'##::::'##:::'#####:::'########: VIVA LA REVOLUCION! CERDO DEL CAPITALISTA!! ##:::: ##::'##.. ##:: ##.....:: =========================================== ##:::: ##:'##:::: ##: ##::::::: THE HELOTS OF ECSTASY PRESS RELEASE #331 !! #########: ##:::: ##: ######::: ZIEGO VUANTAR SHALL BE MUCH VICTORIOUS! !! ##.... ##: ##:::: ##: ##...:::: =========================================== ##:::: ##:. ##:: ##:: ##::::::: "Regarding Webster" !! ##:::: ##::. #####::: ########: by -> Mogel !! ..:::::..::::.....::::........:: 12/11/98 !! !!========================================================================!! We may remember Emmanuel Lewis on the clever ABC sitcom "Webster", however, do you remember the the absolute TORTURE that this POOR BOY experienced? You probably don't -- you were busy laughing at the "cute" antics, however, Webster's story is the story of complete mockery. Here's the truth: Webster was not, in fact, a boy at all! Emmanuel Lewis is an adult midget. His growth was completely stunted, and ever since the age of 12, he has basically looked the same. "The same" being the appearance of being a small child. Rather than speculate the possible "other, dark life" of Emmanuel Lewis, which would probably be far more interesting than what I'm going to write here, I would just like to say that Emmanuel Lewis must be so fucked up. Can you imagine the kind of ridicule and abuse that he has put up with his entire life? Imagine it: here you are, a grown man, with the appearance of a small child. Every day of your life, you must wake up in the morning and deal with the world knowing that you are, in fact, physically stuck at the size of a small child, at 3" 4'. The fucked up part is the fact that he did the television show, though. What mockery! Can you imagine the executives at ABC trying to pitch this to him? "We've got this great part for you. You get to play a child! We feel that you'd be perfect for the part, because you RESEMBLE THE SIZE OF A SMALL CHILD." He went on television for years, fooling quite a number of people into believing that he was, in fact, a small child. Because he looks just like one! Every action that Webster would have to make on the show would be an absolute mockery. "Here's your lunchbox, MAN WHO RESEMBLES A SMALL CHILD." "Isn't the MAN WHO RESEMBLES A SMALL CHILD cute drawing in his coloring book?" "It's time to take a bath, MAN WHO RESEMBLES A SMALL CHILD." George Papadapolis, if there is a Hell, you'll see Trent there. I leave you now with the lyrics to the Webster Theme Song. The irony is there, and it stings. "Set in my ways losing track of the days Only me to live for. Had no need to give more Than I wanted to. Spending my time just holding the line Never getting caught up. Love was never brought up It's not the thing to do. It was you, Then came you. You made me leap without taking a look. It was you, Then came you. You reeled me right in line, sinker, and hook. Never thought forever was the best I could do. Then came you. It was you Then came you. It was you. Me and you. Then came you." !!========================================================================!! !! (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS #331 - WRITTEN BY: MOGEL - 12/11/98 !! .