______ ______ ______________ | | | | \ | \ / \ / ____ \ ______| | |________| | / \ | |____ | ________ | ( {} ) | _____) /~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | \____/ | |______ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ | |~~~~~~~ / \ / \ / | ~~~~~~~~~| | | | |______| |______| /_____________| | | | | | | | | ...Hogs of Entropy Text Files Present... | | | | | | | | "The Oedipus Complex in Modern Day Terms" | | | | | | | | | | | | By: James Hetfield | | | | | | \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In relationships, (subconsciously) we basically look for one of two things. We look for a girl that is motherly to us, that can teach us the ways of the world and the ways of maturity, or we look for a girl that is innocent and we can "break in", WE can teach the ways of the world. Let me explain a little further. I'll give you an example with body parts. If you're a "breast man", you're probably looking for that motherly girl, the one that will nurture you. That's why males have such an obsession with the breast - it's the body part in which we were first brought to. However, if you are a "Ass man", or a "legs man", chances are you are looking for the kind of girl that you can teach the ways of the world to. You want a female who can shoot out babies like a cannon. You want a girl that can flop around on you like she's riding a wild horse. Now, originally the Oedipus Complex was an idea made up by a man Sigmund Freud, that stated that all men want to fuck their mothers. Whether or not this is true is not the question here. It's just a kinda funny idea. Sounds like something you'd see on a Talk show these days, eh? "Little Boys who want to fuck their mothers, next on Jenny Jones". But, Freud did have somewhat of an understand of human nature, although he may have carried it a little too far. Our childhood experiences DO, in my opinion, make us the man we become. If we had a very nurturing mother, perhaps we are looking for the same characteristics in a female. If we had a very non-nurturing mother, perhaps we either want to find that in a female, or reject it completely and instead want to teach someone ourselves. Most people, generally, want to do both though. I have found myself in positions where I cared about two girls at once, one who was an innocent seeming, "student" role, one that was an experienced, "mother" role. I chose the mother role. Why? Cuz she wasn't the bitch that the student role one was. But that's not the point. The point is these early experiences dictate the way our emotions will work for the rest of our lives. Pretty painful when you think about it. * * * We Now pause to bring in the James Hetfield dancing girls! o/ o/ o/ o/ \o/ \o \o \o \o \X> \X> \X> / / / / / \ \ \ \ \ * * * Well, now that the performance is finished, let's think about sex in the 90s. (thinking) Pretty interesting, isn't it? (thinking) * * * Sex in the 90s. Is it scary stuff? Not really. Some people just like to make it seem that way. Cuz they're not getting any. Sex in the 90s. It's not bad, but it's not all good either. Some people are stupid, and are still doing that one night stand stuff with no rainsuit on Mister Happy. Other people are still not going and getting tested even though they know they have had unprotected sex. Of course, the funny thing is most of these people are our mothers and fathers, the generation before us. Don't use adults as your models; make your own judgements. We all know there is the risk of HIV+ out there. And we all have seen over and over again the signs that tell us that it's not worth the risk. Yet, even through all this, even when our parents tell us, it doesn't mean they follow the rules. And it doesn't mean you will to. But you have to remember, you're the only one who will ever give a flying fuck about your life. Other people can pretend to, but in reality, they just kinda have a sympathy towards you. It's not gonna kill them. Unless you're fucking them, that is. It's gonna kill you. I sound like I'm preaching. The moral of this story is, don't count your seeds before they're hatched. Okay, bad moral, let's try again. Even though you may be "in the mood" and wanna ram your chick as hard as you can right that second, just remember that you have to put on protection, unless you wanna fuck up the rest of your and or her life. If it "breaks the mood" and she won't fuck you anymore, you were probably being stupid and not having sex when you should be anyway, so fuck you. It's your fault. nyah nyah. * * * You know what I'm sick of? I'm sick of people who don't think in this world. Over half of my AP English class in my senior year of high school do not read the books in the class. They just read the cliff notes. That pisses me off. I will never understand the concept of taking a class that you don't care about. Sure, I could have taken AP calculus this year, but considering the fact I don't give a fuck about math, I didn't. I have goals and I have an agenda for myself. Life isn't about making money, people. It's about having fun, liking what you do, and learning from it. Yeah, learning from it. Hard to believe, isn't it? And if anyone tells you differently, tell them to stick it down their fucking God damn throats, and that Jamesy told ya so. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| | _____ Call Goat Blowers Anonymous for the LATEST HOE! _____ | | 6/ ^..^ (215) 750 - 0392 ^..^ \9 | | \_____(oo) This Issues Featured Support Board is: (oo)_____/ | | WW WW Isis Unveiled [State of unBeing] WW WW | | (512) 930 - 5259 | | ...the kings of modern goofiness... | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| Copyright (c) 1995 HoE Publications and James Hetfield. #78 --> 5/1/95 All rights Reserved. .