______ ______ ______________ | | | | \ | \ / \ / ____ \ ______| | |________| | / \ | |____ | ________ | ( {} ) | _____) /~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | \____/ | |______ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ | |~~~~~~~ / \ / \ / | ~~~~~~~~~| | | | |______| |______| /_____________| | | | | | | | | Hogs of Entropy Text Files Present... | | | | | | | | "Hoe-Date #2" | | | | The Epic Continues | | | | | | | | By: Mogel | | | | | | \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ | | /--\ /--\ .-- /--\ /-- /--- |\ | --.-- /--\ /--\ /--\ \ / |--| | | | \ |--\ | | |-- |--- | \ | | |__/ | | |__/ \./ | | \--/ \--/ --' \--/ | \--- | \| | | \ \--/ | | /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ The Glorious Hoe-Date #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ___________________________________________ /.-------------------------------------------.\ || || || ==- Table-0v-K0nt3nts -== || || || || <1> "A Little Bit of Reality." || || <2> h0e'z /<-ELiT3 MeMBuH LiZt || || <3> Voices on the Latest Fads! || || <3> List'o'Jock Support Boards || || <4> "A / The s00PeR-o iNdEx oF hOe! || || <6> The HOE-Boards advertising || || || ||_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_|| `\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/' [Observe the RaDDeZt gNueZt incarnation of an "Idea Seperator" that we have!] -o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O- "A Little Bit of Reality..." The Intro Hello, Welcome to the Circus. You know a lot has happened since the last time we Pseudo-Spoke. HOE has gotten bigger, we've picked up a lot of Support Boards, and some gNu / controbutions), Logik (Random Stuff Rules), and the S00per DOUBLE-PleX /<-RaD Black Francis and we got that really neat one-shot Story from cDc's Obscure Images. This bedazzled me because, as anyone that talks to me knows, I worship the Dead Cow, and Oi has been one of my top fav cDc writers of them all. Yippie! Also, I wanted to annouce, not the DEATH...but the fate of DaS. The group is Digital Anarchist Society. A group that put out a few clever t-files with some actual originality. Anyway, the group has suffered some Communication problems along with the Main Board Crashing for Months. This added up to a loss of most writers. I was talking to Mad Arab, and we both agreed on the direction this zine and their zine should take and came upon the idea of a Merger. Thus, now HOE will have DaS integrated in it and we will pick up a few writers like Mad Arab himself. You know, I was thinking. Anyway, I have run wanted to mention that I've run into some interesting things in recent times here in the pathetic scene of 215. Mind you, we are better that MANY Area Codes. It seems that nowadays the WaReZ crowd's big thing is "LaMeRz!" This guy is, this guy isn't... I've had it up to here with it. Observe that I didn't say that calling others lamers makes you a LaMeR. They are no "LaMeRz". Got that?! Don't use the LaMeR word around me, unless in jest. I don't wanna hear it. I like Spam. This guy or that guy or this thing or that thing is Lame? No. I don't like the WaReZ d00dz. I bash them because they are morons and they are immature. The WaReZ scene is for little kids. That's the simplicty of it all. That's why I bash. I am NOT against piracy, although my board has nothing to do with it. What I am against is the WaReZ scene. I will marry her. There are a lot of d00dz here in Philly. I have also dicovered that there are a lot of d00dz everywhere. No Shit, eh? Well, hopefully HOE can be a common link up of all the t-file boards in the world. That would be nifty. Do I have big goals? Yes! Do I know that this group is going