-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- _____ _____ The | @ | Hogs of Entropy | @ | /\__^__/\ present... /\__^__/\ BUUUURP BUUUURP Meaningful Shit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <<-HoE->> By, Mogel Release Date: 08/13/94 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These books are not any "self-help" shit. You really shouldn't and really DON'T need a book for that. These books are not any obscure little books that are impossible to find and even harded to afford -- They are simply four classic books from history. Sadly, some of these books are force-read in our fucked school system. PLEASE don't let that turn you off from these books. The pathetic ramblings of a teacher making an ATTEMPT at understanding these books ruin them in some way, but there REALLY is an incredible air to them. You can find these books all over the place, and definatly in paper back. If your one of those idiots that watch TV all day, STOP IT, that shit rots your brain...all the biased bullshit that we often don't even pick up is a waste of time! Each of them changed my life or the way I see things in some way... They all show shit from a society that is nightmarishly close to our own... Anyone who really believes in the freedom of thought should understand and read these books... otherwise, your hypocritically ignorant. I have pulled small excerpts from each here. Pick them up you cheap bastard (With whatever *paymeny* method you use, of coarse): BRAVE NEW WORLD: The Policemen pushed him out of the way and got on with their work. Three men with spraying machines buckled to their shoulders pumped thick clouds of SOMA vapour into the air. Two more were busy carring the portable Synthetic Music Box. Carring water pistols charged with a powerful anaesthetic, four others had pushed their way into the crowd and were methodically laying out, squirt by squirt, the more ferocious fighters. "Quick, quick!" yelled Bernard. "They'll be killed if you don't hurry. They'll be...Oh!" Annoyed by his chatter, one of the four policemen had given him a shot of his water pistol. Bernard stood for a second or two wambling unsteadily on legs that seemed to have lost their bones, their tendons, their muscles, to have become mere sticks of jelly, and at last not even jelly -- water: He tumbled in a hear on the floor. Suddenly, from out of the Synthetic Music Box a Voice began to speak. The Voice of Reason, the Voice of Good Feeling. The sound-track roll was unwinding itself in Synthetic Anti-Riot Speech number Two(Medium Strength). Straight from the depths of a non-existant heart, "My friends, my friends!" said the the Voice so pathetically, with a note of such infinitely tender reproach that, behind their gas masks, even the policeman's eyes were momentarily dimmed with tears, "what is the meaning of this? Why aren't you all happy and good together? Happy and good," the Voice repeated. "At peace, at peace." It trembled, sank into a whisper and momentarily expired. "Oh, I want you to be happy," it began, with a yearning earnestness. "I do so want you to be good! Please, please be good and..." Two minutes minutes later the Voice and the SOMA vapour produced their effect. In tears, the Deltas were kissing and huggin one another. [Ed Note: There was more SOMA given out and people were taken back to their "normal" lives] When the last of the Deltas had gone the policeman swithced off the current. The angelic Voice fell silent. "Will you come quietly?" asked the Sergeant, "or must we anaesthetize?" He pointed his water pistol menacingly. --Aldous Huxley THE TRIAL "Please don't ask me for names, take my warning to heart instead, and don't be so unyielding in the future, you can't fight against the Court, you must confess your guilt. Make your confession at the first chance you get. Until then there's no possiblity of getting out of their clutches, none at all," Leni said with a look that only lawyers can give. [Joseph K. thinks to himself] "Am I to leave this world as a man who has no common sense? Are people to say of me when I am gone that at the beginning of my case I wanted to finish it, and at the end of it I wanted to begin it again? I don't want that to be said. I am greatful for the fact that these half-dumb, senseless creatures have set to accompany me on this journey, and that I have been left to say to myself all that is needed." --Franz Kafka CRIME AND PUNISHMENT "Allow me to observe," he answered dryly, "that I don't consider myself a Mohomet or a Napoleon, nor any personage of that kind, and not being one of them I cannot tell you how I should act." "Oh, come now, don't we all think ourselves as Napoleons?" Porify said with alarming familiarity. [Later...] A STRANGE period began for Raskolnikov: it was as though a fog had fallen upon him and wrapped him in a dreary solitude from which there was no escape. Recalling that period long after, he believed that his mind had been clouded at times, and that it continued so, with intervals, till the final catastrophe. He was convinced that he had been mistaken about many things at that time. When he tried to later piece his recollections together, he learnt a great deal about himself..from what other peole had told him. --Fyodor Dostoevsky 1984 [Editor's note: I lost my copy of 1984 twice... I think I like this one the most of all the books here. The most memorible quote was:] Big Brother is watching you. WALLY THE WILDCAT [Editor's note: I'm a bastard, so I put in my own little short story in this package.] Wally the wildcat was not one of the smarter animals you could meet in the animal kingdom...but he did have a good, simple heart. You could call him the "Gumpp" of the Jungle. He often was caught saying: "Life es likea bOhx uh FUhIeld Mice...ya never know what disease you gonna geeeet." Wally often walked around the forest looking for vegetables... and never once did he fear attack from any other animal... not solely because of sheer ignorance, but also because Wally was pretty darn tough. One day, however, Wally came across a clever and wiley hog strolling on his way...Even though many animals might have found this hog a treat, Wally didn't...he liked his vegetables just fine. "Excuse me, do you know where I can get some vegetable?" asked Wally, "I'm a very hungry wildcat." "Suuuuure I do!" the pig whined with a grin, "I got eXpert vision..." the hog snickered..."There's some in those caves over there..." Not realizing that the hog was full of MajorBull, he thanked him, and skipped in a way that only wildcats can skip, to the caves indicated. The caves were as dark as night, but Wally was hungry so he went in scared anyway. After some walking, Wally was horrifed to find a flock of demon renegade sheep! This was out of some sort of nightmare! One sheep jetted by Wally, tagging him meanly for a scare. Then several sheep took deep breaths and began to spit fire at Wally! The fire was a scare at first, but Wally felt the fire and realized that it was all show. The fire was actually weak, ineffective, and stupid. In anger, the sheep all prepared to stamp Wally to death. Wally would have been a goner for sure, except by great luck a group of Fast Bloodhound Ignorants were roaming by and ripped the Sheep to shreads. Fortunalty for Wally, he hid behind a thin wall of rocks from the hounds. Later, after Wally had done some more hunting, it became late and Wally began to search for a simple way out. He couldn't!! He was lost! There were NO exits! He was going to have to stay in these caves forever! Wally looked up and saw a sign on the ceiling...it read: "You are in the caves of Oblivion." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- (c)opywhatever Mogsafrognoglog Entertainment. .