be using. This will make a pretty good explosion, if you do this make sure you are on the opposite end of the room from the teacher, otherwise you'll get it too. Fun with the Principal 1. Take those damn batteries out of his cordless microphone. 2. Put shit in his whistle 3. Put some nasty thing on the chair that he always sits in. Do these wiht caution!!!!! / / /\ /\ / / / \ / \ /----/ /----\ /----\ - HACKERS ANARCHIST ANONYMOUS / / / \ / \ MR. GiMP WAS NEVER HERE / / / \ / \ .