______________ ________ ____________ __.\ /_/ \_ / \ /_ _ (_ _____/ hogs of entropy issue #119 \ _ / \___ | | ___) "rise of the mogels, part three" | ) / | | ) \ by -> mercuri |_ _| _/ | _| \ '----` |_ _\_ _>______ _\ oink. '---` '-----` '----` ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" they stopped, took a breath, and continued. "aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" jubjub to froboy: shit, this is a long drop. froboy: do ya think? the van screams past a sign that reads, "BOTTOM OF GORGE: 8 MILES" Nybar said to himself, "Self, this must be an often traveled route." He responded. "Good thinking, Self." As Jubjub's body violently smashed on the sides of the van his hed crashed through the passenger side window. "Mercuri?" "Jubjub?" "Mercuri!" "JUBJUB!" Jubjub: What are the odds that you would be *cliff-diving* from the very same cliff we are falling from? Mercuri: Dunno. I'm still in algebra. Jubjub: Fool. Mercuri: Legface. Jubjub: So how have you been? Mercuri: Can't complain... you going to dummercon? Jubjub: No, I can't. Summer camp. Mercuri: Haha. Just tell your parents you don't want to go this year. Jubjub: That'd never happen. Mercuri: So how are you planning on getting out of that van before the shit hits the fan? Jubjub: Nybar is working on something inside. He says it's some sort of thrusting mechanism which will increase the draf... hell, i don't remember what he said, you know nybar... wordy braniac. Mercuri: Yeah. *awkward silence* Mercuri: *cough* So anyway, why don't you just get out of the van and get into a cliff diving position like I am? Jubjub: But nybar is working really hard on these thrusters... I don't want to hurt his feelings. Mercuri: If you want to live, you have to do what I do. Jubjub: Odd. Mercuri: Yes. *akward silence* Jubjub: So I got these pictures of Nybar with only his underwear on... *even more akward silence* Mercuri: Okay, Nybar flew the coop. You need to get in this diving position. Jubjub: I can't believe he did that... AGAIN! Mercuri: This happens often. Jubjub: Every fourth year, right after elections. In unison: Weird. FroBoy: We're out of biscuits! WILL FROBOY FIND BISCUITS? WILL JUBJUB LIVE? WILL MERCURI LIVE? WHAT HAPPENED TO NYBAR? TUNE IN NEXT TIME!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * (c) HoE publications. HoE #119 -- written by mercuri -- 6/11/97 * .