$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ hogz of entropy #250 $$$$$P $$$$ $$$$ moo, oink, up your butt. $$$$P $$$$ x$$$$ $$$P $$$$ xP$$$$ d$$$$$$$$$$$. $$$. $$$$xP $$$$ $$$$$$' >$$$$ $$$$$$$$$. $$$$P $$$$ 4$$$$$. .$$$$' $$$$'`4$$$b. $$$$ $$$$ 4$$$$$$$$$P' $$$$b 4$$$$b. $$$$$$$$$$$ 4$$$< %% $$$$$b 4$$$$$x $$$$$$$$$$$ 4$$$$$$$$$ %% >> You butt-poking anal baby << by -> Styx ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- a few days ago, i subscribed to alt.irc on USENET for fun. i was curious to see what could possibly be discussed in there. it wasn't too shabby. a few nifty server lists, recommendations for things, etc. what got on my nerves, though, were the vast amounts of "NE1 NO HOW TO FLOOD???" or "HOW CAN I KNOCK SUM1 OFF OF THE IRC??" posts and, even worse, the responses of the posts that were made by people just like them. "I WILL SEND YOU A FLOOD SCRIPT IF YOU SEND ME AN MIRC CRACK!" what the heck? so anyway, given the chance to run my big mouth, i took it and let everyone know how annoyed i was. it was not out of anger. i just thought maybe i could make a difference. i wanted someone to say "hey, styx is right. we sure are dumb!" instead, i got an email from FreakSCeNe. the regulars of #dto and #zines on EFNET will remember him. he followed mogel around like a puppy. it was cute for the first few days. then it wasn't. the following is my post to alt.irc and the response in email that i received from FreakSCeNe. i hope you find this as amusing as i did. he even cuts on murmur! ---------- From dropdead@mindspring.com Wed Jun 11 12:29:30 1997 Newsgroups: alt.irc Subject: Flooding/Nuking/Warring - You Idiots From: dropdead@mindspring.com (Styx) Date: Wed, 11 Jun 1997 16:29:30 GMT I've subscribed to this newsgroup for a whole 2 days and half of the posts are requests for ways to harrass other IRC users (nick colliding, flooding, etc.) What the hell is wrong with you people? How old are you? Twelve? When will you realize that flooding does NOT MAKE YOU COOL? When will you realize that 99% of the IRC clients and IrcII scripts out there protect people from any sort of CTCP/DCC flooding automatically anyway, so there's no point? Let me tell you something. If you want to bother somebody via computer, IRC is *not the way to do it*. It's immature, annoying, and makes people like me LAG for no good reason. Grow up. Read some books about computer systems if you want to fuck shit up. /join #alt.irc *** you (youarean@idiot.com) has joined channel #alt.irc *** Topic for #alt.irc: IRC Warrior Geeks - GET THE FUCK OUT *** #alt.irc Styx 866044514 *** Mode change "+b *!*@idiot.com" on channel #alt.irc by Styx *** You have been kicked off channel #alt.irc by Styx (GET OUT) styx - dropdead@mindspring.com http://www.dto.net/~styx/ "you're stupid." - doomed to obscurity ---------- Return-Path: Date: Fri, 13 Jun 1997 15:06:08 +1000 (EST) From: freakscene X-Sender: bgosling@supreme To: dropdead@mindspring.com Subject: nuking, whatever i read that posting to alt.irc, & you're quite right about most of the posters being immature, but it's not like you can talk, "you fucking piece of shit". you go on & on with your "fucked in the head" angst "bullshit"... i don't know whether you think you're funny, god's dead & you don't give a shit, or whatever, & "i don't care, you butt-poking anal baby". you're too caught up in the elite-underground-movement & don't spend enough time jamming cock up ugly h0z like everyone normal (normal meaning not obsessed with computers & trying to appear badass). i even think you listen to tool to appear cool. you probably look like murmur & have a bat whenever no-one else is home, & sometimes even when they _are_ home. you think they can't hear your grunts over the stereo playing prison sex? anyway, "fuck you", & stop making love to your fist & live a little. twat. ---------- after dabbing the tears from my eyes, i decided to sift through dejanews.com. here, you can do a search for old posts on USENET. i found this, posted by FreakSCeNe. i conclude with it. i think it speaks for itself! :) :) :) ---------- Subject: Re: Best IRC channels : WANTED From: FreakSCeNe Date: 1996/12/01 Message-Id: Newsgroups: alt.irc like, mogel will probably get ver, ver angry, but try #dto or #zines on efnet haha? they r0x like yeah! ohhhh baby. uh. / \ ..:.:::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.:::.::...:::.:.:..::.:.:.:.::..:.:.: \____/ @[FreakSCeNe --------------------]@ /\ /\ .ooo GGG (-o0-) @[bgosling@pcug.org.au ----------]@ | \/ | o o G __ | __ | @[*** PhEaR MogEl!@# ------------]@ | | `ooo GGG| (__U_) :..:::..:.:.::.:::..::..::..::::.:.::.::.:...::.:.::.::.::.:.:.:: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * (c) HoE publications. HoE #250 -- written by Styx -- 6/20/98 * .