$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ hogz of entropy #217 $$$$$P $$$$ $$$$ moo, oink, up your butt. $$$$P $$$$ x$$$$ $$$P $$$$ xP$$$$ d$$$$$$$$$$$. $$$. $$$$xP $$$$ $$$$$$' >$$$$ $$$$$$$$$. $$$$P $$$$ 4$$$$$. .$$$$' $$$$'`4$$$b. $$$$ $$$$ 4$$$$$$$$$P' $$$$b 4$$$$b. $$$$$$$$$$$ 4$$$< %% $$$$$b 4$$$$$x $$$$$$$$$$$ 4$$$$$$$$$ %% >> "Non-condition" << by -> ANdz0oey ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- my little brother sits listening, eyes-wide and innocent. i go on: "hey matthew, you know why josef stalin didn't win the nobel peace prize?" "why?" "'cause he was such a modest fucking guy. really. you know, they even tried dragging the poor fellow way up to a podium, so this group of wealthy and important guys could go and hand him over the statuette, and the cash prize, and whatever else they had for him. but when they haul him all the way the hell up to center stage, and there's a microphone on and everything...guess what happens?" "what?" "it's funny...stalin was like: 'oh, god, i simply do not deserve this. i just don't! and even though i'm such an ardent humanitarian and all, i just cannot accept the statuette, or the prize money, or anything else, for that matter. i'd like all of you committee members to just kindly pass everything on to someone who really is worthy of the honor. good-night, and thank you.' and that was that. and so the nomination went to some peace protester or something. but, you know, stalin really should've gotten it." my brother giggles. he thoroughly believes the entire story. "go do your homework," i tell him. he goes. i feel more depressed than alone. it's overwhelming. "matthew... hey matt?" i call into his room. "what?" "c'mere for a little bit... i want to talk." he slowly walks over. "alright, sit down." he immediately does. "ok, mmm, huh... alright, you know who jesus chri--i mean abraham lincoln was?" the poor kid wouldn't have any idea who jesus christ was. "yeah," matt answers. "he freed all of the niggers." "no... goddamnit matt, he freed the slaves. the slaves! not the niggers." matthew thinks a little. "i thought that was stalin." "no...no...nevermind about stalin, ok? lincoln, not stalin." "ok." "well, remember what lincoln said? you know, about love and all?" "no." matthew says softly. "well, alright, lincoln said...um...something like: 'do unto others as they'd do unto you.' you know, kind of like: 'be nice to everyone,' I guess. "uh-huh." extraordinarily, he has a faint recollection of the truth of my statement. I go on: "yeah, and what he said about the system...you know, the system? the government and everything? he said: 'fuck authority...fuck ignorance...fuck hatred...'" matthew giggles. "no, matt, i'm serious. completely. lincoln wanted everybody to love each other. he wrote down all of these great ideas..um, in the bible...the new testament...and they're so beautiful. they're wonderful, matt. maybe you'll read 'em some time. "but the main thing to remember, here, is that lincoln tried to tell the world about peace...and reform...but they didn't listen. they kind of yelled at him...and mocked him...and they ended up crucifying him. putting him on a cross. they just wouldn't listen to what he was trying to say. and it sucks. but, you've got to listen matt...really. ok? you listening?" "yeah." he doesn't understand... but he will. i'm going to tell him the same story tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * (c) HoE publications. HoE #217 -- written by ANdz0oey -- 3/19/98 * .