-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- _____ _____ The | @ | Hogs of Entropy | @ | /\__^__/\ present... /\__^__/\ BUUUURP BUUUURP The Ping Pong Bomb ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <<-HoE->> By, Everlast Release Date: 09/02/94 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- How to make a bomb, out of a ping pong. Bounce it real nice, bounce it once or twice. Make it go real high, make the motherfuckers cry. Necessities: 1 ping pong ball(duuhh) Gasoline or any other flammable liquid 1 fuse Yes, it is quite easy to make a bomb with ordinary household items. This is an explanation of how I do that. I chose the ping pong ball because they are oh-so-cute. This bomb will not destroy anything like you may want it to, but hey what do you expect from a goddam ping pong ball?!? It will, however, create a nice, little explosion. This could scare people shitless and knock over things and maybe even a tiny fire if you do it right. The first thing you need to do is puncture a hole in the ping pong ball (you can do this using an ice pick or a drill or some other protruding object). Then go ahead and carefully pour the gasoline (or flammable liquid...and oh there's many...read lables...the more bold face the type is and the more exclamation points near the word "flammable" the more fun this will be) into the ping pong ball, again try not to spill it... it may become a bummer when you try smoking a cigar. Add a little extra if you don't care a shit about the site your setting this off at. It may make a tiny little fire. Then insert the fuse into the hole (you know, the one you just made and poured the stuff into) in the ping pong ball. Make sure the fuse fits in very tight (Everlast Tip #24: If it doesn't fit well, then stick a toothpick in with the fuse to tighten it up well). Now your just about set. Okay, so you are set. Make sure when you set it on the ground that the fuse is pointing UPWARDS (got that? No? I'll say it again: UPWARDS! Like, it's the opposite of Downwards. Got it now? Good. U-P-W-A-R-D-S) because if it isn't UPWARDS and you go to light the ping pong bong...er, bomb it you might start a little fire and we wouldn't want that to happen! Okay...now light it and run like a bitch(or a bastard, whichever the case may be)!! Thanks for being my friend, and remember what I always say: "If you don't give a shit about anything, play ping pong with it." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- (c)opypow Stuff Inc. .