'##::::'##:::'#####:::'########: VIVA LA REVOLUCION! CERDO DEL CAPITALISTA!! ##:::: ##::'##.. ##:: ##.....:: =========================================== ##:::: ##:'##:::: ##: ##::::::: THE HELOTS OF ECSTASY PRESS RELEASE #311 !! #########: ##:::: ##: ######::: ZIEGO VUANTAR SHALL BE MUCH VICTORIOUS! !! ##.... ##: ##:::: ##: ##...:::: =========================================== ##:::: ##:. ##:: ##:: ##::::::: "Moo, Oink, Quack, Meow" !! ##:::: ##::. #####::: ########: by -> Anjee !! ..:::::..::::.....::::........:: 12/6/98 !! !!========================================================================!! once upon a farm, on a time far far away, there were animals! one day, the farm animals were bored and wanted to experience something new -- cross breeding. the oink approached the moo in a very seductive manner, as they then proceeded to having mad hot farmsex. shortly after, a baby was born. they called it an oink-moo, and named the oink-moo "moo-oink". amazed and pleased with such a sight, the cock-a-doodle-doo and the quack-quack also decided to experience the joy of cross breeding. they spent the rest of the day doing the unthinkable in the back of the barn. after a short period of time, the quack gave birth to a beautiful baby. the baby turned out to be a doodle-quack, they named the doodle-quack "quack-doodle". the rest of the farm animals got excited with this new trend, and not very long after, the barn was filled with various farm animal moaning sounds. later on, meow-moos, quack-oinks, moo-doodles joined the oink-moo's and doodle-quacks. soon enough, the animals from a zoo nearby heard about the pleasures that the oink-moo's, doodle-quacks, meow-moo's, quack-oinks, and moo-doodles were having, so they quickly gathered together, broke out of the zoo and bolted towards the farm. the behhh's, roawrs, tssts, tweet-tweets, rib-ribbits, and ee-ee-ee's (monkeys) wasted no time and pounced into the pile of raging animal hormone action. the farmer and his wife, disturbed and curious about what the fuck was going on in the barn to make such a racket, opened the barn door and found themselves witnesses to a violent animal orgy. however, it seems as though -- before being rudely interrupted by the animal moans -- mr.farmer and mrs. farmer were in the middle of having sex. seeing such hot action in the barn turned them on as they quickly started fucking like (and with the) barnyard animals. a few weeks later, mr.farmer and mrs.farmer found out that they were going to give birth to *god knows what*. 7 months down the line, out popped... moo-oink-quack-doodle-behhh-roawr-tsst-tweet-ribbit-ee-ee out of her old and frail body. mr. farmer thought the situation was getting out of hand. rather displeased with this new development (that being newborn moo-oink-quack-doodle-behhh-roawr-tsst-tweet-ribbit-ee-ee and the excessive amount of animals in the barn), the farmer quickly fled to the shed to get his shotgun. upon his return, several gunshots were heard. the mean mean farmer had shot all the oink-moo's, doodle-quacks, meow-moo's, quack-oinks, moo-doodles, behhh-ribbits, tsst-ee-ee's, roawr-tweets, rib-tssts, doodle-tssts, the moo-oink-quack-doodle-behhh-roawr-tsst-tweet-ribbit-ee-ee and his wife! TSK TSK. within no time, all the oink-moo's, doodle-quacks, meow-moo's, quack-oinks, moo-doodles, behhh-ribbits, tsst-ee-ee's, roawr-tweets, rib-tssts, doodle-tssts, the moo-oink-quack-doodle-behhh-roawr-tsst- -tweet-ribbit-ee-ee and his wife drowned in their puddles of animal blood. THE END. *the moral of this story is: life sucks and then you die.* [please excuse my 5 year old vocabulary, it just seems to fit with the story.] !!========================================================================!! !! (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! #311 - WRITTEN BY: ANJEE - 12/6/98 !! .