Another HAA Phile Written my MR. GiMP "How to rip off game machines" I was at a restaraunt today wiht some friends, we ran out of money and their were games there. Of course you needed 25 cents. Well, we didnt have any money. So I took a business card that was in a box, on of those free things, ans I folded it up so that it would fit through the hole that the money goes in. I then shoved the card all the way in. The machine clicked. It worked!!! I did that all day and got 30 free games. DIAGRAM: I -----I I I-------card ___I______I_____ / / slot Note: this only works on those machines that have no littl button to push. Only the ones that are just a pice of metal with a slit through it. Actually you can try it with the other ones. I have never tried them before Written by MR. GiMP-Prez of the HAA .