'##::::'##:::'#####:::'########: VIVA LA REVOLUCION! CERDO DEL CAPITALISTA!! ##:::: ##::'##.. ##:: ##.....:: =========================================== ##:::: ##:'##:::: ##: ##::::::: THE HELOTS OF ECSTACY PRESS RELEASE #268 !! #########: ##:::: ##: ######::: ZIEGO VUANTAR SHALL BE MUCH VICTORIOUS! !! ##.... ##: ##:::: ##: ##...:::: =========================================== ##:::: ##:. ##:: ##:: ##::::::: "The Dorm Room Bong" !! ##:::: ##::. #####::: ########: by -> Neko !! ..:::::..::::.....::::........:: 11/4/98 !! !!========================================================================!! What you need: 1) Marijuana. You're at college. This should not be hard to find at all. 2) A dorm room. Again, you're at college, this should be easy to find. However, many colleges cost in excess of $20,000 a year, so this could be the most expensive bong you'll ever make. Trust me though, it's worth it. And if you think about going to a cheaper school and making this bong, remember: you get what you pay for! What to do: You must close the window(s) in your room and turn off the air conditioning. Seal up any ventilation holes using duct tape. Put insulation (like that shit the Pink Panther always used to hawk on TV commercials) on the crack underneath the door so no smoke escapes. Take up a collection of all the weed on campus, you'll need lots for your bong to work! Pile it all up in the center of your room (at least 2-3 feet inside, so that when the door opens it doesn't hit the weed!) and light it on fire. Once it's burning, close the door and have everyone stand outside. Wait 5-10 minutes. To take a hit, open the door, breathe deeply, close the door and wait another few minutes for the smoke to replenish. Depending on the amount of weed you use, you will get, quite possibly, the biggest high in your life. LSD helps, too. !!========================================================================!! !! (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! #268 -- WRITTEN BY: NEKO -- 11/4/98 !! .