Another HAA Phile Written by MR. GiMP "Really cool ways to raise hell" DISCLAIMER: NOTHING THAT HAPPENS AS A RESULT OF THIS PHILE IS MY PROBLEM. ITS YOUR ASS IF YOU FUCK UP. 1. You can take some shit(literally or not) and put it in a box. Label the box formally "Congratualations! You've won the sweepstakes. You were chosen of all the people in as the winner!!! Then drop the box off at someone's house that you really hate. When they open the box, whatever you put in the box will be reveled. If it smells really bad, they'll die or choke of something like that. You can also put a fake prize that will blow up of something like that in the box, this 'll relly get 'em. 2. Take some dead fish into school one day. Make sure the fish is in some sort of air tight bag so that it will not smell and make you look and smell dumb. During one of the early morning periods, flush the fish down the toilet. The smell will be in the pipes for a long time. They may even close school because of it. This works great if you wanna miss school. 3. Go into the backyard of your victims house. Find the phonlines that connect to the house. Snip the wires. get some more wire and connect the lines that you snipped th their neighbors house and Vice versa. If you do this correctly they will get eachother's calls and will have to pay to get it fixed. 4. This is a simple and full-proof way to raise hell. Take a match, light the phone lines on fire. It will look like the phone lines caught fire, and accidentaly caught the house on fire too. Oh well... The company might get sued for the damages. Either that or the people will have to pay for the damages themselves. NOTE: Make sure you dont leave the match there. If you do, you shouldn't even have this phile because you dont have enough comon sense too. 5. You can just blow a lot of stuff up or do something like that. You can set fire to a car, or blow up a house. YOu can do these things with matches, lighters, or explosives!! That should hold you anarchists off for a while. Text Written by- MR. GiMP-HAA President .