to be bigger than poop? Yes! Do I have to go the the bathroom? Yes! That's how much I love you guys... I'm holding my blatter to write this to you. pHeAr Me! Other things? Well, I wanted to also comment that I do not think I am God. Haha. For some reason people have assumed that anyone that has opinions that are against the SaKreD WaReZ W0rLd and run a t-file group MUST have a God complex, and therefor must be completly wrong in what they say. Well, I don't think I'm God. I don't even believe in the standard "God." Suck me, Bite me, and pHeAR me, 'cause I am just an Editor for this lil' E-Zine and I don't think I'm better than anyone. Just more intelligent. HOE is growing like the Smell of a Train full of Dog Shit. Well, that's a bad metaphor, but rE/x\E/x\buH... n0 mATTuH h0w fAMouZ hOe eVuH gEtZ, wE aRe nEvUh gOnNa fOrGEt wHeRe wE KaMe pHr0m oR oUr PeOpLe h0Mies. pEaCe oUt Gee. -- Mogel, the GaNgStA' YUppiE -o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O- THE HOE MEMBER LISTINGS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (If I forgot anyone on this list then.....tough shit, you didn't make enough influence in my memory for me to include you... HAHAHAHAH!!) THE OH-SO IMPORTANT STAFF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mogel - Head Editor and President Slater - Editor and V.P. Mad Arab - Revenge and V.P. THE INSIGNIFIGANT WRITERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mogel -------> Drunkfux Calls you a cDc WaNNaBe! Cool!!! Defiant -------> Keep up with the Rape Poem! The Guest -------> UNG!! You're PSYCHOTIC!!!! Everlast -------> Where are you??? Abigwar -------> Wombats are cool. Corrosion -------> TIMMY BEAR! HAHA! Now that name is eternal! Zorro -------> "HOE...Hmmmm...Group Number 213..." Slater -------> Hey man.. I'm still keepin' da faith. Chal e. Mac -------> Want some Soma? Psycho Santa -------> SHHHHHHRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMIEZ!!! Obscure Images -------> Thanks for the One-Shot man... /<0rrUpT -------> YoU aRn'T eLyte eNuFF pH0r STDz LiKe mE! Logik -------> Hey, I hope Image beK0MeZ aZ EliTE aZ H0e! Black Francis -------> yEr \x/aReZ KiX wHiTe B(_)tt! Mad Arab -------> Welcome to the NeXt LeVuL 0v p0\x/eR! -o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O- "Voices on the Latest Fad" --> By Moggie Anyone know what the Latest S00per-d00per Fad nowadays is? Well, I know what it is. It's the EVERY-BOARD-IN-THE-COUNTRY-MUST-BE-THE-CENTER- OF-IT'S-VERY-OWN-GROUP Fad. That's right, there must me 400000000 groups... From the WaReZ, to the Ansi, to the Liturature, to the MuSaK, to the eleet HaCkERz, to the Zines, to the Everything under the Sun. There is a shit load of groups. It all stems from the fact there are only a hand full of actual groups with a lot of merit. Of coarse these include people like cDc, uXu, and of coarse Phrack. It all stems from these groups. What we see today is some way-after spring up of the Computer Underground. People could think of the cycles in decades, that's how it's bascially done. But we are part of the sick left-overs of what was really once something amazingly cool. We are now the afterbirth of that time. That's what all of todays "newer" (i.e. within the last few years) Zines really are. Riding the Entropy waves that other Pioneers already really have already done. HOE is no exception. However, since we are riding the waves of other's "acheivements," we at least plan to do it the best. Enough said. I would like to Plug three new Zines that have sprung up around. I have no idea how well they will end up doing, but I felt I should mention them to at least give them a little publicity. The first is Image Writing, a group