$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ hogz of entropy #195 $$$$$P $$$$ $$$$ moo, oink, up your butt. $$$$P $$$$ x$$$$ $$$P $$$$ xP$$$$ d$$$$$$$$$$$. $$$. $$$$xP $$$$ $$$$$$' >$$$$ $$$$$$$$$. $$$$P $$$$ 4$$$$$. .$$$$' $$$$'`4$$$b. $$$$ $$$$ 4$$$$$$$$$P' $$$$b 4$$$$b. $$$$$$$$$$$ 4$$$< %% $$$$$b 4$$$$$x $$$$$$$$$$$ 4$$$$$$$$$ %% >> "The Netsplit Heard 'Round The World" << by -> Kraftwerk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earlier today, it being the 20th of January, approximatly 4:15 midwestern time, there was a gigantic net split. I was there first hand, and I experienced many emotions in a period of several minutes. There we are, sitting in #dto on efnet, where all your favorite hoe writers lounge, and suddenly pirch shuts down. The first emotion I experience is bewilderment, as to why pirch went on the blitz. Next, I felt massive amounts of sorrow, for I tried and tried to get back on, to no avail. Finally, I connected, and cried out in terror, for there was noone in #dto. Discovering this, I tried to join #teen, where there are _always_ people. Theres noone there, and I became very very scared, because I realized there had been a _gigantic_ netsplit. Then, realizing the extent of the opportunities, I became increasingly evil by the second, since I realized that I had op's in #teen. "This is awesome," I mumbled in awe to myself. I quickly join #unix, #linux, and #aol, thinking that I had control of some of the busiest channels. I felt evil, simply evil. A few minutes later, precisely 4:25, the channels flooded with people. Working valiantly, I kick/banned dozens. But, as is the way of things, stupid bots (unlike hooker) deopped me, and I felt hate for those bots. I jump back to #dto, and babble about how I almost took over IRC. Talking to Swisspope, he remarked to me "It was the netsplit heard 'round the world." Yes, it was a day full of emotion, hate, greed, joy, and sadness. But, in the end, things returned to normal, and it was alright again. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * (c) HoE publications. HoE #195 -- written by Kraftwerk -- 1/22/98 * .