---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: __ \:: _ \:: _ \ ::::::: >> "how to hack nasa with aol" << :::::::::::: : | | |: ( |: __/ :: a v/a/c/c/u/m informative report -> by jubjub :::: :_| |_|: \___/ : \___| ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-#109-:: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ok, i know i'm gonna get flamed by the entire scene for giving away this information, but information wants to be free, god-fucking-damn it. this is is for all the real hackers out there on aol. the first thing you'll need are the right materials. i'm extremely drunk right now, by the way. here's a list. 1, a computer 2, an aol account 3, jubjub's aohack v1.31337 4, 20 shots of jim bean ok, first thing, log on to aol, then run jubjub's aohack v1.31337[tm]. now drink the 20 shots of jim bean. here's the complicated part. click on "hack nasa". here's a diagram of what that will look like. ___________________ | rbr's aohack! | <---- (your computer) v1.31337 | | | *hack nasa!@ | | ^------(clik on | | this@#!)| __|___________________|__ | | |_________________________| congratulations, you have just hacked nasa with aol. now go puke. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * (c) HoE publications & metalchick. HoE 109 - written by jubjub - 6/11/97 * .