run by "Logik". I have contributed some writing myself and think it's a nice quality Literary Creative Writing group. Another is ReD, the ReALLy eLyTe D00dZ. This is a great Parody mag that is bascially done by the massivly sarcastic (i.e.: Good) writer Black Francis. The Last is something that hasn't appeared yet, but I KNOW will be very promising, which is PISS. People in Society Suck - A Zine that will truly Bitch and Moan about the World in a Great new level. Look for the first issue on January 1st on Mogel-Land. -o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O- The Wonderful Boards of the World that are HOE Jock Support sites: (as you can see we need more in area codes not listed here, but we have too many 610 sites. Damn this area code to hell!) ___________________________________________________________________________ | | | BBS NAME SYSOP BODY PART NUMBER | | ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ | | Mogel-Land Mogel Pancreas 215-732-3413 | | Paronia Subnormal Slater Winkie 215-339-5831 | | Symphony of Sickness Mad Arab Elbow 201-728-3881 | | The UnderCity Serial Killer Appendix 209-683-3673 | | Sin City Johnny Rotten Dyaphram 209-266-4249 | | Futile Frontier Jay Toe Nail 215-943-1309 | | Hacker Crackdown DarK Phiber Nose Hair 215-945-1907 | | SubCulture Black Francis Pinkie 215-750-1782 | | Mary Jane's BBS Casper Anal Hole 216-461-6162 *| | The North Pole Psycho Santa Spleen 307-778-2096 | | Distortion Haywood Kidneys 313-426-1986 | | The Complex Trackistar Foot 410-720-5305 | | Isis Unveiled Killgore Trout Palm 512-930-5259 | | Mind's Mire Boba Fett Belly Button 514-931-1423 | | Voices in Time CounterPoint Scrotum 603-898-1894 | | Steller Nights The Wizard Left Nut 610-896-9140 | | Lucifer's Lair Lucifer Armpit 610-859-9034 *| | Twisted Reality Wolverine X Eye Ball 610-459-0598 | | I Forget Ascii Express Lungs 610-544-8001 | | Unforseen Danger Rush 2 Knee Cap 610-954-7360 *| | tHe K0dE aB0dE Drunkfux Tounge 713-395-0337 | | Death's Playground Black Death Thumb 803-445-7632 | | Purple Hell Acid Warlock Birthmark 806-791-5419 | | /<-Rad /<0dE /) -o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O- ____________________________ >>> "A />> Mogel's K-Play #2! <<< >>> THE CAST <<< ---------------------------- Real Name Initials Character ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ Mogel Mog The Director Jay Jay The Old Bum Slater Sla The WaReZ SysOp Dark Phiber DP d00d brother Black Francis BF The REAL H4qR Psycho Santa PS The WaReZ K0uRiEr Mad Arab MA The Hispanic Woman Killgore Trout KgT The phUcKin' fReAk Drunkfux DfX The /<0dEz / __/ Here's the Index! BuUuRP! # Title /<-RaD RaTiNG Author ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) The Entropic Theme Song 6 Defiant 2) The Wrecking Ball! 4 Fuzzy 3) Microwave Bomb 7 Shot Gun Willie 4) Meaningful Shit 4 Mogel 5) Eternal Sickness v1.1 5 The Guest 6) Nirvana Unlimited 5 Mogel 7) Ping Pong Bomb 8 Everlast 8) The End is Near 4 Mogel 9) Mortal Kombat II Docs 8 Mogel 10) Violent Femmes - Add it Up 5 Mogel 11) The Beef on Ham 4 Jeager 12) Hate Edge 4 Abigwar 13) Paradise Lost 3 Corrosion 14) Rage Against the Machine Lyrics 6 Everlast 15) C'est Le Mort 5 Corrosion 16) How 2 B ]<001 Anarkustz 9 Mogel 17) ChroniC Must Be Destroyed 6 Abigwar 18) Random Spam 5 Zorro 19) Darkness 4 Abigwar 20) HOE-DATE #1 8 Mogel 21) The Poetic Terrorist 5 Abigwar 22) My Penis Unbound 10 Mogel 23) Thinking 6 Abigwar 24) The )<-RaD ]<0MPiLATi0N! 42 Abigwar/Defiant/Mogel 25) Stars and Stripes Lyrics 5 Abigwar 26) The Red Ant File 6 Abigwar 27) Revenge of the Nerds 4 Mogel 28) Rifts Character Selection List 5 Mogel 29) Fucked up Things 5 Chal e. Mac 30) The Poetic Terrorist 2 8 Abigwar 31) The TRUE Clash of the Titans! 