______ ______ ______________ | | | | \ | \ / \ / ____ \ ______| | |________| | / \ | |____ | ________ | ( {} ) | _____) /~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | \____/ | |______ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ | |~~~~~~~ / \ / \ / | ~~~~~~~~~| | | | |______| |______| /_____________| | | | | | | | | Hogs of Entropy Text Files Present... | | | | | | | | "HoeDate #1" | | | | | | | | By: Mogel | | | | | | | | | | \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Save these! They are collectors items!) I am a cool guy and shit. That's right.. even as ELITE as I am, I still must proform the same bodily fuctions that you do. Wow. Okay, here's the deal.. even though HOE is not really mega-super-hyper-mondo structured, I was requested a lot to put a member list up... so I'm doing more than that!!! THAT'S HOW ELITE I AM. HAHAHAHA!!! Here's a HOE-UPDATE, followed by a Member list, followed by the Distro Site list, followed by a really Elite play with the Distro SysOps as the cast, followed by the Small 19-issue index. Told ya' I was ELITE!!! Welp, as I have said in the past HOE is moving it's way to being... well, uhh... well it's moving to being something.... but I slowly feel that I am and can accomplish my dream of being another mover and shaker, and money maker in what the people that need lables would call "the scene". What I do know is, so far it's been fun. That's what is important here anyway, right??? We are looking for good writers for HOE as you know... making it better and better...with your help. Also, we're at a sort of beginning here, so we need feedback. It's important. So far the feedback has been more specific towards individual articles. Most people seem to think that the group is something that is original in that it's not the standard k-rad fuckup h/p/a group that releases un-original shit that basically comes from a million other text files. We like that. That is what we're trying to do here...that's why we believe that it's time we turn the angle of the text file more on the people of the h/p/a world and what they are thinking about life. How many times have you read someone write "hackers are like this and that..."??? It's time to write: "I am like THIS." Fight the old. Fuck the norm. Write the file. Love the Spam. On a side note, If anyone is willing to give random things to HOE, that would interest us, we'd love them. I'm still looking for a Mod with pig sounds. Since HOE really only puts out text files(which is what I WANT), I think I'm going to complie all the original sounds, and picture files that I get and I'll release those all in one big pack some day. Oh, and I'd like to thank Abigwar for hooking up with us.. when I wrote him e-mail the very first time I thought he would just blow me off, but I was wrong. He has become an important brick in the wall that HOE is becoming. Originally, the Abster was going to just do like one or so files as a one-shot deal....but he had more to write so he's here now with us... but if other writers that are dedicated to a group so want to hook up with us for a "one-shot" that's okay too... as I've said, HOE isn't super-mega strict. And because of our "angle" I feel HOE is not really the sort of "competition" that I see h/p/a groups having all the time. I'll leave you now, but remember this....the t-file is a chance for your voice to be heard...your permanent voice.... Special thanks to [GiMP] for creating a really RaD file, the /<-RaD Konverter. Here's and example of your conversion (with a little peronal editing added) as we present... The W0nderful B0ards 0f the W0rld that are H0E sites: (as y0u KAn sEe wE n3eD m0re in ar3a K0dEz n0t listed here) ((Theze K-RaD GrAPHiX ArE AwEs0mE!!)) |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | BBS NAME TITLE SYS0P B0DY PART NUMBER | | ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ | | /x\0gE1-|__AnD WHQ /x\0g3l p4NCr34z 215-732-3413 | | PaRoNiA SuBn0r/x\aL HQ SlAt3r WiNKi3 215-339-5831 | | FuTiL3 Fr0NTi3r DiStR0 jAY t03 nAi1 215-943-1309 | | hAcK3r CrACkD0wN DizTr0 D4rK PHib3r n0Z3 hAiR 215-945-1907 | | M4RiE JaN3'Z BBS diSTr0 CaZp3R AnA1 h013 216-461-6162 | | DiZt0rTi0n DisTr0 HaY\x/00d KiDnEYz 313-426-1986 | | sT3113r NiGhTz dIZtRo tH3 \x/iZ4Rd L3fT nUt 610-896-9140 | | LuCiF3R'Z LaiR DiZtR0 LuCif3r AR/x\PiT 610-859-9034 | | T\x/iZt3d R3aliTy diStr0 \x/0lv3riN3 X 3y3 bA11 610-459-0598 | | /<-Rad /<-0dE / | the NEXT generation | | / 10/31/94 All Rights are ELITE. .