The Imperialistic______ ______ ______________ The Order of the, Order of the | | | | \ | Imperialistic Wombat \ / \ / ____ \ ______| RED | |________| | / \ | |____ Army Ants | ________ | ( {} ) | _____) /~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | \____/ | |______ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ FUC | |~~~~~~~ / \ / \ / | ~~~~~~~~~| | FUC KIN | | |______| |______| /_____________| | | KIN G P | | | | G H IGS | | Hogs of Entropy Text Files Present... | | OGS !!! | | | | !!! | | "God Damned Racist Army Ants!" | | | | or | | | | " The Army Ant Manifesto " | | | | or | | | | " Revenge of the reds! " | | | | or | | | | " RED ALERT! " | | | | or | | | | " Oh, That damn Red Ant File! " | | | | | | | | By: Abigwar [11/15/94] | | \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS! DHiSKLaMMeR: Do not read this in WRAPPED format. If you do, around answer number (7), you will get disorintated. If you see the secret khode ( -> ) any where, Do NOT do what it implies, Or you will be sorry. ESSPECIALY ANY ONES NAME WHO BEGINS WITH A "Ascii Expres..." SO THERE. Nananaa, You can't catch me! |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Because of my /<-/~adness, The divine have told me, the almighty Abigwar, | | how the world will end. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Did you ever notice how ants always keep to them selves? Well, this is because they are preparing for the great race war of 2007! See, in 2007, a giant horse fly is to come out of the ocean, (It was trapped in a bubble you know), and shit on all the ants who are at AnTCoN '07. The ants are going to mutate, because the shit was toxic. (The depths of the ocean does strange things to ones shit, you know.) Well, the ants where waiting for this moment. You ever notice that red ants and black ants almost never fuck around and create purple ants? Well this is because all the red ants are racists. Red ants always had a sence of superiority. Except for the wablants. Wablants are Wanna be black ants. Now red and black ants have to go to war. Hence the name, The great race war of '07. After they kill off all the black ants, the red ants go to feast on the earth. Eat the humans, and smoke all the human's ganja. "So what are we going to do?", You ask franticly. Fear not, my students, for you read, HoE, VaS, and BGR. And if you don't, you had better start! For these three groups, are the funcakanelic esoteric / -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> Hey, You made it out this far, now you must know the truth. This number was placed here as a spy, to watch what we do. It was put here by either the CIA, NSA, KGB IOoTW (Imperialistic order of the Wombat), OoTiRa (Order of the Imperialistic red ant), or a kid named Ascii Express. **(High if your reading this)** (7) We could fight the ants AFTER they mutate. When they are at 500x their normal capabilities. (Not a wise idea) (8) We could start rioting in protest of the Neo-Moonism Wankers from cricketville. (This ones for you, Tpp) (9) We could hold riots in welcoming of the OoTiRa (For those of you not esoteric enough, that is the Order of the imperialistic red ants.) (10) We could build a giant roof over the AnTCoN '07, so the shit will never come in contact with the ants. Unless of course the uninvited carpenter ants decide to have a feast. (11) We could build the roof out of metal so the AnTs cannot eat it. However, we still have to worry about the AnTs anti- gravity capabilitys. (12) We could hop a train to Mars, untill after the ants are done destroying everything. (13) We could get the salimanders to not skrew in the light bulb, then sit back and listen to skrewdriver in the dark while drinking "Pig head on a stick" flavored milk shakes. (Voting questions are cool) (14) Stick the skinheads on them. They are bald anyway, and wont have to worry about getting ants stuck in their hair. (15) Nuke um all, and let allah sort them out. (or how ever the fuck that is it spelled) (16) We could geneticaly engineer Blue ants. (An obviously superior race) And use them to defeat the mutants. (17) Red ants are the best, So fuck the rest. (18) Scare the ants away from AnTCoN '07 with a size 12 Bovver Boot! (19) Shoot Abigwar, because he is obviously demented. :) (187) Aryan Alert! Aryan Alert! (hehehe, any one remember this?) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ahem!, Your attention please. Thank you. Dear Certain Overly Concerned HoE Fan, Than you for showing concern in advising Moggie to check the Stars and Stripes lyrics I typed up for "Racial Hatred". I do appreciate your undivided attention and interest in supporting the maintained existence of HoE. However, I would like to take this time to say a few words. I would like you to know this is not a personal attack on you. And I am also very sorry, that I could not do this in private mail, but Mogel, being the wise sysop he is, refused to allow me the extreamly groovy knowledge of your identity. So, now that that is all done and said, FUCK YOU! If you want to censor something go duct tape your mouth shut. Or better yet, your fingers together so you can not type. And like always, I feel the need to say: SO THERE. Even though I do not know who you are, you may be one of the people I have been associating with in the HPA scene recently. So if we are on rather good terms, I request that those few words do not break our ohh so good relationship. On the other hand, if you are offeneded by what I have said, FUCK YOU! I didn't like you anyway. SO THERE. Your mother eats aardvark shit. SO THERE. Good, Now that I have completed that... I would like to say, to every one, not just the person above, that if you feel the need to censor something from me, FUCK YOU! Thank you, Abigwar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skinheads are the best youth cult there has ever been. Lets keep the tradition alive. Keep the faith. Live the Spirit of 69. No FUSS, NO MESS, JUST PURE FUCKING IMPACT! Long live Skinhead Glory. -Abigwar (This epilog, is infact, a rerun. So sue me.) |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| | Mogel-Land........2157323413 /I'm a PiG\ Paranoia Subnormal.2153395831 | | Hacker Crackdown..2159451907 |H )\*_*/( P| Stellar Nights.....6108969140 | | T.E.K.A.T.........9088132738 |o ( (o) ) i| The UmpAUmpALand...(Kno)-KLUE | | I Forget..........6105448001 |G <_O_> G| the NEXT generation | | / 11/17/94 All rights confiscated by the *PIGS* (hehehaha) .