8 Psycho Santa 32) Proof on the Questions 7 Abigwar 33) King Missle Lyrics 5 /<0rrUpT 34) Pink Noise 3 Obscure Images 35) Bob the Prophet 4 Logik 36) The gNu Hog Order 10 Corrosion & Mogel 37) Peanut Heaven 5 Black Francis 38) /<-RaD Alert! 6 Mad Arab 39) Mogel *WILL* Marry Winona Ryder 6 Mogel 40) HOE-DATE #2 9 Mogel -o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O-o-O- ***************************** ******* THE ADVERTISMENTS SECTION ******* ***************************** ____________________________________________________________________________ | | WaReZ!W WaReZ!W| | aReZ!Wa A ReZ!WaR | KaLL M0gEl-lAnD t0DaY!! | ReZ!WaR WaR eZ!WaRe | | eZ!WaRe eZ !W Z!WaReZ | yEaH B0Ooo0IiE! | Z!WaReZ aRe Z!W eZ!WaRe | | !WaReZ!W aRe Z!W Z!WaReZ | | eZ!WaReZ!! !WaReZ!Wa | wErD uP, dewD! y0uZ Sh0UlD g0 | WaReZ!W ReZ!WaR | aNd KaLL m0GeL-LaNd t0DaY KuZ | aReZ! eZ!Wa | iT'z tHe uNdErGr0(_)d WaReZh0UsE | YaH ReZ | pH0r aLl oF DA aNaRKUzT dAt aRe | ! A ! | rEaLlY ELiTE! iF y0U d0N'T | nAr | kAlL DeN y0u ArE a LaMeR!@!1 | ChY!a | s0 KaL1 t0DaY! hErEz s0Me | NaRcHy! | gAwD DaMMiT sTaTZ: | AnArChY!a | | NaRc Hy!An | | ArCh Y!aNa | sYZ-d00D: /x\0GeL | RcHy !AnAr | SiZe: 48 kiL0BytEZ! | ChY!aNaRcHy!AnArC | (5 mEgZ c0MiN' S00N!) | Hy!aNaRcHy!AnArChY! | sPeEd: 300 bAuD | aNaRcHy!A nArChY!aNa | (100 bAuD iZ n0 L0NgEr AKzEpTeD) | RcHy!aNaR cHy!AnArCh | eLyTe dIzZKuSInZ 0V aLL kInDz! | Y!aNaRcHy !AnArChY!a | tHe LaTeZt VeRsIoN oF cYbErwALruZ VII | NaRcHy!An ArChY!aNaR | a -4 dAY pEnTaH0m0 sItE! | cHy!AnArC hY!aNaRcHy | 12 tExT fIlEZ 0v PuRE AnARCCHY!! | | h0UrZ: 3AM - 4AM 0nLy! | RaD! RaDiCaL!RaDiC | l0Tz 0F /<-RaD uZeRz tHaT aRe eLyTe! | RaD!RaDiCaL!RaDiCaL!RaD | eNtIrE LiBrARy oF ELiTE GiFz! | DiCaL!Ra DiCaL |----------------------------------------| !RaDiC aL!RaD | wE aRe DiZTr0Z Ph0R L0TZ 0F rAD Gr0UPZ!| iCaL! 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Distro site for Bong Software (Makers of Barney Splat!) cDc Global Domination Factory Direct Outlet The best damn h/p/a/c/ect. in the Tennessee area! Image Distro HOE Distro FREEDOM OF SPEACH FOR ALL! No damn warez d00dz Growing all the time! 901.642.9290 901.642.9290 901.642.9290 901.642.9290 -=WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELiTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELiTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!=- -=ELiTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELiTE!K-RAD!=-- K0DEZ!K0DEZ!K0DEZ!K0DEZ!K0DEZ!K0DEZ!K0DEZ!K0DEZ!K0DEZ!K0DEZ!K0DEZ!K0DEZ! K0DEZ! 8 8 888 88 88888 888 8 888 88 88888 K0DEZ! K0DEZ! 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 K0DEZ! K0DEZ! 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 K0DEZ! K0DEZ! 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 888 8 8 8 8 888 K0DEZ! K0DEZ! 88 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 K0DEZ! K0DEZ! 8 8 8 8 8 8 888 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 K0DEZ! K0DEZ! 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 88888 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 K0DEZ! K0DEZ! 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 K0DEZ! K0DEZ! 8 8 888 88 88888 8 8 888 888 88 88888 K0DEZ! 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Call up and we'll give | | the files t0 y0u wiff n0 ratci0! | | sYsHaQr: dEfIaNt | | (800) t00 - kRaD | | | |--------------------------------------------------------| -=WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELiTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELiTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!=- -=ELiTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELiTE!K-RAD!=-- /-------------------------------\ | Symphony oF Sickness BBS | | 201/728-3881 | |oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo| | Specializing in H/P/A | | Very Extensive Virii Section | | DEAD-Net CiD-Net | | Active Message Bases | |oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo| | * No File or Message Ratios * | \-------------------------------/ Former DaS WHQ -- BGR 201 HQ Site For: cDc/uXu/GANJA/Modernz/HoE/SCAM! -=WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELiTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELiTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!=- -=ELiTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELiTE!K-RAD!=-- __ __ | this is the k-rad l0g0 for TR! (610) 459-0598 | v __ v __ __ ___(__)______ __ ___________ -----_| |_ | |__| _ |_| |_ | _ | | -- /|_ _|| | | || |__ |__|_ _|| __| | | - |/_/| |__| | | || | | | | |__| | | | | !cT!||______________||__|______| |________ |_____| ---- |/_____________/|/__/_____/|/________/|__|____/ _____ _____ ________ __ ___________ |/_/ /| | _ | | | (__) | | | ----------- || +_| __| + | |__| |__| | | | ----------- || | | | | | | |_/| | | | ----------- ||__| |__ |__| |__ |__| ||__|__ | ----------- |/_/|__|_/|__|_/|__|_/|__|_/ |/_/__/|__| ----------- |/_/ |/_/ |/_/ |/_/ |/_/ ^ ^ |_ this is the k-rad l0g0 for TR! (610) 459-0598 _| -=WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELiTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELiTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!=- -=ELiTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELiTE!K-RAD!=-- 488882 48888 48888882 488882 4888888 48882 482 8882 48888 8888888 88888 82 "y0, dEwD!!" 46888883@ 488882 1 8 88 "hEaDz uP! iT'z..." 82 48882 42882 488882 V I R T U A L H E L L 4288 488882 882 48882 SysDevil : Charon[FiDELiS/Revolt] 8882 4882 CoSys: Bullwinkle 8888822 488882 9i6.623.3726 9600-14.4 48888888888888888882 FiDELiS Distro/Revolt Distro/EdEN Distro 888888888888888888 FiRE Distro/NBK Distro/RiGiD Distro 4888888888888888 HOE Support/BGR Distro 48888888888888 Syndication Net/InsaNet Western Hub 888888888888 SKuLL Net Hub /Abberation Net 8888888888 Specializing in H/P/A & Art 48888888 Running OBV/2 2.25 reg'd & Modded 4888882 We Kiss The Dead Cow's Ass -=WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELiTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELiTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!=- -=ELiTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELiTE!K-RAD!=-- _______ /\_____ /\_____ ___ /\_____ _______ \_*:*_/ \. \ _________ \__ | \ __/ _ \__\. \ \_*:*_/ ~~~~~ \ \\ /__ _____/ / : \ \ | / \ \\ ~~~~~ / . \ \ / _|__ / / / ___ \ / . \ \ \____/ \\ / / \\ / | \ / | \\____/ \\ \. /| kk!.\/ | \/ | \\. / \____ / \_________/\ __:__ / \ _:___ / \____ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ THE ELECTRiC Kool-Aid Acid Test 9 0 8 - 8 1 3 - 2 7 3 8 B G R W H Q H O E B R A I N D E A D N E T B H G N E T S L A C K N E T A R T + A N A R C H Y O N L Y ! N o W A R E Z N o R A T i O S O B V 2 . 2 5 R E G ' D A EURO LOGO BY Kid Kapri! -=WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELiTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELiTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!=- -=ELiTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELiTE!K-RAD!=-- This Space for Rent. -=WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELiTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELiTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!=- -=ELiTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELTE!KRAD!PHEARUS!WAREZ!K0DEZ!ELiTE!K-RAD!=-- /<-R4d /<0dE / G| the NEXT generation | | / 12/12/94 All rights Wiped on Tipper Gore's Ass. .